<a href=" "> Using Erotic Massage to Bring You Closer
with your Partner & Sexual Bliss
<a href=" "> The Ultimate Guide To Eating Pussy Like A
Savage </a>
<a href=" "> Better Sexual Intimacy: 10 Questions To Ask
To Go Deep In Your Relationship
<a href="
"> The Spoiling Session: The
Best Sexual Exercise For Couples
<a href="
"> Should You Schedule Sex? Do
it the Right Way </a>
<a href="
"> Couples Erotic Sensual
Massage An Illustrated Guide </a>
<a href=" "> Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50
Demonstrated </a>
<a href="
"> Affectionate Sex Positions
Over 100 Illustrated </a>
<a href="
"> Sexual Roleplays with Over
100 Demonstrated Sex Games </a>
<a href="
"> 365 Sex Moves; Positions for
Having Sex a New Way Everyday </a>
<a href=" "> Couples Sex Guide with OVER 100
Demonstrated Sex Positions </a>
<a href=" "> Couples Guide To Increasing Quantity &
Quality Of Sex </a>
<a href=" "> Female Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate
G-Spot Orgasm </a>
<a href=" "> Ejaculation by Command – the Ultimate
Blueprint to Superior Sexual Endurance </a>
<a href=" "> Male Multi-Orgasm Masturbation Techniques
<a href="
"> Male Virgin; Illustrated
Guide For First time Sex with a Woman </a>
<a href="
"> Female Orgasm 101;
Preparation, Building & Delivering it </a>
<a href=" "> Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man
Crazy </a>
<a href="
"> Penis Massage 101: The
No-Penetration Guide To Pleasuring Him </a>
365 Sex Moves; Positions for Having Sex a New Way Everyday -
Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated -
Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide -
Sexual Roleplays with Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games -
Penis Massage 101: The No-Penetration Guide To Pleasuring
Him -
Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building & Delivering it
Male Virgin; An Illustrated Guide For First time Sex with a
Woman -
Reads for Couples
Couples Erotic Sensual
Massage An Illustrated Guide
Oral Sex Moves for Him
& Her Over 50 Demonstrated
Affectionate Sex
Positions Over 100 Illustrated
Sexual Roleplays with
Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games
365 Sex Moves;
Positions for Having Sex a New Way Everyday
Couples Sex Guide with
OVER 100 Demonstrated Sex Positions
Couples Guide To
Increasing Quantity & Quality Of Sex
Reads for Guys
Female Ejaculation;
Unleash the Ultimate G-Spot Orgasm
Ejaculation by Command
– the Ultimate Blueprint to Superior Sexual Endurance
Male Multi-Orgasm
Masturbation Techniques
Male Virgin; An
Illustrated Guide For First time Sex with a Woman
Female Orgasm 101;
Preparation, Building & Delivering it
Reads for Ladies
Goddess of Sex;
Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy
Penis Massage 101:*Plus
A Perfect Blowjob* The No-Penetration Guide To Pleasuring Him
[365 Sex Moves;
Positions for Having Sex a New Way Everyday](
Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated](
[Couples Erotic
Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
Roleplays with Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games](
[Penis Massage 101:
The No-Penetration Guide To Pleasuring Him](
[Female Orgasm 101;
Preparation, Building & Delivering it](
[Male Virgin; An
Illustrated Guide For First time Sex with a Woman](
Search words
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This guide has a nicely detailed road map drawn for you
Anyway if you want to polish your skills on eating pussy
like a savage then this guide has a nicely detailed road map drawn for you
Reddit answers
If you’re approaching countdown towards your first
experience of sexual intercourse, then fear not—everything you need to know is
right here.
I pay close attention to suicidal people on the internet and
keep a chart. Every time I believe a person has done it I put a tick in the
chart. If the chart reaches 100 people I will commit suicide too as if so many
other people are doing it, then maybe it’s not too bad of a thing and theres no
hope after all (plus it destroys my saviors complex as I believe my only reason
to be alive is to help others). Right now I’m at 17 people. Please don’t make
it 18. I know I’m selfish for wanting you, a random stranger to stay alive even
though you’re suffering but it really gives me hope to see others like me who
are able to crawl out of this suffocating hole. It depends on your morals, and
I in no way wish for you to suffer cause of my selfishness but maybe consider
the impact of hope it gives people seeing others like them overcome this hell.
I understand if you do choose to do it, and please don’t feel ashamed if you
do! It’s a perfectly reasonable choice.
Have you thought of how you could help others? Like volunteering
for non profit organizations or being a counselor and helping others that are
suicidal. Most people don’t give a fuck about these things so it really does
make a difference for you to do these. Even if you only improve one persons
life it is worth it imo. It feels great to help someone, especially when you
feel like a useless pile of shit. It gives you a purpose.
Right! You must be exhausted. That’s a long time to be
putting on a performance. I’d like to know why you came up with orgasm dodging
as a way of “managing” your sex life in the first place. When you’re not in it
for love or increased intimacy, an orgasm seems a rudimentary prize for the
effort involved.
Perhaps you entered this union with little expectation of
longevity? That may even be the crux of your problem – a physical manifestation
of an emotional block to exposure and vulnerability.
My suspicion is that making such a choice originally was
about more than simply indicating that the fun was over. Pursuing an active sex
life with a long-term partner, while forgoing climax, suggests a desire to keep
your feelings under wraps. What you have been cheating your boyfriend of isn’t
simply the pleasure of knowing that he’s fulfilling his share of the sexual
deal, but also real access to you.
Of course, sex is more than simply about satisfaction and
many people enjoy the intimacy involved in foreplay and acts of physical
closeness as much as (if not more than) the orgasm itself. Nevertheless, having
intercourse without ever experiencing physical release must be like being a
cook who can’t taste food.
You don’t make clear whether it’s an impossibility for you
or you just don’t invest the effort in pursuing your own satisfaction. I’m not
a sex therapist, but if it’s the former, you need to look for further
[practical advice through self exploration
This is a big thing to keep from your boyfriend and it’s a
deception that can’t continue. Having an orgasm may not be a priority for you,
but honesty in your relationship has to be. There is clearly something not
working. The more I think about your dilemma the more questions I have, which
makes it difficult to offer advice. In such a position of ignorance, the best I
can do is confirm that maintaining the current status quo is not an option.
With sex be it men or women. "Trying" and worrying
about orgasm always makes it harder to reach. Try some time to climax RIGHT
NOW! You will probably find it isin't easy. Women have the same problem
perhapes a little worse.
What you do in bed also has a big impact on how often she
reaches orgasm. I don't know about her but if all we did was intercourse I
would probably never have an orgasm. Oral sex works for me and for many years
our "routine" was for him to get me to climax that way and then we
finished with intercourse so he could climax.
We saw a very good educational sex video where the couple
put a Hitachi Magic Wand vibe between them while they did intercourse. All I
can say is RUN to the store and get one. If you want her to more easily climax?
This will help. She may have to put a towel between it and her but wow... It so
works for us and is the normal way we have intercourse.
Try not to "obsess" about whats going on with her
orgasm wise. Taking off the pressure and NOT being annoying and asking every
time "Did you come?" is a good start. I can't tell you how unbearable
old being asked if I came can be. If she has a problem that she wants you to
deal with let her tell you. ok?
Good luck.
You could decide to write him an email for which here is a
copy I got from last week's deadbedroom issue of a certain Reddit lady, she
claimed it improved her situation so adapt it to your situation. She claimed
they then put aside times of the week to connect and be intimate. During these
times you could choose to do various things like massage, playing with your
partner’s hair etc. Massage is helpful too and I recommend [Couples Erotic
Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
Below is a copy of her email:
“Good morning my love.
I know you are starting another busy week so I don't want a
response to any of the following until sometime Saturday, both to take pressure
off you and to allow you time to think.
It is important to me that we revisit our lack of a sex
life. It has been more than a full year since we last had sex. The year before
I believe our encounters could be counted on two hands, maybe one. I want to
remind us both that it wasn't always that way.
We've talked about the “why” of our lack of a sex life many
times and I encourage you to continue to question that and convey your answers
to me honestly, but I think it is also time to ask new questions.
I want you to take the week to consider: Are you interested
in having a sexual relationship (with me)? If no, well that's a whole series of
conversations we need to have. If yes, what would that look like to you
ideally? What do you want/need from me to make that happen? What are you
willing to do to make that happen?
Please give this thought and talk to me on Saturday. I would
prefer if you initiate the conversation this time, as it has fallen to me every
I love you so much.”
Adapt it to your situation and see if it helps
Many men like to have sex with women who actively
participate. Actively participating just means meeting his thrusts with your
own thrusts, grinding your hips, and flexing your PC muscles (the muscles that
stretch from your pubic bone to the tail bone. These are all things you can do
from whatever position you’re currently in.
You can also use your hands to squeeze your guy’s arms and
and pull his body closer to yours, or use your lips to explore more of his
bod—all these moves will let him know you’re loving the action.
He wants different
If you’re a couple who does it missionary on the bed a few
nights a week, it could be possible that both you and your partner are craving
something different every now and then. After all, part of the reason something
like hotel sex is so damn appealing is because humans crave novelty. No one is
suggesting you go out of your comfort zone just to please some dude, but hey,
if the idea occurs to you that it might be hot to have him spin you around and
bone you from behind against your kitchen that.
Though my answer can not be long enough to give you the
gritty dirty tricks, you can get all that in this guide
Invest in trying out sex positions and depending on your
body types that pretty much can turn into a sexual adventure and trying the
best fits until you have made your own bedroom collection of the best moves. in
the process both of you will start to open up for more moves which will include
oral sex and acting out fantasies. Trust me it works
To get started [here you will get a full list of 365 sex
positions]( for the whole
Good luck ….Enjoy!!!
Your size is very much ideal, In fact, due to the setup of
our genital anatomy, a penis that’s on the smaller side should be able to do
the job just as sufficiently as one that could have its own postcode. It’s
important to keep in mind that intercourse isn’t the most pleasurable sexual
activity for a woman. They don’t have many nerve endings inside vaginas, and
the ones they do have are clustered near the opening of the vagina, not the
deepest part, so a man doesn’t have to be very big to create pleasurable
sensations. Most women tend to enjoy a sense of fullness, which comes from
girth. That seems to be more important than overall length.
The trick is [finding the right sex positions for your
bodies]( Slippage can
sometimes be an issue, so sex positions that favour tight fits are best. Doggy
style can be a good option. So too can modified missionary, a guy scoots her up
a couple of inches before penetrating
and uses a rocking motion instead of thrusts, and girl on top.
Remember it's not important how big your penis is, it's how
you use it that counts
Good luck ….Enjoy!!!
Here is the thing, when couples stop having sex, their
relationships become vulnerable to anger, detachment, infidelity and,
ultimately, divorce.
I would definitely advice that you put aside times of the
week to connect and be intimate. During these times you could choose to do
various things like massage, playing with your partner’s hair etc. The benefits
of touch are many! The oxytocin released during this makes you feel good about
your partner and the relationship you created together. Scientifically, these
hormones are responsible for building trust and emotional connections. They're
brought on by sexual and non-sexual touching. This building of trust between
partners is what you will need to restore your connection. Now if your marriage
has taken a turn for the worse what kind of touching is still viable and easy
to start on? Massage would be my go to answer and [I recommend this guide for
couples]( and both of you will love the activity
If you commit to do this, then do not forget during these
sessions to take part of that intimate time discussing how best you can fix the
thorny issue in your relationship. Trust me the solution is just to have sex
with your partner. I know, when you’re not feeling it, the last thing you want
to do is have sex. But here’s the thing: Sex begets sex. The more you have, the
more you want. Both men and women have testosterone in their bodies, and when
you don’t have sex for a while, your testosterone levels drop. Since
testosterone is a big contributor to sex drive, that means your libido drops
too. Set a sex goal with your partner. Try making a commitment to have sex
twice a week for a month and see how you feel.
Good luck ….Enjoy!!!
When you have a medical issues, sex can involve a
complicated mix of feelings, emotions and practical considerations. Many people
diagnosed with a chronic illness feel great grief and loss – and deep concern
over what their diagnosis means for their life. How they might continue to
enjoy sex is just one of those concerns.
A diagnosis of a medical issues can turn your entire world
upside down – so everyday activities like having sex with your partner may feel
overwhelming, difficult, painful or even lost to you. Your body may not
function as it once did or you may be experiencing pain or limited mobility,
which can all make having sex challenging.
But sex is still very possible when you have medical issues.
If you and your partner are willing to be creative and caring in your approach
to physical intimacy, this important aspect of your life can continue –
regardless of your medical issues. I would definitely advice that you put aside
times of the week to connect and be intimate. During these times she could give
you [truly satisfying manual stimulation and handjobs](
Good luck
Try enjoying a
lighthearted, indoor ‘Nil Penetration Playtime Picnic’ on a lazy, loungy Sunday
afternoon: it’s a less tense and intense time than the night, when you might be
tired, or worried about what’s coming up the next day.
Get some finger food – no pun intended! – and some booze or
decadent non-alcoholic fizz, put on some music and sit opposite each other on
the bed in comfy undies or robes. Mix up chatting and snacking with touching,
stroking, kissing, and erotic massage if the mood takes you. If your bedroom
has accidentally become a place that’s centred around frantic fucking and
insomniac fretting, this helps rebrand it as a space for chilled thrills too.
Types of vaginas
Ms. Curtains
This is the most common shape, where the labia minora peek
out from in between the labia majora
While many people think that everything tucked in is common,
this frequently-seen package may not be entirely symmetrical.
Ms. Barbie
Many people think the
labia minora (the inner lips) being fully tucked inside the labia majora (the
outer lips) is the most common shape on a woman, but it's actually very rare
In contrast, the rarest shape was a type named Ms. Barbie,
where the labia minora are completely concealed from view inside the labia
Many celebrities have spoken out about getting designer
vaginas, which have everything tucked in.
Ms. Tulip
Women who have the
Ms. Tulip have a labia minora which is slightly visible between the labia
It is a more tucked-in version of Ms. Curtains.
Ms. Horseshoe
Those with Ms.
Horseshoe have a vagina opening that looks wider at the top, revealing the
labia minora
Meanwhile, clients with the Ms. Horseshoe have a vagina
opening that looks wider at the top.
This means that the labia minora is slightly revealed and
may be seen.
Ms. Puffs.
This shape is similar to the Ms. Barbie shape, but with the
lips of the vagina sitting lower on the pubic bone
Finally, Ms. Puffs is similar to Ms. Barbie but with the
lips of the vagina sitting lower on the pubic bone.
As the name suggests, the surrounding area may be slightly
more protruding.
Here you will also find [Vagina Massage; Complete Guide into
Pleasuring Her with Your
What is the best way to make a woman have an orgasm?
Just use positions which compliment her anatomy so that you
increase the chances of both of you exploding together. There are two places on
the body that are critical to female orgasm. Here's how to stimulate them so
she can achieve orgasm. By the way you can also read [this full guide](
The clitoris
This tiny organ contains a high concentration of nerve
endings and can be found near the top of the vulva. The clitoris is covered by
a little bit of skin called the "clitoral hood," which keeps it from
being stimulated all the time, so you may have to coax the clitoris out by
touching or licking it. Once she's aroused, the hood will draw back and the
clitoris will become erect.
The G-spot
This other orgasmic area is located inside the vagina. It's
a bundle of nerve endings about two inches up from the pubic bone on the inner,
upper wall of the vagina. To find the G-spot, gently slide your finger inside
her vagina with your palm facing up, then curl your finger up. Be warned — some
women love having their G-spot directly stimulated, while others prefer less
pressure on this sensitive area. Explore different techniques and ask your
partner which she likes best.
My husband doesn’t want to have sex anymore
I’m sorry that you’re dealing with such a difficult issue in
your marriage. Though you aren’t alone in this—sexual issues are common in
marriages—you must feel extremely lonely. You may also feel rejected, angry,
and helpless, especially because you seem to have no explanation for why this
is going on. But you don’t have to resign yourself to an untenable sacrifice.
So let’s look at what you can do.
Whatever the reason, your husband is probably carrying a
heavy burden—and in his own way, he probably feels as alone in his pain as you
do. It’s less likely that your husband has no interest in sex (at least, in
theory), and more likely that he has no interest in opening what to him might
feel like a Pandora’s box.
So back to the broader issue, which is something you can
talk to him about. When doing so, try approaching him from a place of curiosity
rather than blame. Instead of saying, “I need us to have sex again”—a demand
that makes it seem as if he’s the problem—you can say something like, “I don’t
want us to have so much conflict around sex, and I certainly don’t want to feel
like I’m nagging you. I just want you to know that I miss feeling close to you,
and not just physically. On the one hand, we’re such good friends, and on the
other, I feel like there’s a lot we don’t know about each other. Can we talk
about what’s going on between us?”
In response, he may say, “Nothing’s going on,” but rather
than let that be the end of the conversation (as I imagine you’ve both done in
the past), you can say, “Something is going on between us if we’re not able to
talk about the ways we’re not connecting. I don’t need you to have sex with me
right now, but I do need you to be my partner and talk to me.” Let him know
that you’re asking for a conversation because you love him and want your
marriage to work. Finally, tell him that if he doesn’t feel comfortable talking
to you quite yet, you’re willing to help in any way possible to find a place
where he does feel comfortable. This establishes that you two are a team, and
is different from what sounds like a pattern of “negotiating” or “suggesting”
to no avail. Here, you’re being vulnerable and compassionate, but direct: This
is about how we relate to each other and get through difficulties as a couple.
If we can’t work through tough things together—whether that’s sex or anything
else—I don’t think we’re going to last.
Lastly try to agree on one small step you can both take
right away to signal your intention to work on this issue. A good place to
start could be scheduling intimate times for massages, not necessary detailed
but some form of fulfilling touch. Even if its not sex I always find that
massage works wonders and you won’t feel pressured like sex. A massage between
couples can be as tame as a clothed shoulder rub, or something much more
involved and sensual. Whatever option you choose, treating each other to a
massage is likely to increase trust, induce relaxation, and create feelings of
deep enjoyment.
The benefits of massage are many! The oxytocin released during
this makes you feel good about your partner and the relationship you created
together. Scientifically, these hormones are responsible for building trust and
emotional connections. They're brought on by sexual and non-sexual touching.
This building of trust between partners is what you will need to restore your
connection. See [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
If you commit to do this, then do not forget after these
massage sessions to take part of that intimate time discussing how best you can
fix the thorny issue (less sex) in your relationship. Trust me commitment makes
all the difference.
With all my high level degrees and PHD's, I stumbled upon these questions
If poison expires,
is it more poisonous or is it no longer poisonous?
Which letter is
silent in the word "Scent," the S or the C?
Do twins ever
realize that one of them is unplanned?
Why is the letter
W, in English, called double U? Shouldn't it be called double V?
Maybe oxygen is
slowly killing you and It just takes 75-100 years to fully work.
Every time you
clean something, you just make something else dirty.
The word
"swims" upside-down is still "swims".
100 years ago everyone
owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the
rich own horses.
If you replace
"W" with "T" in "What, Where and When", you get
the answer to each of them.
If you rip a hole
in a net, there are actually fewer holes in it than there were before.
The vast majority of the sex in porn IS realistic.
Not necessarily sex but more to do with intimacy, you really
need to create some time to touch, kiss, oral, sex etc. But remember when it
comes to sex just like shoe sizes, there is only one exact fit and everything
else is either too big or too small. I advise you use these intimacy ideas [365 Sex Moves;
Positions for Having Sex a New Way Everyday](
Confidence with having sex again after getting out of a relationship
Just like someone said above Don't assume that what someone
tells you during a breakup is true. It's most likely just spiteful anger.
Get an understanding partner who will also recognize that
penetration is not the ‘be all and end all’. Sexual pleasure is easily
attainable in other ways, through foreplay and oral sex, for example. When you
experience orgasm with your partner regularly even without intercourse, you
become more connected and more comfortable with each other – and your bedroom
skills are eventually likely to be better than most, since you won’t be taking
any shortcuts! [Goddess of
Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
Over time you will get more confident in bed because you’ll
know that you can both enjoy yourselves without penetration. When you feel you
have reached this point, you might start attempting penetration more often, but
without pressuring yourself.
For National Boyfriends Day, I spent the whole day having great sex
Next Try the erotic intensity of a pompoir-powered union in
any style, hard or soft. Pompoir is a profound contribution to the entire
spectrum of lovemaking that yields a new erotic universe. Dependence on male
thrusting alone to reach the heights of erotic glory is like trying to win a
foot race on one leg.
For you, this can be a very rewarding experience. In pompoir
the penis can be fondled, caressed, griped, massaged, milked, licked, inundated
and rippled as a whole or in sections using only the vagina. But don’t think
that the fun is all only his. The experience is uniquely arousing and
satisfying for you, too.
The idea is well covered and explained in this guide; [Goddess of
Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
Awkward sex with my bf
What you felt is very natural; do not beat yourself about
it. You can actually tell him. BUT…..
To have the TV on during sex in my opinion is the biggest
turn off ever. If it were me I would turn the TV off because to me it’s not the
kind of thing you want in the background because as you found out its just a
big distraction and an unnecessary distraction. My suggestion would be to
either insist that the TV is turned off and thus allow you both to get in the
mood the correct way ( I.E No Distractions at all ) . Sex or lovemaking is
supposed to be a sensual act.
Additionally and naturally you will also appreciate this
guide [Goddess
of Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
My (F23) partner (M27) has recently re downloaded Instagram
An open conversation about the negative effects may be
helpful. While it is a difficult topic to approach, both of you should express
how the pornography usage make you feel without interruption and judgment from
the other person. If the conversation turns into an argument, you should take a
break and come back to the topic after anger and frustration have subsided.
Work on healing as a couple. When both individuals are
committed to working together to have a healthy relationship, they can begin to
repair it. While this process may take time, it is possible to build or rebuild
a loving and connected relationship. Some of the areas that may need to be
addressed include trust, gaining empathy and moving from anger to forgiveness.
Gaining communication skills and new ways of approaching intimacy as a couple
may also help the relationship. In this regard you will find this guide
helpful; [Couples
Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
What’s important to remember overall is that too much of
anything is a bad thing. Whether that be booze or boobs, the difference is
If you and your partner have a sexual desire mismatch — that
is, if one of you is a highly sexual person, and the other is not — it’s
important to remember that neither of you is wrong. There’s no such thing as a
“normal” amount of sex to have, and there’s no abstract ideal toward which you
should be striving. In matters of taste, there can be no dispute; sexuality is
highly individual, and you cannot be faulted for wanting what you want.
Similarly, if your partner is less interested in sex than
you are, and this leads to your being repeatedly turned down, try not to take
your partner’s refusals personally. First of all, you may need to come to terms
with the way sexual relationships normally change over time. (It’s also fair to
say that while sex can be a very healthy and satisfying part of a good
relationship, not every couple needs to have sex to be happy together.) In
making an adjustment to a partner’s reduced (or naturally lower) desire for
sex, another part of your task is to understand your partner’s view of
sexuality and to accept that he or she is different from you. Despite the
frustration of being repeatedly turned down by one’s partner, remember that
this can lead to a catch-22: such refusals can make you feel angry, which can
result in resentfully pushing your partner away — which, in turn, can make it
even less likely that your partner will want to be intimate with you. This
refusal-resentment cycle is a pattern that needs to be identified and broken.
Once you’re aware of it, you can try to be more loving with your partner as a
way of escaping the pattern.
High Sex Drive VS Low Sex Drive
The higher-desire partner may also want to consider the way
that they are initiating sex if they are being turned down frequently. Perhaps
something about this is going against the grain for the other party or simply
failing to turn him or her on. Be sure to respect your partner’s needs, and
conform to the circumstances that he or she says are necessary (such as a
shower, or darkness, or a certain time of day). Also, the lower-desire partner
may simply need more time before responding to a sexual overture. It’s
important to take interpersonal pressure out of the equation, so that the
lower-desire partner can ease into it and, if things go well, start to feel
more receptive. What’s more, the decision to have sex doesn’t need to be an
all-or-nothing one, either. If you and your partner can be open to multiple
options, rather than simple intercourse, the lower-desire partner may feel more
comfortable saying “yes” to some kind of physical closeness or sexual activity
— whatever it might be. See [Couples Erotic
Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
Every sexual relationship is different: There is no “normal”
and nothing “correct” to strive for. Every couple with differing levels of
sexual desire needs to manage the discrepancy individually. With open
communication, a commitment to compromise, a flexible approach to sexual
activity, and full respect for the other’s rights and needs, each couple can
find a unique solution.
Sex Will Break My Marriage
When the amount of sex in a relationship causes problems,
it’s essential to open up a dialogue about it. The best place to do this is
outside the bedroom, in a comfortable setting. Have realistic expectations; in
other words, when you begin this challenging conversation, don’t imagine that
the issue will be resolved all at once. Take your time and revisit it over a
few days. It’s not always easy to talk about sex with your partner or to feel
comfortable discussing exactly what you like in the bedroom. You’ll have to
gain comfort with this over time, as you talk about what you want and what your
partner wants. Be open-minded, as well; don’t assume that you and your partner
want to do the same things in bed. Take the “menu” approach by talking more
openly about the various possibilities of sexual intimacy, and by listening
Since you are the high-desire partner, you’ll also want to
know whether some aspect of sex has become uncomfortable, so that you can avoid
triggering this discomfort. For that matter, it is equally helpful to find out
what your partner does like, and what sex means to her. For many people, sex is
not just about physical pleasure. It is a way of experiencing deep intimacy,
communicating affection, or solidifying a partnership. If you and your partner
can be open about what sex means to you both, you may be able to find ways to
accomplish these goals without having the kind of sex that triggers conflict or
discomfort. And lastly, while the conversation about sex is ongoing, try to
introduce physical affection into your relationship without relying on
sexuality. Cuddling, or massage, or simply touch can bring about many of the
emotional experiences that some people reach for during sex. Affectionate
physical contact can do a lot to reaffirm a relational connection. You will
greatly appreciate this guide [Couples Erotic
Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
It’s also true that, in some cases, discrepant approaches to
sexuality cannot be fully rectified. Infidelity may result, as one member of
the couple may feel as if he has become desperate. If this is the case, you may
have arrived at a moment that calls for real honesty. If you really believe you
are frustrated enough to break your promises to your partner, she deserves to
hear what you are contemplating, and why. Explain that you have been unhappy,
and that you really do not know what else you can do. In some cases, couples
may come to terms by reconsidering monogamy; it’s sometimes possible to sustain
a relationship by meeting one’s sexual needs elsewhere. But at the very
minimum, your partner deserves honesty, even if the relationship as it is
cannot continue.
So my girlfriend and me have been having issues
Firstly: know it’s highly likely not about you, dad…It’s no
secret… after having a baby, the frequency at which couples have sex usually
takes a dive. The reasons for this are many and varied. Every woman – as well
as her birth and parenting experience – is unique. As are the reasons for her
non-existent libido after she’s had a baby.
She’s Already Had Someone All Over Her All Day - Don’t take
it personally, dad… but after having a baby or toddler attached to her all day,
the last thing she may want is someone on her all night! Personal space can be
huge factor for some mothers, who feel like their touch or sensory bucket is
overflowing. They may feel like everyone wants a piece of their body when they
have none for themselves. These women especially need more me time.
Some mothers describe it as feeling used, invaded and even
violated. Yes, these are strong words, but remember, once when humans lived in
communities, raising children involved the whole village. Everyone shared and
helped out with responsibilities, including raising the children.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Find ways to take your baby off her hands
whenever you can. Play with baby or wear your baby (in a sling or carrier)
while she has a break or cooks dinner or has a shower. Talk to her about
scheduling regular dad and baby time each week. Alternately getting some help
from friends, family or paid help during the day can help. Reclaiming some of
her personal space by having regular baby-free time will make a massive difference
to her – and your relationship.
Having said all this, Sometimes it’s helpful to SCHEDULE
times of the week to connect and be intimate. During these times you could
choose to do various things like massage, playing with your partner’s hair. .
Even if its not sex I always find that massage works wonders and you won’t feel
pressured like sex. A massage between couples can be as tame as a clothed
shoulder rub, or something much more involved and sensual. Whatever option you
choose, treating each other to a massage is likely to increase trust, induce
relaxation, and create feelings of deep enjoyment.
The benefits of massage are many! The oxytocin released
during this makes you feel good about your partner and the relationship you
created together. Scientifically, these hormones are responsible for building
trust and emotional connections. They're brought on by sexual and non-sexual
touching. This building of trust between partners is what you will need to
restore your connection.
Now if your marriage has taken a turn for the worse what
kind of touching is still viable and easy to start on? Massage would be my go
to answer and my recommendation for the book you need for just that kind of
activity and both of you will love the activity: [Couples
Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
If you commit to do this, then do not forget after these
sessions to take part of that intimate time discussing how best you can fix the
thorny issue in your relationship. Trust me commitment makes all the
Sexual attraction after weight loss
Your complaints about your husband’s appearance veer from
things he can’t control to things he can. It’s not fair to criticize him for a
lot of excess skin. Such changes happen. Not only this but wait for
it…..wrinkles in all the wrong places. I’d hope that, as you mature yourself,
you’ll gain the wisdom and empathy to tolerate inevitable physical
How should couples handle this situation? I hate to tell
you, but the solution is to discuss it.
Yes, you might hurt your husband’s feelings, but he deserves to hear about your
feelings. Bring up the subject as matter-of-factly as you can, focusing on
solutions instead of problems. Obviously, those solutions include looking for
more flattering sex positions and for that check [Affectionate
Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated](
But the ultimate solution involves you rather than him.
Accept that your husband looks the he does now and find a way to enjoy it,
because there truly are enjoyable elements in your relationship. If you’re
lucky, he’ll do the same for you when such changes will inevitable come at some
stage to your body.
Good luck…..Enjoy!!!
Wanting to have a close intimate relationship without regularly initiating
But in many relationships couples fall into the pattern of
the man being the only one to suggest having sex. I think this is mainly
because society's norms suggest that men should pursue and women should be
pursued. The result may be that women tend to be less comfortable initiating
sex. Or it may be that women tend to use subtle, indirect cues -- which may not
be consciously noticed -- to initiate sexual activity, while men use more
direct verbal requests and other measures.
Anyway women who initiate sex frequently are often very
sexually satisfied to begin with, and this enables them to be more at ease
about expressing their sexual desires. A woman who initiates sex also often
stimulates her partner's sex drive and his desire for her, which helps drive
this entire pattern.
Several studies have found that many men like it when their
female partner initiates sex. If your sex life lacks equity, speak with your
partner about your concerns, To improve the balance, use this approach: Buy a supply of marbles in two
different colors, one for each partner. Put them near an empty glass bowl.
Whenever you or your partner initiates sex, place a marble into the bowl. At
the end of the year, strive to have roughly equal numbers of both colors in the
By the way in the process you may also need [Affectionate
Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated](
Good luck ….. enjoy!!!
SO faked his orgasm last night: let it go or say something
People fake orgasms for all sorts of reasons – they’re tired
and want to speed things up, they’re having fun but know they won’t be able to
come, they don’t want to make you feel bad, and so on. But if you suspect
that’s happening… what can you do? Is there a way to bring up the issue as a
way to make sex better, without coming off accusatory or grumpy? yes. Don’t
just simmer away resenting your partner for faking orgasms. have a proper chat
when you’re not having sex to work out what’s going on. Someone faking an
orgasm during sex isn’t a personal failing on either part, but it does indicate
a struggle to be honest. Why does the faker feel they have to fake? That’s what
you need to discuss – not just why they aren’t having an orgasm. The key to
maintaining a healthy relationship is good communication. If your partner is
faking it then that does indicate a breakdown in communication, because one of
you isn’t being honest.
Timing is everything ‘The time to raise it is after your
partner has had a real orgasm. ‘You can then say, “That was great – why wasn’t
it like that last week?” And then look at the reasons why your sex together is
sometimes mediocre and your partner feels the need to fake.’ Bringing up the
conversation seemingly out of the blue can make your partner feel ambushed,
while doing it immediately after a fake orgasm risks an argument coming out of the
Veer away from criticism Okay, It would be pretty strange
for someone to fake an orgasm to hurt your feelings – they’re likely doing it
with the best of intentions – so it’s not wise to express annoyance or anger
that they’ve faked. how you approach this matter is what makes all the
difference. You could start with, “It’s so much fun being in bed with you, and
I was wondering if we could spice things up a bit by making it even better…”
or, “Wouldn’t it be fun to try something new that might make sex even more fun
for us both?” ‘It might be a good idea to start with an incremental approach,
rather than out of the blue and make sure that your approaches to your partner
are always done with love and respect.’ Ask and listen without judgement Like I
said, people fake for all sorts of reasons, and if you want your partner to
quit the faux-gasms it’s crucial they feel comfortable being totally honest.
Ask why they’ve been faking and listen to the answer without jumping in too
quickly with solutions. A faked orgasm is very often a one-off thanks to
tiredness or a night out, and that isn’t something that points to larger
By the way, while we are still on the subject of making sex
better here is a guide to be ; [Goddess of Sex;
Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
How can we explore her orgasms?
Orgasms are typically produced by stimulating nerves in the
pelvic region that roughly correspond to the clitoris, the vagina, and the
cervix. That being said, most women need some type of clitoral stimulation to
achieve orgasm. Having your partner start from there can greatly increase your
chance of orgasming.
If she Gets clear about factors that impact her orgasms the
most opens up space for change. When it comes to sharing this information you,
the key is to be specific. Often, she may feel like it is enough to say ‘Can
you touch my clit more?’ Instead, she should give suggestions that guide you on
how you should do something rather than just what you should do. For example,
‘I’ve noticed that light touches on my clitoris turn me on the most but to
actually orgasm I need the pressure to increase gradually. Maybe I can say
harder when I am ready for more pressure during sex?’ Detailed requests like
this are easier if she knows you very well and can talk about sex outside of
the bedroom. But if you are simply hooking up communicating will be different.
She can also try something simple but clear-cut like, ‘Can you move your tongue
up but keep doing what you’re doing? Yeah, there is perfect.’ All this you
should give her freedom and courage to explain to you.
Anyway you would also find this guide helpful; [Female
Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate G-Spot Orgasm](
Is it odd that my wife shuts down oral sex for her
Sometimes, she may not need it because she may feel bad for
“making” you do it. Usually, it is if you give some sort of signal that
indicates it is something you will do, but only if she insists
Well, how do you ask?”
Do you ask like it is an ice cream cone you desperately want
permission to lick?
Or do you ask like it is a chore you are hoping to get out
of doing?
Because in my experience, one of the big reasons a woman
turns down oral sex is because her partner isn’t asking for it in a way that
shows just how bad he wants to taste her.
So, the next time you ask, show some excitement. You’re guaranteed to
get better results. Even if she turns you down, she’ll at least feel better
about herself and about her body.
You may also be interested in this guide [Female
Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate G-Spot Orgasm](
Your dick is a great
Yes, you with the 7
inches of length. And you with the 4-inch girth. And yes you Mr. 9-inch
anaconda. Even you, Tuna Can Sam!
Here's the thing about
your penis: it's the only one you've got and you're the only dude that can use
it. "Just right" doesn't exist — every woman and man is different and
has different factors that determine what an ideal size for them might be. And
even then, the person it's attached to matters far more than the size of his
member. Douchebags with big dicks are still douchebags.
There's so much in this
world woth stressing over, don't let your dick be a source of anxiety. Learn
your size, but more importantly learn what to do with that size. A dude with a
small dick and an amazing foreplay game can rock someone's world while a big
dick just whaling away on every orifice it can find will just lead to
disappointment for everybody involved. Sex is much more than just putting your
penis inside of a warm, moist, flesh hole — it's the most intimate act two (or
more!) people can engage in, treat it as such. Have fun, make your partner
smile and laugh and moan and cum all over the place.
The size of your dick
doesn't have an impact on whether sex will be good; it changes what good sex
looks like.
Your dick size is fine and it doesn't matter what anybody
else has. There will always be bigger dicks and smaller dicks, but you can't
use those dicks. Get to know yours and everything you can do with it. Here you will find [Female
Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate G-Spot Orgasm](
And bring lube.
How do I stop the want?
Remember, a high sex drive isn’t a problem to be solved
unless it’s causing emotional or mental strife. If you have a partner with a
fairly high libido there’s no reason to worry. Here are some ways you can
utilize your highs ex drive
If you feel like you pursue sex even when it isn’t
fulfilling or nourishing, or if you feel disconnected from your body, consider
different mindfulness techniques. Tantra, sexological bodywork, yoga, and even
meditation can all help you develop a fulfilling relationship between your mind
and body, helping you make better choices regarding your sex life.
Sexual health is an essential component to overall health.
As with all things, balance is key. Sexuality is best when it fits comfortably
into your life, neither suppressed nor overwhelming. By reading sexual
resources ( I have recommended some at the end ), you may be able to find the
perfect balance of sex in your life.
Understanding that sexual urges - much like cravings for
cigarettes or cake - do pass if not fuelled by yearning thoughts or actions,
can be a revelation. If you become aroused and you want to not act on your
urges, you can refer to a list you’ve made about how great your partner is, or
what you will gain from not acting out.
Some people derive great relief, pleasure and pride from
channeling their sexual energy into other things. This could mean doing
something creative, physical, thrilling or spiritual. Popular pursuits include
long distance running, dancing, learning the guitar, abseiling, DIY, cooking,
yoga and Tantra.
Some high sex drive people in monogamous relationships
frequently beg their partner for sex. This is very bad form. It’s not sexy and,
whether or not they give in, can kill off whatever sexual feelings their
partner has for them, as even tender affection is viewed as a hopeful route to
I’ve heard people with higher libidos argue that they be
allowed to have sex outside the relationship. While open relationships can
work, it’s best when it’s seen as an exciting thing that both partners can
participate in.
Sometimes it’s helpful to SCHEDULE times of the week to
connect and be intimate. During these times they could choose to do various
things like oral sex activities, acting out role-play activities or downright
having PIV sexual activities. Links to the resources of these activities are
Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
[Oral Sex
Moves for Him & Her Over 50 Demonstrated](
[Goddess of
Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated](
All of which if your partner is willing, your sexual life
would be quite adventurous.
My (30M) wife (30F) and I have changed a lot.
You really need to foster a really intimate connection
otherwise you will both start to increasingly grow apart. BUT…. Sometimes it’s
helpful to SCHEDULE times of the week to connect and be intimate. During these
times you could choose to do various things like massage, playing with your
partner’s hair. . Even if its not sex I always find that massage works wonders
and you won’t feel pressured like sex. A massage between couples can be as tame
as a clothed shoulder rub, or something much more involved and sensual.
Whatever option you choose, treating each other to a massage is likely to
increase trust, induce relaxation, and create feelings of deep enjoyment.
The benefits of massage are many! The oxytocin released
during this makes you feel good about your partner and the relationship you
created together. Scientifically, these hormones are responsible for building
trust and emotional connections. They're brought on by sexual and non-sexual touching.
This building of trust between partners is what you will need to restore your
Now if your marriage has taken a turn for the worse what
kind of touching is still viable and easy to start on? Massage would be my go
to answer and my recommendation for the book you need for just that kind of
activity and both of you will love the activity: [Couples Erotic
Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
If you commit to do this, then do not forget after these
sessions to take part of that intimate time discussing how best you can fix the
thorny issue in your relationship. Trust me commitment makes all the
Good luck..... Enjoy!!!!
I (20F) haven’t gotten my boyfriend (20M) off since January
It’s easy, just invest in more oral and manual stimulation
but make sure to maintain a pace: Just like when your man performs oral sex on
you and maintains a pace to help you orgasm, the same way, during a hand job
keep your pace steady to help him feel the pleasure. Constantly changing pace
only dampens the mood and will not help him orgasm. Pace is everything.
Starting out slow yet seductively and then moving on to a more steady motion
goes a long way in making a man orgasm. Here again listen to your partner and
see how he is responding, once you hit the perfect pace, stick to it until he
asks for more.
Anyway this guide would do a great job to in that department
[Oral Sex
Moves for Him & Her Over 50 Demonstrated](
Scientific research shows that oral sex increases the levels
of satisfaction and intimacy between partners.
Good luck..... Enjoy!!!!
My boyfriend and me have mismatched libidos
Sometimes it’s helpful to SCHEDULE times of the week to
connect and be intimate. During these times couples could choose to do various
things like massage, playing with your partner’s hair. . Even if its not sex I
always find that massage works wonders and you won’t feel pressured like sex. A
massage between couples can be as tame as a clothed shoulder rub, or something
much more involved and sensual. Whatever option you choose, treating each other
to a massage is likely to increase trust, induce relaxation, and create
feelings of deep enjoyment. You also need to greatly invest in oral sex. Oral
Sex Can Help To Increase Relationship Satisfaction - Ask your partner what they
enjoy. Question how you can improve your sex life, and ensure that you do
everything possible for you both to feel sexually fulfilled.
This guide would do a great job to revive foreplay and more of
non-PIV stuff
[Oral Sex Moves
for Him & Her Over 50 Demonstrated](
Scientific research shows that oral sex increases the levels
of satisfaction and intimacy between partners.
Good luck..... Enjoy!!!!
How do you know you're ready for sex during foreplay
Keep in mind that many sexual activities, particularly oral
sex and manual stimulation, can be seen as either foreplay or sex, depending on
what that particular sexual encounter looks like. Sex is so much more than
penetration, after all. When you’re beginning foreplay, one fun suggestion is
to keep it going for as long as you can. The key to good foreplay is actually
doing it for long enough. However long you think you should spend on foreplay,
double it at least.
This guide would do a great job to revive foreplay and more
non-PIV stuff
[Oral Sex
Moves for Him & Her Over 50 Demonstrated](
Good luck..... Enjoy!!!!
My bf (38) never wants to have sex with me (40)
One thing you are right – without intimacy of
some kind sooner or later your relationship will start having issues. Yet I
totally understand your frustration, but maybe the fact that you are aware of
his limitations it could be your turn to direct your sex lives into the right
direction. But to get started, these guidelines may help you:
Tell your partner you need to talk and decide on a time you can
have an uninterrupted conversation (not while you’re getting ready for work in
the morning).
Once you have their full attention, present the facts as clearly
and non-judgmentally as you can (“We haven’t had sex when I am horny, despite
the few times I’ve tried to initiate it,”. Some people might be very aware of
their behavior, but others might not. Give your spouse the benefit of the doubt
and see how they respond before assuming they’ve been aware of their behavior
and indifferent to the damage it has caused.
State the emotional impact their rejections have on you using
"I statements" (“It makes me feel extremely unattractive and
undesirable,” “I feel hurt and my self-esteem has taken a real hit,” or, “It
makes me feel insecure, angry, and resentful.”). Here again, it is important to
give your partner space to respond; while some may be aware of the impact of
their behavior, others might not be.
State a clear request for change (“It isn’t fair to me and I
don’t want to keep feeling like this,” “We’ve spoken about this before, you
make some efforts but they don’t last. I need you to take this very seriously,”
or, “I want us to discuss this honestly and find solutions together.”).
If your partner gets defensive or is reluctant to change, ask
them to explain how they see things, what suggestions they have for making
things better, or whether there are things they are upset about that are
motivating their behavior.
Discuss specific steps you both can take to improve the
situation. Do not assume all the changes have to come from your partner; they
might have feelings of their own that are underlying their avoidance of sex and
intimacy. Try to agree on one small step you can both take right away to signal
your intention to work on this issue. A good place to start could be scheduling
intimate times like for massages, not necessary detailed but some form of
fulfilling touch.
7. Request
a periodic check-in to make sure any efforts or changes are maintained (“I want
us to check in on this every few weeks to make sure things have improved,” or,
“I would like you to take the initiative to check in with me so I know you care
about whether I’m feeling better about this.”). This guide would do a great job
to revive foreplay and more non-PIV stuff Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over
50 Demonstrated
My NEW bf is suddenly too tired for sex
You said it, his job is mentally draining but hey there is
something you can do to get his manhood revamped again. PENIS MASSAGE
You do not need much
prep for a penis massage. You can start massaging the cock right away. So, set
a timer for at least 30 minutes (though some people recommend 40). This way you
will build the appetite for stimulation. It’s a process but am sure it will
work if you are committed
For a step by step guide about how to go about in this type
of massage I recommend [Penis Massage 101:*Plus A Perfect Blowjob* The No-Penetration
Guide To Pleasuring Him](
Why is small boobs good but small penis is not good?
If you’re going to use your penis for penetration, the
person on the receiving end has to feel pleasure as well and can only do so if
everything fits and doesn’t hurt.
Like with most of the modern sexuality, porn distorts our
perception of what is a “normal” penis size and what’s desirable when it comes
to the moment of intercourse and sex overall.
Bigger penises started to matter more with the advent of
photography, which then leads to pornography as we know it today. With
pornography growing in importance, having a bigger penis (along with bigger
breast in the case of women) became more attractive and something to covet,
like pornography, is pure visual stimulation.
Men also masturbated more now, so having more to stroke also
became an important psychological factor. While we’re talking about body
dysmorphia, it’s also worth mentioning
here that male pornstars are chosen for their specific talents. So what you
might witness on the NSFW corners of the internet, it’s not a reflection of the
average man. But you knew that already, didn’t you?
Men, at least heterosexual ones, maybe worrying that there
are lots of 10-inch penises out there. Porn stars get the job because their
penis size is rare
And remember you have sex with your whole body, not just
with your dick. This article will show
you [How men can best please a woman during sex](
How do I dump him over our lack of intimacy
One thing you are right – without intimacy of some kind
sooner or later your relationship will start having issues. Yet I totally
understand your frustration, but maybe the fact that you are aware of his
limitations it could be your turn to direct your sex lives into the right
direction. But to get started, these guidelines may help you:
1. Tell your partner you need to talk and decide on a time
you can have an uninterrupted conversation (not while you’re getting ready for
work in the morning).
2. Once you have their full attention, present the facts as
clearly and non-judgmentally as you can (“We haven’t had sex when I am horny,
despite the few times I’ve tried to initiate it,”. Some people might be very
aware of their behavior, but others might not. Give your spouse the benefit of
the doubt and see how they respond before assuming they’ve been aware of their
behavior and indifferent to the damage it has caused.
3. State the emotional impact their rejections have on you
using "I statements" (“It makes me feel extremely unattractive and
undesirable,” “I feel hurt and my self-esteem has taken a real hit,” or, “It
makes me feel insecure, angry, and resentful.”). Here again, it is important to
give your partner space to respond; while some may be aware of the impact of
their behavior, others might not be.
4. State a clear request for change (“It isn’t fair to me
and I don’t want to keep feeling like this,” “We’ve spoken about this before,
you make some efforts but they don’t last. I need you to take this very
seriously,” or, “I want us to discuss this honestly and find solutions
5. If your partner gets defensive or is reluctant to change,
ask them to explain how they see things, what suggestions they have for making
things better, or whether there are things they are upset about that are motivating
their behavior.
6. Discuss specific steps you both can take to improve the
situation. Do not assume all the changes have to come from your partner; they
might have feelings of their own that are underlying their avoidance of sex and
intimacy. Try to agree on one small step you can both take right away to signal
your intention to work on this issue. A good place to start could be scheduling
intimate times like for massages, not necessary detailed but some form of
fulfilling touch. This guide would do a great job [Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
7. Request a periodic check-in to make sure any efforts or
changes are maintained (“I want us to check in on this every few weeks to make
sure things have improved,” or, “I would like you to take the initiative to
check in with me so I know you care about whether I’m feeling better about
My sex life with my wife has changed since having our first child
Remember, the baby too sucks the nipples so it may take her
some time to dissociate the baby sucking from your sucking…you et the idea. For
most women, sex begins in the mind so unless she feels it romantically most of
the sex acts you use to enjoy may lose their pleasure easily. For example; experienced
parents recommend making sure your bedroom is baby-free at bedtime. There's
nothing like rolling on top of a toy caterpillar that starts to play 'Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star' to kill the mood
Also why not ask her for something new to try Or give her a
choice. Make it something she might warm to and give her the decision, that way
she’s doing something she’s more likely to be into, rather than doing something
just to please you. A good place to start could be asking to schedule an
intimate massage outside the bedroom, not necessary detailed but some form of
fulfilling touch. This guide would do a great job in that [Couples
Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
Be playful, positive and praising - Whether the
experimentation went well on the first try or not. Change is a process, not
always instant gratification.
My dick is only 4.7 inches
If you’re going to use your penis for penetration, the
person on the receiving end has to feel pleasure as well and can only do so if
everything fits and doesn’t hurt.
Like with most of the modern sexuality, porn distorts our
perception of what is a “normal” penis size and what’s desirable when it comes
to the moment of intercourse and sex overall.
Bigger penises started to matter more with the advent of
photography, which then leads to pornography as we know it today. With
pornography growing in importance, having a bigger penis (along with bigger
breast in the case of women) became more attractive and something to covet,
like pornography, is pure visual stimulation.
Men also masturbated more now, so having more to stroke also
became an important psychological factor. While we’re talking about body
dysmorphia, it’s also worth mentioning
here that male pornstars are chosen for their specific talents. So what you
might witness on the NSFW corners of the internet, it’s not a reflection of the
average man. But you knew that already, didn’t you?
Men, at least heterosexual ones, maybe worrying that there
are lots of 10-inch penises out there. Porn stars get the job because their
penis size is rare
And remember you have sex with your whole body, not just
with your dick. This article will show
you [9 Ways To Sexually Switch Up Rhythm, Depth of Stroke
and Positioning](
Good luck ..... Enjoy!!!!
Sex outside the bedroom
Ask her for something new to try Or give her a choice. Make
it something she might warm to and give her the decision, that way she’s doing
something she’s more likely to be into, rather than doing something just to
please you. A good place to start could be asking to schedule an intimate massage
outside the bedroom, not necessary detailed but some form of fulfilling touch.
This guide would do a great job in that [Couples
Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
Be playful, positive and praising - Whether the
experimentation went well on the first try or not. Change is a process, not
always instant gratification.
37F needs help with 36M who is depriving me of intimacy in the bedroom
He could be tired, exhausted, etc. You could be providing
for family, making sure your family does well etc. But on one thing you are
right – without intimacy of some kind sooner or later your relationship will
start having issues. Yet I totally understand your frustration, but maybe the
fact that you are aware of his limitations it could be your turn to direct your
sex lives into the right direction. But to get started, these guidelines may
help you:
1. Tell your partner you need to talk and decide on a time
you can have an uninterrupted conversation (not while you’re getting ready for
work in the morning).
2. Once you have their full attention, present the facts as
clearly and non-judgmentally as you can (“We haven’t had sex when I am horny,
despite the few times I’ve tried to initiate it,”. Some people might be very
aware of their behavior, but others might not. Give your spouse the benefit of
the doubt and see how they respond before assuming they’ve been aware of their
behavior and indifferent to the damage it has caused.
3. State the emotional impact their rejections have on you
using "I statements" (“It makes me feel extremely unattractive and
undesirable,” “I feel hurt and my self-esteem has taken a real hit,” or, “It
makes me feel insecure, angry, and resentful.”). Here again, it is important to
give your partner space to respond; while some may be aware of the impact of
their behavior, others might not be.
4. State a clear request for change (“It isn’t fair to me
and I don’t want to keep feeling like this,” “We’ve spoken about this before,
you make some efforts but they don’t last. I need you to take this very
seriously,” or, “I want us to discuss this honestly and find solutions
5. If your partner gets defensive or is reluctant to change,
ask them to explain how they see things, what suggestions they have for making
things better, or whether there are things they are upset about that are
motivating their behavior.
6. Discuss specific steps you both can take to improve the
situation. Do not assume all the changes have to come from your partner; they
might have feelings of their own that are underlying their avoidance of sex and
intimacy. Try to agree on one small step you can both take right away to signal
your intention to work on this issue. A good place to start could be scheduling
intimate times like for massages, not necessary detailed but some form of
fulfilling touch. This guide would do a great job [Couples
Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
7. Request a periodic check-in to make sure any efforts or
changes are maintained (“I want us to check in on this every few weeks to make
sure things have improved,” or, “I would like you to take the initiative to
check in with me so I know you care about whether I’m feeling better about
Do women lose interest in sex, just like man after reaching climax
The sexual response cycle has four phases: desire (libido),
arousal (excitement), orgasm and resolution. Both men and women experience
these phases, although the timing usually is different. For example, it is
unlikely that both partners will reach orgasm at the same time. In addition,
the intensity of the response and the time spent in each phase varies from
person to person.
RESOLUTION - During this phase, the body slowly returns to
its normal level of functioning, and swelled and erect body parts return to
their previous size and color. This phase is marked by a general sense of
well-being and, often, fatigue. Some women are capable of a rapid return to the
orgasm phase with further sexual stimulation and may experience multiple
orgasms. Men need recovery time after orgasm, called a refractory period,
during which they cannot reach orgasm again. The duration of the refractory
period varies among men and changes with age. Anyway here is the guide for guys
to [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building & Delivering it](
My husband doesn’t want me
Those minor irritations are often a normal part of most long
term relationships. Why don’t start investing some of your time into Kneading
each other's knots (massage) which is a
way to show selfless love and affection, in addition to fostering trust,
improving communication, and expressing vulnerability. It's a great opportunity
to practice consent and ask for what you truly want—which can be helpful in
other parts of the relationship.
You will experience so many benefits from giving and
receiving massages at home, including forming deeper connections both
physically and emotionally. Intimacy is about being emotionally close to
another person, and while it doesn’t always require words, it is not an
automatic occurrence in a relationship.
One of the most important conditions for fostering this
intimate connection is to spend time alone, focusing on each other. In the case
of a massage you are most decidedly focusing your complete attention – even
your hands! – on the person you love, and giving them space to be themselves.
In our fast-paced world of high-speed internet and
140-character status updates, we sometimes need a reminder to take a deep
breath together and slow down.
Massaging your partner will make you very mindful of that –
it’s good practice in slowing yourself down and helping slow your spouse down
Carving out this extra time and space for your relationship
to grow and thrive is vital to your marriage.
Stop. Be with each other. Breathe. Connect. Love.
Each moment we have here is a precious gift. Massage is a
beautiful way to stretch those moments out a little longer, together. Check [Couples
Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
to see if it helps.
Why is porn a bad thing if your in a relationship or marriage
Despite strident claims that research has proven porn use is
harmful to relationships, there is in fact no such evidence. Rather, it's an
assertion based on correlational data: While plenty of studies have found that
men who regularly use porn are dissatisfied with their relationships, this
doesn’t mean that porn use causes relationship dissatisfaction. In fact, the
few longitudinal studies that have looked into this issue suggest the direction
of causality may run in the opposition direction — that is, partnered men start
using porn after they become dissatisfied with their relationship.
Besides, there’s no agreed-upon definition of pornography. Some
use the “I know it when I see it” approach, and so anything from nude photos to
filmed sexual acts can count as pornography. Some even include online sexual
activities, such as sexting, web cam use, or sex chatting — even the purchase
of sex toys over the Internet — as pornographic activities. There’s also no
consensus about what constitutes porn use: for some, you count as a porn user
if you’ve ever seen a Playboy centerfold.
Another issue is that most only look at solo male porn use.
It’s generally assumed that porn is used mainly by men as an aid to
masturbation. Besides, it’s not just solo men who are using porn: The few
studies that have looked at female porn use suggest more satisfying
relationships, at least in terms of sexual intimacy. By the way there is a
woman friendly and pampering way to approach even the most canal sex positions
see [Couples Sex Guide with OVER 100 Demonstrated
Sex Positions](
This is quite the opposite of what's generally found when we look at solo male
porn use. So the “porn is bad for relationships” narrative can't be the full
Moreover, there’s been little research into couples that use
porn together. A focus on solo male porn use blinds people to other possible
effects pornography may have on a
What is your go to sex position
Missionary might just be one of the best sex positions for
women to have an orgasm. Missionary is classic for a reason. General contact is
really nice and deep, and you can talk, kiss, bite, and make eye contact. To
get that clitoral stimulation, though, the person on the bottom should grind
their pelvis against their partner. That will make the position feel even
better. By the way there is a woman friendly and pampering way to approach even
the most canal sex positions see [Couples Sex Guide with OVER 100 Demonstrated
Sex Positions](
Can this be even true
“hitting her UTERUS during intercourse” is not possible, yes
you could hit her CERVIX but most likely she would feel pain. I guess by saying
you hit her uterus she meant it as a complement to your penis size ( she was
figuratively speaking). Deep penetration often implies erotic complementation
of penis size, consider her saying; you hit me deep, you filled my vagina, you
reached the core of my vagina. She may not mean this in a literally sense ……..
you get the idea…..BUT…..Having an orgasm can make her cervix to dilate. This
creates a vacuum that can pull the menstrual blood down. This includes orgasm
through penetrative and non-penetrative sexual activity, so even if you leave
her hanging see [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building &
Delivering it](
and she finishes herself later through masturbation it still counts. She may
then attribute everything to sex since intuitively it makes sense to associate
poking and certain disturbances. Besides regular sex can also reduce the
effects of stress and help to promote a healthy hormonal balance which may then
trigger her period.
Why do women always try to look back at the guy when he's doing her
It has nothing to do with seeing anything but with the
thoughts which are bound to enter your brain when someone enters you from
behind. If it was you with most of these thoughts going on, surely you are
bound to look behind. Consider them:
greater angle for your backside. Large, small, round, or flat—everybody's shape
shines when they're on all fours.
HIM; The beauty of this position is the freedom to not lock eyes—but isn't the
occasional glance appreciated? Oh no! Neck cramp!
looking to get a penis shoved into a hole that wasn't prepared for it. Dude,
just stay in the designated bone zone, please. Whelp, that's going to leave a
slobber mark
NOW; We're vulnerable, we're being penetrated, and our ass is on full display.
Even the tiniest of verbal affirmations would be appreciated.
from amazing to awkward in a millisecond. When we said harder, we didn't mean
human jack-hammer mode—we'd still like our cervix intact after this.
By the way there is a woman friendly and pampering way to
approach even the most canal sex positions see [Couples Sex Guide with OVER 100 Demonstrated
Sex Positions](
I just don’t know what to call her when she is the Dom so please give me
some ideas
You can call her Boss, Madam, Lady, Mistress etc. It would
greatly depend on the role-play you are enacting. Anyway a good guide to get
you started is [Sexual Roleplays with Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games](
why is it called a blowjob
Many say it is called blowjob because when the act is
carried out, the cheeks of the person carring out the act looks like the person
is blowing air and the only way to ease pressure is by exhaling or
blowing. Others also say that blowjob originated from 'below the belt
job' and it was shorten to 'below job'. Overtime, it was referred to as
'blowjob'. Linguists think the word evolved from 'blow off' which means to
finish off or to end. Also check [Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50 Demonstrated](
Good luck, enjoy!
How often do most people have sex
Much like washing your hair, you don't need to have sex as
often as you think—at least according to one study, which suggests any amount
over once a week is simply overkill, especially if you're not feeling it. That
may seem obvious, but there's a persistent belief out there that quantity of
sex correlates precisely with the happiness of a couple, with no upper limit.
Most long-term partners are doing it about once a week anyway; the average
married couple has sex 51 times a year. And not only are married couples
generally still out-sexing singles, but it turns out that not-strictly-sexual
acts of affection, like hand holding, kissing, massages, were actually better
predictors of being “intensely” in love with your long-term partner than sexual
frequency. See [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
Leg Glider Sex Position
It is called LEG GLIDER SEX POSITION - The leg glider is a
very exotic sex position that it quite difficult to perform properly unless you
have a good deal of flexibility, although your man doesn’t need to be that
flexible to do it.
When you are in the Leg Glider position, your main aim is to
keep steady and stay in position without your legs cramping up. Although if you
do feel your legs starting to cramp up, then tell your man immediately so that
you can stretch them and get rid of the cramp. You’ll find it far easier to
perform the Leg Glider if you bend both knees slightly. Obviously warming up
beforehand is a good idea too.
When your man is performing the Leg Glider, at first he
needs to be careful to make sure that you are comfortable and that he is not
putting too much pressure on your leg. Also if he is well hung, he needs to be
careful that he is not penetrating you too deeply.
Once you get into a nice rhythm with your man in the Leg
Glider, he can grab the base of your right leg or hold onto your right arm so
that he can pull you towards him and penetrate you more deeply. Your man can
also lean backwards to change the angle of entry as well as forwards (just make
sure that he is very careful when he is leaning forwards not to hurt you). As
well as leaning backwards and forwards, he can move to one side or the other
until he finds the position that you both enjoy most.
Well this position is well explained and covered with other
over 100 here [Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated](
perfect male lover physically
With women its mostly emotional than physical for
example Men who exercise their creative sides
are often less stressed out and more open to communication and intimacy than
men who don’t have creative hobbies. Women often look for men that are
interested in a variety of things, not just beer and sports. Men who are
spontaneous and adventurous tend to be better lovers than those who worry about
the clock and schedule every minute of their day. This kind of spontaneity [can
really pay off in the bedroom as well](
pregnant and husband isn’t sexually attracted to me
The science is still out on what exactly happens to men’s
sex drive during pregnancy. Some studies have found that men are actually more
attracted to their wives when they’re pregnant. Others suggest fears
surrounding the safety of the fetus may prevent some men from initiating sex.
Another study, found that expectant fathers experience drops in testosterone —
the hormone most closely associated with male sex drive. Different couples will
go through different experiences.
A changing body can be very difficult for some men. Some
guys hold to a picture perfect image of women they’re sexually attracted to.
The aesthetic of maternity wear probably doesn’t help matters much, either. A
lot of women dress differently during their pregnancy. Some guys perceive that
as a form of rejection.
While some men may take issue with their partner’s pregnant
body or the clothes they wear, they remain in the minority. Typically, men who
don’t find their pregnant wives attractive are also sitting on major fears
about the future, about being a good dad, about being able to provide. What
women need to understand is that if he’s not attracted to their pregnant body,
it rarely has to do with them.
Plenty of men aren’t quite so eager to jump into such
fertile territory. So what’s a loving husband to do?
Communicating these concerns usually helps free up enough
space to invite intimacy back into the relationship. undersexed and expecting
couples should focus on other forms of intimacy. Touch is important. Talking is
important. Maintaining an emotional connection is extremely important. Such
forms of touch may include scheduled massage ( also important for your pregnant
body ) so check [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
to see if it helps.
How can i make a girl cum (mainly with my fingers)
To make her squirt you’ll need to stimulate her g spot with
a firm and repetitive motion. The only problem for most guys is they often
can’t exactly locate the right spot. What makes it harder is that the location
and size of the g spot varies in different women. So making sure you find it is
crucial to making her squirt. That’s why I often use the g-spot finder
technique which makes it easy and quick to be 100% sure you’ve located her
pleasure point. The Magic Finger Technique Causes Even The Most 'Non-Orgasmic'
Women To Shudder With Pleasure...Check this for more details [Female Orgasm
101; Preparation, Building & Delivering it](
How to practice eating pussy
No need to practice really, though you may want to
understand the technicalities of female arousal and pleasure see [Female Orgasm
101; Preparation, Building & Delivering it](
Now for the sex toy, just get the one for your own pleasure
really, that way you can practice how you need pleasure.
Is this actually a good method for fingering someone
Yeah the guy knows how to do it. That is how to finger.
Ultimately, the best fingering technique is asking your partner what feels good
to them! plus you want it to be intimate so Massage would be my go to answer
and you will love the activity, check:
[Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated
Tips for sucking dick
Breathe on purpose in and out of your nose… because your
mouth will be busy.
Make sure your own body is positioned comfortably. If you’re
uncomfortable, you will not be able to relax into the experience.
Pace yourself. Try not to do long stretches of the same
technique. This will lessen fatigue.
If your jaw gets tired, shift the focal point to your cheek
(rather than the center of your mouth toward your throat). This will give your
jaw a break while continuing to provide stimulation to the head of the penis.
Don’t be afraid to slow down and switch up your technique.
Placing a pillow beneath your lover’s hips will give you
greater access to the balls and gooch.
Finding your rhythm is important. And it will change
depending on the level of arousal. Trust yourself and go with it.
Your partner’s hips may begin to thrust automatically as the
orgasm builds. If you begin to have a gag response, continue to use your hands
and isolate your mouth to the head of the penis. This will prevent the penis
from going too deep in your throat. If you are comfortable deep throating,
disregard this tip.
Use your words. Communication is key in every kind of sex.
Be generous with your asks and be receptive to direction. Let your partner tell
you what they like. If something feels uncomfortable for you, let them know.
Keep the lines of communication open at all times.
Now, if your aim is for your man to succumb to your whims
then you need to check this [Goddess of Sex;
Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
Now go forth and give good head!
Is this going to work? Idk
If you are not the one who wants the divorce or the
dissolution or the separation THEN YOU WILL NEED TO RECONNECT INTIMATELY:
Reconnecting intimately after your bonds have been broken
can be difficult. The last thing you want to do to someone who has broken your
trust or hurt your feelings is create a sexual connection with them. Yet, that
is what many couples need in order to start trusting one another again.
Thus, a vicious cycle begins:
1. Trust is broken.
2. You want to be intimate with your partner.
3. The thought of being intimate after betrayal then
frustrates, repulses, or upsets you.
4. You draw away from your partner.
This cycle can cause irreversible damage. You do not want to
force intimacy, and true repentance and forgiveness should occur before you
begin fixing your relationship. Still, it is important to note how important
intimacy is within relationships after experiencing a bad experience.
Being sexually intimate with one another creates an
incomparable. The oxytocin released during sex makes you feel good about your
partner and the relationship you created together.
Scientifically, these hormones are responsible for building
trust and emotional connections. They're brought on by sexual and non-sexual
touching. This building of trust between partners is what you will need to
restore your connection.
Now if your marriage has taken a turn for the worse what
kind of touching is still viable and easy to start on? Massage would be my go
to answer and my recommendation for the book you need for just that kind of
activity, and both of you will love the activity: [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An
Illustrated Guide](
If you commit to do this, then do not forget after these
sessions to take part of that intimate time discussing how best you can fix the
thorny issue in your relationship. Trust me commitment makes all the
I'm happily unhappy and I think my wife is too
Erotic Massage can turn around the most tired and boring sex
lives! Many couples have been together for a long time and have full-time jobs,
kids, long commutes and modern-day stressors (Covid -19). They are too tired to
have anything but boring sex. When I say
tired I mean not inspired, not passionate, not hot, not sexy. I refer to the “squeeze one out” kind of sex
that happens in bed at the end of the day when everyone is tired. When I say
boring I mean the “one trick pony” kind of sex that is routine, gets you where
you want to go, is the tried and true formula and that may have remained the
same for years.
I encourage couples to learn erotic massage techniques to
create a new avenue of sexual fun together.
The benefits of massage are many!
Being sexually intimate with one another creates an
incomparable. The oxytocin released during sex makes you feel good about your
partner and the relationship you created together.
Scientifically, these hormones are responsible for building
trust and emotional connections. They're brought on by sexual and non-sexual
touching. This building of trust between partners is what you will need to
restore your connection.
Now if your marriage has taken a turn for the worse what
kind of touching is still viable and easy to start on? Massage would be my go
to answer and my recommendation for the book you need for just that kind of
activity, and both of you will love the activity: [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An
If you commit to do this, then do not forget after these
sessions to take part of that intimate time discussing how best you can fix the
thorny issue in your relationship. Trust me commitment makes all the
A good sex position for man to last longer
That will pretty much do it for some guys and also try:
SITTING - This can be a very romantic position – you are
face to face so it’s perfect for lots of kissing and eye contact, which creates
much more intimacy. In this position, your partner sits on the bed cross-legged
while you lower yourself onto his lap, wrapping your arms and legs around his
neck and back. While there can be deep penetration, the movement itself has to
stay at a calm and steady tempo which is ideal for stopping him getting overly
excited and rushing things. If you think he might climax soon, slow things
right down and that may be able to delay him for some time.
SPOONING - Many men find that they are better able to
control themselves and last longer in this position. Here the man and woman
both lie on their sides, facing the same direction and close together. The
man’s pelvis is slightly lower than the woman’s, while she bends forward
slightly from the hip, lifting her leg slightly to let him enter her. It has a
far gentler pace and shallower penetration – it’s more of a grinding action
rather than thrusting – so again, he can’t get too excited too soon. This is
also an intimate position, and perfect if you are both feeling tired – great
for slow, lazy Sunday morning sex!
Anyway ideally here is [Ejaculation by Command – the Ultimate Blueprint to Superior Sexual Endurance](
Being picked up during sex
If this is something that you want to do in the future,
going to the gym and doing some squats and deadlifts will help. One thing to
watch out for: if you are using your legs too much it can mess with your
Pick her up in non-sexual situations. Is it easy? Can you
hold her for at least a full minute? There are several different variations
that you can do that will increase leverage/holding power and make it easier
for you to take some weight off your arms. You can also press her up against a
BUT………my bet is she like the intimacy of it so why don’t you
just go for other intimate positions which are not physically exhausting
How to do it:. You sit in a (sturdy!) chair with your feet
flat on the floor, while she sits on your lap, facing you. She rest the backs
of her knees on your shoulders, and your calves and feet on or over the back of
a chair.
she can grasp your
neck to help maintain balance, but
you should hold her lower back
for support. If you need to feel more stable, a slight variation would be for
her to sit on a countertop.
Anyway they are plenty of intimate sex positions which are
worth it and she will love them too [Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated](
limit to when a penis becomes scary big
It's almost comical to think having a big penis equates to
good sex, because, honestly -- and this is something I wish I could scream at
my early 20-something self -- that's just total bullshit. Does that mean the
ladies don’t typically prefer a big D? Nope. Because those are still great. But
it does mean how you use it will almost always trump size. And sometimes too
big can be, well, a problem.
The easy answer is, again, larger than the average wherever
you’re from, but even so, what’s larger than normal? What is normal? If by
“normal” I mean the average penis size, about 5 inches when erect, so anything
more than that should be considered larger than normal.
But if you’re one of the lucky ones with an undoubtedly
large penis, meaning a good inch or two more than the 5 inch average, you
should be aware that there is such a thing as “too big” for many women, because
by the end of the day, if you’re going to use your penis for penetration, the
person on the receiving end has to feel pleasure as well and can only do so if
everything fits and doesn’t hurt.
Like with most of the modern sexuality, porn distorts our
perception of what is a “normal” penis size and what’s desirable when it comes
to the moment of intercourse and sex overall.
Bigger hasn’t always meant better. In fact, for most of
history, a small penis was preferred aesthetically to a large penis, as anyone
can tell by looking at statues of naked men from Ancient Greece. So, at least
aesthetically, the less the penis got in the way, the better.
Bigger penises started to matter more with the advent of
photography, which then leads to pornography as we know it today. With
pornography growing in importance, having a bigger penis (along with bigger
breast in the case of women) became more attractive and something to covet,
like pornography, is pure visual stimulation.
Men also masturbated more now, so having more to stroke also
became an important psychological factor. While we’re talking about body
dysmorphia, it’s also worth mentioning
here that male pornstars are chosen for their specific talents. So what you
might witness on the NSFW corners of the internet, it’s not a reflection of the
average man. But you knew that already, didn’t you?
Men, at least heterosexual ones, maybe worrying that there
are lots of 10-inch penises out there. Actually, you’d fall into the top 5
percent f your penis is 6.3 inches when
erect. Porn stars get the job because their penis size is rare”
Like stated before, “too big” is likely more than 7 inches
for any woman. Anything more than 7 —and it’s likely that’s already too much to
plenty of women— will cause pain and even some damage to the cervix. If it’s
too wide, it risks literally tearing a woman’s vagina apart and causing extreme
pain. Tread carefully.
Girth-wise, the average is also best for vaginal sex.
Anything more than the 4.59 average is pushing it (literally) and might not be
that comfortable for most women, although there are exceptions to the rule of
“average is best” of course, just like for men.
putting a pillow under a woman's back during sex actually do anything
The most common way to use a pillow is under the hips during
missionary or under the pelvis during lying-down-from-behind positions, which
lifts the hips and pelvis just enough to make entering and accessing the vagina
easier and more comfortable. It also gives her partner a clearer view of the
vaginal opening to reduce the risk of fumbling upon entry and accidentally
thrusting or poking against the urethra or perineum.
Some couples enjoy a form of missionary that involves the
receiving partner lying on their back on the bed with their butt scootched to
the edge and the giving partner standing in front of them, usually holding
their partner’s legs for support. In some cases, this position isn’t physically
possible without pillows.
Anyway sexual position logistics are easier to understand
when properly explained and demonstrated as this guide does properly [365 Sex Moves; Positions for Having Sex a New
Way Everyday](
I want to try roleplaying but I don’t know what to do
Why don’t you try the TEACH ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW - Even if
you and your partner have both been around the block, assume the roles of
someone who is sexually inexperienced and someone who has some special
techniques to share. this scenario is an opportunity to rewrite your sexual
history and recapture (or create) the exciting thrill of first-time sex over
and over again. As for other many varied screnarios you can also take a look at
[Sexual Roleplays With Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games](
Wonderful sex life
Wonderful sex life indeed. even from your descriptions it
shows that everything is just perfect. make great memories like this and your
relationship would be beyond ordinary. Forget about Smosh guys, they are just
jealousy!!!. here are [365 Sex Moves; Positions for Having Sex a New Way
Virgin man 28yo needs confidence for sex
Easy, just chill, man. Get your shit together, don’t bring
the being virgin subject up with her, stop thinking about it at all, and once
you get to the point where you’re about to have sex - then you can tell her
that you don’t have that much experience. The key is communication! If you
really listen to what your partner likes and you can explain what you like
you'll have good sex. And remember you have sex with your whole body, not just
with your dick. And finally the most difficult thing: Don't hurry, take your
time. This guide will help you understand the anatomy of her arousal and
pleasure [Female
Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building & Delivering it](
Getting some of this content into your head might help your confidence, as well
as giving you practical guidance. But don’t try to absorb too many fine details
of technique at one time, such that you end up feeling you’re going into an
If you had the whole house free to have sex in
Start by cooking something simple together. (No judgment if
you decide to plate your takeout on the good dishware.) After dinner, use the
kitchen counter for a little dessert — its height and surface area make it perfect
for a culinary Kama Sutra, especially if you have [Oral Sex Moves](
in mind
BEWARE: This should go without saying, but the stove is
off-limits. This is not what I mean by keeping things hot.
Nine months without eating my pussy
He should learn (we all had to at some point). First you
need to talk to him about exactly what it is he doesn't like. Did he have a bad
experience? Does the taste bother him (can't see how this is possible
considering he used to eat you out)
If he won't give a reason and refuses to budge, there's
always the option of a war of attrition. I don't see any reason why he should
be getting head if you're not (you can keep having sex, just no blow jobs until
he's man enough to get one).
Once he's willing to try, there are some simple ways to coax
him along. Try this guide into alternating oral sex moves for both of you [Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50 Demonstrated](
We are never in the mood at the same time
If we’ve had a long day, are behind on deadlines, and all of
a sudden our partner is in their underwear dancing before us (as I hear people
do)? Do we force ourselves into it for the sake of the relationship? Yes. Well,
sort of.
When one partner wants to have sex and the other does not,
“communal strength” becomes an important factor. Communal strength is the
motivation to meet a partner’s needs without “the expectation of immediate
reciprocation.” It’s in the wanting to fulfill those sexual needs that not only
does it protect the horny partner from being ignored, but these motivations led
the communal people to be more likely to engage in sex with their partner in
these situations and also led to both partners feeling more satisfied with
their sex life and relationship.
It’s all about rising to the occasion and being selfless;
knowing that if the tables were turned, your partner would do it for you. This
communal strength is steeped in wanting to see your partner happy, and in doing
so don’t feel coerced into something you may not be in the mood for. It’s
essentially a compromise, which is what all relationships are, or at least
should be.
If you schedule it as already suggested above things should
workout fine.
Admittedly, it can be really hard to want to have sex if
you’re just not feeling it, but these “tricky situations,” can be handled
through being “mutually responsive. But seriously if you just can not with the
sex some night, don’t push yourself. It’s one thing to be selfless, but it’s
another thing to really put yourself out there to the point of resenting your
partner for it.
You will also find this useful [Couples Guide To Increasing Quantity & Quality
Of Sex](
sex life is so bland with my boyfriend
Yes. In order to develop a long-lasting, mature and
adventurous sex life, you are going to have to tell each other what you want in
bed and explore new ideas together. You are going to have to try new and
different things and then discuss them and refine them together.
The key is to make the suggestions playfully and in the
spirit of adventure and fun as opposed to making them in a criticizing way. For
example, if you’d like him to improve on his oral and fingering skills, you
might say “It would really turn me on if you finger and eat me out using these
skills I came across through over Reddit. I’m wet just thinking about it”. But
if you start complaining with “You’re so boring in bed, its not fun anymore”,
he’ll get defensive and it will turn him off.
Of course the precise skills he would need to employ which
are tailored for your satisfaction would be these [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building &
Delivering it](
Partners who are 'boring in bed' may just not be used to
taking initiative when it comes to mixing it up sexually or there can simply be
a lack of knowledge of how to make things more exciting.
This is because for most men the process of having sex is
instinctual, but they do not know that the actual process of sexually
satisfying a woman is actually counterintuitive and mostly they would have to
learn it. Even more, learning to enjoy it.
Kissing after oral
Technically speaking, I couldn’t find anything it. If the area
is properly washed, then there’s nothing wrong about making out after the deed.
Though ideally you could take turns on each other see [Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50 Demonstrated](
Friend hints at wanting to fuck but I'm a virgin with a small dick
Most mistakes virgins make is measure their dicks, its
unnecessary in most cases just like girls do not measure length shape of their
vaginas. Trust me things will always work fine, unless if you have a medical
situation, a thing I strongly doubt. If and only if you really are curious
about your size make sure you do it right, thus measure it when it’s erect NOT
WHEN IT’S FLACCID. The true measure is the erect ONE.
Besides there is an old saying: "It's the man, not the
machine." In other words; it's not so important how big your dick is but
it really matters how you make love with it.
And the key is communication! If you really listen to what
your partner likes and you can explain what you like you'll have good sex. And
remember you have sex with your whole body, not just with your dick.
And finally the most difficult thing: Don't hurry, take your
This guide will help understand the anatomy of her arousal
and pleasure [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building & Delivering it](
Good luck.
Wife wants to watch porn with me - Looking for recommendations
I see you got one of the rare opportunities to say what your
fantasies are about. But this comes with caution, too deep the tickect will be
revolked, too light then you miss on those deep stuff you have been dreaming
about. The lighter way to approach it would be for me to recommend a book. It is the ultimate source for bringing erotic
fantasy and intense sensual pleasure to life. The possibilities are limited
only by imagination. Explore new territories, flip through the book and
experiment with pieces, parts, or entire games and fantasies. You will get it
here [Sexual Roleplays
With Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games](
How to be more dominant in bed?
In terms of whether or not to talk about it beforehand, it
really depends on what you want to do. Some of the ideas below are things you
could try out in the moment, while others are more involved. If you think your
partner wouldn’t take your attempts to be dominant seriously in the moment, I
definitely recommend talking about it beforehand. Say something like, “I love
the dynamic we have, but I think it could be really hot to boss you around
every once in awhile. You think you can handle me?” In general, I don’t think
that talking about sexual stuff beforehand takes away the sex appeal. I think
talking about what you’re going to do together can be an unbelievably hot
THE STRAIGHTFORWARD APPROACH - Perhaps the easiest way to
introduce the idea of dominating your partner is to simply tell them, “I’m
going to be the one in control tonight.”
USE AUTHORITATIVE LANGUAGE - If you’re not going to be
dominant physically, you have to convey your dominance in other ways. Language
is one of the best examples. Tell your partner what you want, directly, with no
apologies or explanations. Use a clear, firm voice.
INITIATE - Another simple way to dominate your partner is to
initiate sex when you want it. After all, there’s nothing more dominant than
stating what you want, with confidence. This is also an easy thing to do in the
moment, without any planning. Grab your partner and say, “get into the bedroom
right now.” If you want to be really bossy, try saying, “I won’t take no for an
GIVE THEM COMMANDS - From there, keep the dominance going by
telling your partner, “You’re going to do what I tell you to do, and only what
I tell you to do.” You can give specific directions like, “take off your
clothes” or “go down on me.”
DOLE OUT PUNISHMENTS - If your partner doesn’t obey your
directions, you may want to punish them. Most people think of whips and paddles
when they hear the word punishment, but you can be much tamer if you’d like.
For example, if your partner does something they’re not supposed to do, you could
stop touching them, move your body away from them, or put some of your clothes
back on.
USE DOMINANT POSITIONS - Sex positions can be another great
way to play around with dominance. You don’t need to physically overpower your
partner, but there are plenty of positions where you’re in control of the
ROLE-PLAY - If you have a hard time being naturally
dominant, you can always try playing a different persona. See [Sexual Roleplays with Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games](
Is a prolonged Foreplay necessary before sex every single time?
Bypassing foreplay in favor of having a quickie can be great
for both your sex life and your relationship. It's easy for quickies to get the
cold shoulder because they might not open your heart as deeply as longer romps,
but on the bright side, they also don't take hours of planning, warm-up, or
communication. Sometimes squeezing in some sex against a wall is just what the
doctor ordered. Or in a stair well, or in front of a mirror, or on the kitchen
counter…you get the picture.
Maybe you and your partner are about to go your separate
ways for work and the mood strikes you, or maybe they walk past you in a
certain way when you were trying to concentrate on reading your book.
Really, it doesn't matter what the reason is. Quickies are
simply amazing. Need some convincing to occasionally skip the extended
Imagine this: You step up to a ridiculously high-quality
buffet where every single piece of food was created by a world-class chef with
three Michelin stars. In scenario one, you have three hours to browse, sample,
and nibble on all of the various tastes available to you. It's incredible. You
feel so fortunate. And at the end, you're completely full and satisfied. In
scenario two, you have access to all of the same high-quality, chef-prepared
foods, but there's a timer going and you have FIVE MINUTES to stuff your face
with all of this deliciousness. You don't even get cutlery or a plate. Just use
your hands and cram it all in there.
The first scenario is what an all-evening, extended sex date
feels like. You and your partner both get to take your time and truly savor the
experience. But while the second scenario is likely going to be a lot less
satiating in terms of total caloric intake, it's also going to feel like one of
the most beastly, ravenous gorge-fests in your recent memory. You'll be left
sweaty and messy, thinking, "That was amazing. I'm so glad I just dove
right in there." That is the nature of the quickie. No planning. No
napkins. Little to no manners. Just a sexual pleasure free for all. (This
actually might be my favorite metaphor I've come up with to date.)
But not always, if sometimes she is up for it then do not
feel guilt here you have [365 Sex Moves; Positions for Having Sex a New Way Everyday](
What is some sex ed advice that could double as driver's ed advice
Hit the Books - it's helpful to do some studying. E.g [365 Sex Moves](
Start Slow - Don't rush
The More Practice the Better - The more you practice, the
better you'll become!
Feeling nervous about sex and intimacy
The good news is that although tips and tricks are handy,
sex is still largely intuitive whatever genders or bodies it's between. You
might find you surprise yourself...
Clitoral stimulation is how most women and people with
vaginas achieve orgasm, but everybody's body is different: some people enjoy
very fast friction directly to the clitoris, for instance, while others enjoy
slow rubbing on the outer lips. Don't be put off if you have to go through a
bit of trial and error with her.
This seems to be the bit that scares lovers the most. It's also the
hardest aspect of girl-on-girl and vulva-on-vulva sex to give clear,
one-size-fits-all advice on – sorry! Again, starting slowly is a good plan.
Gently part their outer labia and lick up from the vaginal entrance to the
clitoris (this has the added benefit of giving you chance to find the clit if
you are having trouble – some people wear 'em buried deep!). Lick up and down
the labia themselves. Focus on the clit and licking around it. Vary the
pressure. Inserting a finger (if they're OK with that!)
Here you will find a step by step [Lesbian Sex Guide with Over 100 Illustrated
Sex Positions](
I love my husband.
Biologically ability to sire triggers that primal urge in
most men. Next time when getting it on with him
try to dirty talk him and see him absolutely lose it when you use 'seed'.
"Give me your seed", "seed my womb", "can you feel how
my pussy begs for your seed", are but a few examples that will have you
send him into some soul-shaking orgasms.
You got a keeper there check [Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
I’m so jealous of the porn
Since you are the one who asks for sex he may be using masturbation
as a way of desensitizing himself so that he can prolong sex and delay
ejaculation ( a comment tactic used by most men ) thus more time for pleasing
you but then you caught him before his reflex time. Surely his strategy is not
working. His Masturbation is a sign of his lack of confidence in pleasing you.
It has nothing to do with you (though you need to understand it least it eats
into your self-esteem) . He has serious performance anxiety issues which he is
trying to fix secretly. Lovingly you may actually help him deal with it. How
you ask me?
One way to establish whether your man is simply trying to
desensitize himself would be to bring him to orgasm manually, or orally, before
having sex. A first orgasm means he won’t be so worried about premature
ejaculation and the sex you have afterwards should be slower and more intimate
as a result. This is obviously not something you can do every time you have
sex, because it can be quite time- consuming.
If more orgasms equals more confidence in pleasing you, you
need to reassure him and help to build his sexual confidence. But when to do
it? Although it is never a good idea to address sexual difficulties during the
act itself, the subject of sex makes great pillow talk.
Anyway a passionate erotic massage may help you get started
in that direction check [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
These are a few times I normally wish it was him who had
asked the question and I was actually replying dealing with him, it would have
helped him greatly if he was to read [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building
& Delivering it](
Good luck, do not give up!
My sex life is better without my fiancé in it
Make a point of setting aside time, to take turns giving
each other massages. The masseuse is responsible for setting the sensual scene,
which can be as simple as music and a candle, or as elaborate as a full blown
day spa oasis. If you’re competitive together, you’ll soon start outdoing each
other’s ideas. See [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
For those men that struggle with romance, just convince him
to do it once. When his senses come alive and he sees how the scene affects
you, combined with the possibility of what comes after the massage, he might
just become a converted romantic, for life. Though he would be better be
converted if he was to read [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building &
Delivering it](
luck, enjoy!
sexual compatibility as a top factor in relationship satisfaction
Ask 100 sexually active folks what “sex” means to them, and
you’ll get 100 different answers. That’s because everyone has a different
understanding of what “counts” as sex.
Some people see P-in-V as the defining feature of sex, while
others see anal, oral, and manual sex as, well, sex.
There’s no wrong definition of sex. But having similar
definitions of sex, or at least sharing your definitions, is an important
element for operating within similar expectations sexually.
Being up-front about your sexual preferences (that likely
requires some self-reflection!) is only way to know how sexually compatible you
truly are. The top 3 for me are:
Specific sex acts:
Do you more or less enjoy the same moves, or does everything you do in bed
require that one of you compromises?
How often you do it:
Just on anniversaries? A few times a month? Once a week? Multiple times a day?
There’s no “right” or “normal” sex frequency, but you want to be in the same
ballpark. Check [365 Sex Moves; Positions for Having Sex a New Way
Libido: Because
libido waxes and wanes due to things like pregnancy, kids, work, health,
environmental changes, and medications, most couples will face the challenge of
mismatched libidos at some point.
I ruined everything with my dick
It is true you violated her you will need to do something
for her, but seriously considering divorce is an overkill at least according to
me. Unless of course if you have repeated this behavior or other related
sneaking in kinds for some time. This could be now the proverbial straw which
broke the…..etc
Having said this, what’s important is that you seriously
apologize to her and bring up the subject matter with her to re-address it.
Keeping silent about it is akin to sweeping the matter under the carpet and you
would likely return to old ways ( though they are naughtily sexy). Instead, apologize
and discuss new measures to be taken to restore trust in this matter. This can
be tough but something like:
“I’m feeling regrets about what happened the other night,
and I want you to know that I don’t want to go there again. Are you OK with
Many couples wonder about the appropriateness of anal sex in
marriage. It is important to note when it comes to sexual intimacy between
husband and wife. When it comes to anal sex, what can guide a couple’s decision
in this area is whether such an act is carried out in a mutually loving,
respectful and consensual manner.
Do something for her without expecting reciprocation, but
with the ability to further talk about you sexual boundaries giving you
opportunity to see if with permission she will tolerate such an act in the
future. She maybe currently annoyed because of consent that it is about the act
being out of bounce. When the waters calm down a good place to start is with
this step by step guide into [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated
GF doesnt do foreplay
Make a point of setting aside time, to take turns giving
each other massages. The masseuse is responsible for setting the sensual scene,
which can be as simple as music and a candle, or as elaborate as a full blown
day spa oasis. If you’re competitive together, you’ll soon start outdoing each
other’s ideas. See
For those women that struggle with romance, just convince
her to do it once. When her senses come alive and she sees how the scene
affects you, combined with the possibility of what comes after the massage, she
might just become a converted romantic, for life.
penis massage
You have said it well and its true, you need to put your
hands down. But having said that you may want her to put her hand up. How, you
ask? Invest in some form of genital massage
For a pussy massage, I recommended setting a 60 minute
timer. That’s because you’ll spend a good portion of that time building up to
rubbing the vulva.
She does not need
quite as much prep for a penis massage. She can start massaging the cock right
away. So, set a timer for at least 30 minutes (though some people recommend
40). This way you will build the appetite for stimulation by her hands. It’s a
process but am sure it will work if you are committed
I’m not trying to cheat anyone out of their fun, though.
That’s just a minimum to ensure that your partner gets to relax deeply and have
a good time that doesn’t feel like it’s been cut too short. But there’s no
limit. You can go for the whole hour if you want — hell, you can do two if
you’ve both got the stamina.
For a step by step guide about how to go about in this type
of massage I recommend [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
14.2cm long? That is very much an idea size, In fact, due to
the setup of our genital anatomy, a penis that’s on the smaller side should be
able to do the job just as sufficiently as one that could have its own
postcode. It’s important to keep in mind that intercourse isn’t the most
pleasurable sexual activity for a woman. We don’t have many nerve endings in
our vaginas, and the ones we do have are clustered near the opening of the
vagina, not the deepest part, so a man doesn’t have to be very big to create
pleasurable sensations. Most women tend to enjoy a sense of fullness, which
comes from girth. That seems to be more important than overall length. So with
your 12cm girth, you are well in the best gifted.
The trick is finding the right sex positions for your
bodies. Slippage can sometimes be an issue, so sex positions that favour tight
fits are best. Doggy style can be a good option. So too can modified
missionary, where your guy scoots up a couple of inches before penetrating and uses a rocking motion instead of thrusts,
and girl on top.
Just like someone in the comment above said it's not
important how big your Junior is, it's how you use it that counts see [Female
Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building & Delivering it](
Help I am new to sexual stuff and need guidance
blindfold and handcuff him
Get yourself naked and inform him about it.
Strip him to panties. Note do not remove his panties. That’s the important part
Kiss him from his forehead to his ankles.
Kiss around his penis keeping his panty on. His
penis should be fully erect by now.
To start the fun. Bring your nipples near to his
lips and ask him to suck, but every tine he trues to, pull your body back.
Tease him.
Do the same thing by bringing your pussy over
his mouth. Let him feel the wetness but never let his mouth take the charge.
Always pull yourself back.
By the way you will definitely need this [Goddess of Sex;
Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
In-between do kiss and smooch him.
Bring ice cube and rub it over his body.
You may even put one inside his panty. If you do
so. Make sure you then sit on him and make him feel the wetness of your pussy
with the numbness of ice.
10. To
get a bit mire daring. Get a blunt pointless knife and point it in his neck.
Make sure it may not hurt him and knife should be rust less.
11. While
poking with knife put one of your hand inside his panty and stroke his penis.
12. Run
the knife around his nipples. Suck one and point knife on smoother and vice
13. You
may do the same around his penis but be most careful about it.
14. To
get really kinky and weird. Light a candle and pour some wax over his chest.
And later clean it and suck the pain out from that area.
15. Now
if you want to try. Get his legs up and you may finger and rim his anus. Make
sure to clean it.
16. Last
but not the least, you may end with a blowjob or you being in top of him, make sure
he is blindfolded and handcuffed till he cums.
Lack of Physical Intimacy
If you’ve ever been in a long-term relationship, this might
sound familiar: You and your partner tumble into bed at the end of each day
promising yourselves you’ll have sex tomorrow. Then that tomorrow-sex rarely
comes, pun fully intended.
I often hear about how difficult it is to make time for
intimacy. It’s why I swear by scheduling sex in relationships. This is exactly
what it sounds like: sitting down with your partner and marking sex dates into
your calendar.
Scheduling sex is an amazing way for partners to keep
intimacy and satisfaction alive.
It sounds obvious, but you can’t schedule sex without this
bit. I recommend that couples sit down together and carve out a time that
works, whether it’s a standing sex date or something you need to decide anew
each week. It feels like a more intentional step towards intimacy than
scheduling via text and the like. Technology is great, but there’s really
nothing like IRL face time.
Don’t just think about when it logistically makes sense,
also think about when you might feel most emotionally and mentally engaged or
turned on.
When you write your scheduled sex down, you’re granting it
the same weight you’d give any other important appointment. So be sure it’s on
both of your calendars. Even give it a designated color. I suggest hot pink or
red. (You can guess why.)
Having a sex schedule does not mean you need to have
intercourse every time (or ever). This isn’t really about sex. It’s about
intimacy. Many—but not all—couples often do experience this through sex, while
others don’t.
The point is scheduling time to engage in whatever
activities make you feel more closely connected. Perhaps it’s a make-out
session. Maybe one week it’s oral sex and the next you spend time playing with
your partner’s hair and talking about your fantasies.
Check [Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man
This level of flexibility respects the fact that life
happens. For example, I don’t expect you to toss aside a fight simply because
sex is on the schedule. This flexibility also acknowledges that some people
experience a more responsive form of desire and really only become aroused
after seduction and sexual touching have begun. Scheduled sex is not about
mandating a specific command performance, but creating a space where sex can
happen if it’s right for you both at that time.
One of the biggest issues couples have with this process is
not following through. It’s really up to the two of you to decide how committed
you are to this schedule based on everything else going on in your lives.
Often there is a sense of pressure when you first start a
sex schedule, which can scare you away. For some people, that drops off once
they get used to it. But it may also take some playing around to land on a
version of scheduling sex that works for you.
Look, I get that “scheduled” can sound synonymous with “so
dull I want to cry.” It’s not. While this tactic won’t work in every
relationship, scheduled sex creates anticipatory excitement for some people. It
sets the sex date into your routine along with the opportunity to explore new
sexual terrain.
Scheduling sex might seem boring, but scheduling a date,
party, or vacation doesn't make it less fun.
Long-lasting sexual excitement is built on the unknown, the
new, and the exploration of fantasy. Capitalize on that here. You might think
of a different, intriguing sex position. A good place to start is [365 Sex
Moves; Positions for Having Sex a New Way Everyday](
With all of the above said, if scheduling sex doesn’t work
for you, don’t get down on yourself. It doesn't automatically mean your
relationship is over or in trouble. It might not be your jam. This advice can
still serve as a blueprint for becoming closer: Sit down. Communicate. And draw
up a plan for quality time that might work better for you both.
Salvage a marriage without counseling?
Reconnecting intimately after your bonds have been broken
can be difficult. The last thing you want to do to someone who has broken your
trust or hurt your feelings is create a sexual connection with them. Yet, that
is what many couples need in order to start trusting one another again.
Thus, a vicious cycle begins:
1. Trust is broken.
2. You want to be intimate with your partner.
3. The thought of being intimate after betrayal then
frustrates, repulses, or upsets you.
4. You draw away from your partner.
This cycle can cause irreversible damage. You do not want to
force intimacy, and true repentance and forgiveness should occur before you
begin fixing your relationship. Still, it is important to note how important
intimacy is within relationships after experiencing a bad experience.
Being sexually intimate with one another creates an
incomparable. The oxytocin released during sex makes you feel good about your
partner and the relationship you created together.
Scientifically, these hormones are responsible for building
trust and emotional connections. They're brought on by sexual and non-sexual
touching. This building of trust between partners is what you will need to
restore your connection.
Now if your marriage has taken a turn for the worse what
kind of touching is still viable and easy to start on? Massage would be my go
to answer and my recommendation for the book you need for just that kind of
activity, and both of you will love the activity: [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An
Illustrated Guide](
If you commit to do this, then do not forget after these
sessions to take part of that intimate time discussing how best you can fix the
thorny issue in your relationship. Trust me commitment makes all the
How do I ask my boyfriend to stop talking during sex
Incessant chatter during sex is irritating because it is
distracting, but that may, of course, be precisely the point. Your boyfriend
may be using chit-chat as a way of desensitising himself so that he can prolong
sex and delay ejaculation.
One way to establish whether your boyfriend is simply trying
to distract himself would be to bring him to orgasm manually, or orally, before
having sex. A first orgasm means he won’t be so worried about premature
ejaculation and the sex you have afterwards should be quieter and more intimate
as a result. This is obviously not something you can do every time you have
sex, because it can be quite time- consuming.
If more orgasms equals less chat, you need to reassure him
and help to build his sexual confidence. But when to do it? Although it is
never a good idea to address sexual difficulties during the act itself, the
subject of sex makes great pillow talk.
Anyway more intimate sex positions may help you start get
started in that direction check [Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100
Need help spicing things up
TRY KUNYAZA- Kunyaza’ is a practice that’s been exercised
for hundreds of years between heterosexual couples in central Africa. During
kunyaza, the man rhythmically and firmly strikes the clitoral glands with his
erect penis.
As the woman becomes more aroused and the vulva starts to
swell, their partner rubs their penis from the top to the bottom of the vulva,
then left to right, and then in a zigzagging motion – always returning to
strike the clitoris after each rotation. Finally, as the woman is brought close
to orgasm, their partner simultaneously stimulates the whole vulva area using
long strokes... but never penetrating. The technique itself may sound
deceptively simple, but kunyaza literally means ‘to make urinate’, or ‘to make
As for you, manual stimulation and oral would be the better
option and all the ideas you would need are here [Oral Sex Moves for Him &
Her Over 50 Demonstrated](
When does lesbian bed death happen
Lesbian bed death isn't exactly a proven concept. It occurs
like in every other relationship but the study that provided the proof of
lesbian bed death was riddled with methodical flaws. It equated frequency of
intercourse with a good sex life. And did not take into account factors like if
both partners received an orgasm or how long the sex lasted. Later studies
illustrated the difference quite clearly. Women in relationships with women
have longer sex when they do but aren't as frequent as straight couples. The
satisfaction of sex life is higher and a higher number of women in
relationships with women reported orgasm during sex than their straight
But that said bed death is something that happens to most
couples. And it is a challenge! One should try to make an effort to spice
things up or try to communicate with your partner. Maybe try and find new ways
of having sex that is still new and exciting. Check [Lesbian Sex Guide with
Over 100 Illustrated Sex Positions](
Why black cocks are so BIG?
In brief, on average, black men do have somewhat longer
penises at rest, but when it comes to erection white men have it somewhat
longer as a gross general rule, with White Arabs and also very Nordic people
being the champions. It must also be said that in Africa and elsewhere among
Blacks more recipes (comprising both the use of plants and of contentions
forcing the member to grow) are to be found resulting in penis enlargement to a
desired size, as part of greater general tendency for blacks to practice various
body sculpturing and modifications through scarification, exercize, substances
or otherwise : the Black body far from being the most natural and primitive is
as a rule the most elaborated upon by culture.
Thus some very particular groups of Africans, like some
Mandinka, may have just frightening large male endowments but beyond a certain
size it has more to do with ritual considerations or male group initiation than
about sexual enjoyment, as beyond that certain size it makes normal sex act
quite problematic and forces the man to renouncement, an effect desired as such
by such groups. But such extreme cases are statiscally negligible despite the
resulting attraction of ethnologists and tourists, and always the result of
culture, not nature. It must be also reminded that in nearly all instances the
more naked is a tribe or an ethnic group in Africa the less it is dependent on
sexual activity for life enjoyment except at very specific quite rare
collective events and that it can even be a token of chaste life or of more
sublimated forms of sexuality not unlike tantra.
Many white girls are damn certain that black men have it
longer thanks to their personal experiences but when you as a white girl
fantasize about Blacks you attract a very specific kind of Blacks, not the
reality of the greater Black population you meet with at a greater distance.
That can happen in the reverse direction : black girls fantasying about the
more generous endowments of certain types of privileged whites and actually
attracting what they fantasize about, some Arabs and some muscled Nordics being
the object of their fantasies.
More about sex and fantasies? Get [Sexual Roleplays With
Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games](
Too Fat to Have Sex with Thin
If she is small the your options are quite many
and unlimited, why not try Doggy Style, The Butterfly, Spooning Position,
Reverse Cowgirl, etc. the complete list with illustrations of how to do it for
plus size people is [here](
Good luck, enjoy!
How do you give oral sex
Kiss and lick down his chest and stomach. Undo
his belt and/or unbutton his pants. Kiss back up to him and place your hand on
his bulge. Gently squeeze. Give him a deep kiss on the lips and travel back
down. Take off his pants and underwear (or leave them on) and get ready for the
THE BJ - Awww yeah, the good part.
Positions: there are multiple positions you can
choose from:
Him laying down with you scooched between his
Him sitting and you kneeling in front of him
Him standing with you kneeling in front of him,
It’s up to you and your partner to decide which
position is best – here you will find [Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50
Have fun with this! Enjoy it and I promise he
will too. :)
The sensitive spots: the areas around his penis
are sensitive and need a little attention.
Tease him a little bit. Gently kiss and/or lick his
inner thighs and lower stomach (below the naval).
The shaft: the main part of
the show.
It’s what you’ll mostly be focusing on throughout your entire performance.
Slide your flat tongue from the base to the top
of the head (and over the frenulum).
Lick your lips and slide them along the shaft.
Make out with it a little.
Keep your lips tight around the shaft while you
move up and down. It creates a “vacuum” effect which feels really nice for him.
Be gentle! Please don’t use your teeth. If you
have to, cover your bottom teeth with your tongue to prevent anything bad from
Use your tongue! Don’t let it lay in your mouth
like a dead fish. Lick all around his shaft. Circle it around the head.
Be sure to use your hands to your advantage.
Grip his penis and move it up and down in sync with your mouth. Be sure there’s
enough lube (see: saliva) for it to glide up and down smoothly. Dry rubs may be
good for steak, but not for your man’s dick. Use both hands if you want!
Gently suck on the head of his penis while your
hand moves up and down.
The balls: these babies need some lovin’ too.
Gently massage them while you are working his
Don’t be afraid to use your mouth on them! And
again, please no teeth! These guys are super sensitive so licking and gently
(and I mean geeently) sucking on them should feel great for your man.
Lick/suck his balls while you stroke his cock.
I suggest discussing how/where he will finish
in advance with your partner. Now isn’t the time for an awkward “Uhhh, where
should I cum? Is it okay if I cum in your mouth?”
SWALLOWING: this can be slightly tricky. You
may not like the taste or the texture. You may not want him to cum in your
mouth for various reasons. YOU DON’T HAVE TO SWALLOW. Yes, it is easier clean
up and a good portion of guys find it hot (see: porn), but again, only do what
you want to do.
SPITTING: there are days when I don’t want to
swallow. You can let him cum in your mouth, then spit it out in the sink/in a
towel/whatever you fancy, or, you can let it drip down his cock and it can be
cleaned up afterwards.
Anyway for more detailed steps check the guide
in the link I gave above!
Want to give bf a blowjob
while he plays videogames
Time for you to initiate, but I know grabbing
his crotch is kind of a big step. Next time he is playing the video game, rub
his thigh. Rub his tummy. Lie with your head in his lap and keep stroking. Get
dangerously close to his junk. Then touch it "accidentally". Then
touch him through his jeans purposely. If subtle doesn't work, but you feel
silly saying "Hey, I'm going to give you a bj," you could also just
tell him you want to "Try something." ;)
From there on, just have fun. He'll be happy
just to have it in your mouth.
Guys often feel self conscious about asking for
one as they realize that not all girls like to give them. Therefore if you can
give him one without waiting to be asked he will be very pleased.
Initiating a blow job without being asked is
undoubtedly one of the loveliest ways to please your guy. He will love you for
If pleasing him is what you are aiming for then
you will definitely need this [Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man
My bf asked if we could have
sex with our baby next to us
It is very much normal and common but do not
feel pressured if you are not comfortable. Should you wish to have sex in the
same room as your baby, remember:
This is a definite no-no. Not only is it
dangerous for the little one, but it may also be crossing a boundary that will
see you placed on some kind of register for the rest of your life. Sometimes
the passion can take over when you are embraced with your lover, but remember,
the baby could become crushed or lodged during the act of love making. It is
safer for the baby to be anywhere else in the bedroom than in the bed when the
mood is right – their crib is obviously
the safest place, but the floor, window sill or on top of the wardrobe are also
alternative options.
Becoming a parent litters your world with
sexual innuendos that you try to ignore on a daily basis. There is no worse
time for one of these to crop up than when you are getting down and dirty with
your partner(s) of choice. If, during the throes of passion, you wish to
vocalize your excitement, do not, and I repeat, DO NOT say anything that could
be misconstrued. “Who’s your daddy” or “do you like that, baby”, for instance,
are definite no-nos.
Babies do not know what is going on at the best
of times. They cannot comprehend or understand what is happening, which makes
it pretty OK to have a bit of rumpy pumpy if they are in the same room as you.
But, do not start having sex when you are in the same room as your kid when
they are a bit older.
It may have a phallic like teet, but steer
clear of incorporating a dummy into your fun and games. No-one over toddler age
looks good sucking on one, whilst a dummy offers very little in terms of length
or girth. If the need arise do everyone a favour and buy a sex toy to satisfy
your needs rather than experimenting with whatever you find next to you. If you
accidentally or purposefully disregard this piece of advice, please remember to
sterilise the dummy before and after future use.
By the way, Congratulations on your baby plus on resuming sex so fast, it's important to keep mixing things up too,
trying things out and approaching things from new angles here are [Affectionate
Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated](
ashame of being naked in
front of a woman because she will see my hairy butt, my butthole and when I
have an erection my dick has some curve shape?
Many men have hair on their buttocks and around
their anus–it's quite normal and natural. The hair on your butt does serve a
purpose; it helps minimize friction and chafing while also keeping the area
ventilated and dry.
curve means an advantage when it comes to stimulating all the right
spots for toe-curling, full-body orgasms: the G-spot, A-spot, and prostate. Pro
tip: You can keep it simple with any variation of the missionary position and
still rock their world thanks to that curve.
All in all do not be ashamed, those are your
advantages just as she is not ashamed of her boobs or vagina for that matter
let alone her butt. Take pride in your body. At the beginning of the
relationship thogh, before getting used to each other, it is better to choose
sex positions which flatter your bodies and most of them you will find here [365 Sex Moves; Positions for Having Sex
a New Way Everyday](
My Fiance(24m) has a higher
libido than me(27f) and its our one issue
For everyone in a long-term relationship, this
often sound familiar: You and your partner tumble into bed at the end of each
day completely exhausted, promising yourselves you’ll have sex tomorrow. Then
that tomorrow-sex rarely comes, pun fully intended.
I often hear about how difficult it is to make
time for intimacy while leading hectic lives. It’s why I swear by scheduling
sex in relationships. This is exactly what it sounds like: sitting down with
your partner and marking sex dates into your calendar.
Many call this “maintenance sex,” which...doesn’t
sound sexy, I know. But for some people, scheduling sex is critical for
maintaining a healthy relationship, hence the moniker.
Even though sex is typically so, so vital for
relationship happiness, people often let it fall by the wayside. Scheduling sex
is an amazing way for partners to keep intimacy and satisfaction alive.
Sex is
part of the glue holding you together, it deserves some respect and
dedication. But there’s this very pervasive and annoying myth that sex should
just happen. For a lot of people, sex in long-term relationships generally
doesn’t work that way. And that’s fine!
It sounds obvious, but you can’t schedule sex
without this bit. sit down together and carve out a time that works, whether
it’s a standing sex date or something you need to decide anew each week. It
feels like a more intentional step towards intimacy than scheduling via text
and the like. Technology is great, but there’s really nothing like IRL face
Don’t just think about when it logistically
makes sense, also think about when you might feel most emotionally and mentally
engaged or turned on.
When you write your scheduled sex down, you’re
granting it the same weight you’d give any other important appointment. So be
sure it’s on both of your calendars. Even give it a designated color. I suggest
hot pink or red. (You can guess why.)
Having a sex schedule does not mean you need to
have intercourse every time (or ever). This isn’t really about sex. It’s about
intimacy. Many—but not all—couples often do experience this through sex, while
others don’t.
The point is scheduling time to engage in
whatever activities make you feel more closely connected. Perhaps it’s a
make-out session. Maybe one week sex and
the next you spend time playing with your partner’s hair and talking about your
Also massage does the trick and this guide will
greatly help you in that [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated
This level of flexibility respects the fact
that life happens. For example, I don’t expect you to toss aside a fight simply
because sex is on the schedule. This flexibility also acknowledges that some
people experience a more responsive form of desire and really only become
aroused after seduction and sexual touching have begun. Scheduled sex is not
about mandating a specific command performance, but creating a space where sex
can happen if it’s right for you both at that time.
So, talk about what scheduling sex really
encompasses. Be willing to compromise so both of you are satisfied. What’s most
important is setting aside time for you two to be together and focus on your
One of the biggest issues couples have with
this process is not following through. It’s really up to the two of you to
decide how committed you are to this schedule based on everything else going on
in your lives.
There is often a sense of pressure when you
first start a sex schedule, which can scare you away. For some people, that
drops off once they get used to it. But it may also take some playing around to
land on a version of scheduling sex that works for you.
Look, I get that “scheduled” can sound
synonymous with “so dull I want to cry.” It’s not. While this tactic won’t work
in every relationship, scheduled sex creates anticipatory excitement for some
people. It sets the sex date into your routine along with the opportunity to
explore new sexual terrain.
Doing so can add to the enjoyment because you
can put more thought into it and benefit from that spicy anticipation. On top
of all of that, occasional spontaneous sex rather than your typical scheduled
sex becomes even more exciting because it's so novel.
Long-lasting sexual excitement is built on the
unknown, the new, and the exploration of fantasy. Capitalize on that here. You
might think of a different, intriguing sex position see [Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100
Illustrated]( or pick
up some cute new underwear for the occasion. You can even text your partner
something like, “I can’t wait for our Monday night date. I bought something for
us to try.”
With all of the above said, if scheduling sex
doesn’t work for you, don’t get down on yourself. It doesn't automatically mean
your relationship is over or in trouble. It might not be your jam. This advice
can still serve as a blueprint for becoming closer: Sit down. Communicate. And
draw up a plan for quality time that might work better for you both.
I want rough sex
Having a sit-down talk with your partner
beforehand is not only essential, it also actually makes it much easier in the
moment when you are experimenting with said rougher sex, because you know you
have limits and boundaries in place that you’ll both respect. That peace of
mind can make it way easier to enjoy yourself in the moment, giving more of
your attention to your pleasure and satisfaction.
Asking for rougher sex really does just boil
down to having an actual Grown Ups Using Potentially Formal-Sounding Words
discussion with your partner. It’s not as simple as just saying, “Be rougher!”
because that could mean 40 different things and odds are, you’ll only want it
to mean a very specific few things. Here’s how to do that.
Another great way is to select sex positions
which brings out the animal in him ( e.g. positions which gives him an erotic view of you ). A good place to
start is checkout these [365 Sex
What’s on the table and what’s off the table
for you? Don’t be afraid to ask specifically for what you would like to try,
and see what your partner thinks. If you are planning to try something new,
such as spanking, impact play, biting, or scratching, make sure to discuss your
intentions first with your partner. You’ll also want to set up a safe word
ahead of time, so you both have an out if things go too far.
Have your partner begin with some pressure and
rate the feeling on a scale of 1 to 5 so you can let them know how much harder
or softer to get. After all, “harder” or “softer” can have a bajillion levels
in between (not to mention different meanings for each person), so this is a
good way of quantifying exactly where the sweet spot you’re looking for is.
Is my marriage slowly failing
or am I failing as a husband
You are not failing your family, neither is she
sabotaging you. But that does not mean that your marriage is not in need of
work. Very easy to fix, but only when you start seeing the real problem. This
might come as a surprise for you, but after nine long months, you’re
overwhelmed by the love you feel for your newborn -- and shocked to find how
much havoc that bundle of joy is wreaking in the bedroom. If both of you as a
couple are feeling less than lusty after having a baby, you’re not alone. It’s
completely normal for both women and men’s libido to hit a rock-bottom low
during the first six to nine months following the birth of your baby
There’s one emotional snare that many new
parents fall prey to: A lot of us wind up transferring our emotional energy to
our kids versus expressing it as a couple.
Much of it has to do with oxytocin, the bonding
chemical we release when we hug, make love... and breastfeed. Directly after
giving birth, the mother winds up getting her oxytocin from her kid. Thus
couples disconnect, emotionally and physically.
To get back on track, start talking -- and
touching -- right away to raise your oxytocin levels. Even in the first six
weeks, when intercourse is frowned upon, set up time to give each other a
massage or a foot rub.
And don’t be afraid to be opportunistic about
sex, whether that means setting a sex date or taking advantage of baby's naps.
Even if it’s a quickie, it’s important.
It’s easy to forget how much time and effort we
put into our relationships in the early days: planning for dates, caring for
our bodies and (gasp) having long conversations with one another.
People feel sort of sad when they get that news
that yes, it does require effort to build a connection across a lifetime. You
don’t just dive in — you don’t just put your body in the bed and put your
genitals against each other and expect for it to be ecstatic.
Think of building good sexual habits just like
you would develop good eating or exercising habits.
Sex begets more sex. Kind of like when you go
to the gym. It takes you a while to build that habit.
You’ll notice little by little that it becomes
more and more as opposed to less and less.”
This guide will help you, but maybe if you were
to go through it as a couple [Better Sex in No Time: A Guide for Busy Couples](
What is the use of vaginal
sex if you get an orgasm through the clitoris
This is because pleasure comes bundled up in
various colors, thus there are :
Clitoral- These orgasms are often felt
on the surface of the body, like a tingly feeling along your skin and in your
Vaginal - These orgasms are deeper
in the body and can easily be felt by the person penetrating the vagina because
the vaginal walls will pulse.
Combo - When the vagina —
particularly the G-spot — and the clitoris are stimulated at the same time, it
tends to result in a more explosive movie-style orgasm that may have convulsing
or literally ejaculation .
Tackling the elusive vaginal
Vaginal orgasm is often misconstrued as the
“best” way for women to orgasm, but it’s often the most difficult for ladies.
Instead of a penis, try fingers or a sex toy. Insert the fingers or toy into
the vagina and make a “come hither” motion toward the belly button.
There’s a point of pleasure on this wall called
the G-spot and when you hit it with regular, strong pressure, it can lead to
orgasm. Stimulation of the G-spot is also the way to lead to female
ejaculation, as it stimulates the Skene’s glands on either side of the urethra.
Vaginal orgasm
Mimic the “come hither” or circular motion,
rather than an in-and-out movement.
Repeat motions that feel good so that the
feelings will build up.
My 2 year marriage is lacking
sex and intimacy
The truth about sex is that, while there are
certainly those legendary couples who have sex five times a week every week,
most people in long-term relationships experience periods where they just don’t
have sex all that often. And though the frequency of sex might dip, the quality
of sex can and should increase. So what
do you do if you find yourself in a sexless marriage? A first step would be working through any
areas of resentment in the relationship and fostering emotional closeness
through increased time together, intimate conversation, and affection. Feeling
relaxed during sexual encounters is key to sexual responsiveness. Also check
[Lesbian Sex Guide with Over 100 Illustrated Sex Positions]( Anxiety, tends to kill the
mood, leading to less sex. From there, set up a sex schedule to help get things
back on track. Most couples have a
discrepancy in sex drives, which can often lead to a lack of regular sex.
Creating a ‘sex schedule’ of one to three times per week can be a perfect
Why do guys like playing with
themselves in the shower
Any expert will tell you that most highly-sexed
men – particularly young men – will often choose to masturbate despite being in
good, sexually loving relationships.
This is how most guys are. They tend to be more
highly charged sexually than women, and they also tend to enjoy the quick,
reliable and intensely centred orgasm they get from 'doing it themselves'.
They like the sheer physical intensity and the
brevity of it – and the fact that they can be selfish and not have to worry
about making the experience great for a partner. See
So, most likely, the fact that your man might
want to masturbate from time to time is nothing whatever to do with your sex
life or your relationship
So, if I were you, I would simply accept that
this is how lots of men are.
It takes most of us a while to fully understand
the sexual needs of our partners.
Best positions to eat a girl
Get her all the way to the edge of the bed. She
should be lifting up her upper body with elbows and head back, relaxed. Have
her bend one leg up on the bed. You will kneel before her (or sit on your
feet), grab her by the hips and go to town like a champ. If you so wish, you
can have two free hands during this position. USE THEM. Not only down there,
but softly stroke her legs, cup her breasts, hold hands… you get the idea. Here
too you will find [Oral Sex Moves for Him
& Her Over 50 Demonstrated]( . Don’t be scared to keep
them in your nightstand for reference. It would be a secret punch card ― follow
only part of the guide and you earn the title Master of Sex!
My girlfriend yawned during
sex the other day! Help!
It is quite common place in most relationships
than you would think. She was caught up with her brain in the cookie jar
wandering down the chore list while being eaten out. She might be feeling
disconnected or she is just bored with the same ole thing. There is no need to
confront her, just steer the ship in the right direction will do the trick. I
suggest trying [some different
positions]( or
having sex in a different room to mix things up and see if she gets her mojo
back. I would recommend you too sharpen your skill this guide is a very
wonderful place to start: [Female Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate G-Spot
So ummm i just found this
sub, Where can i get my proper sex education?
My answer is assuming that you are male and you
need sex education to help you understand the opposite sex better. The
recommendation given will mainly focus on understanding the female body but
briefly covers understanding your own machinery. Learning about the functions
of each organ and how these organs work together allows you to be aware of the
female body. Learning about a woman's
sexual responses may also make you more comfortable with her body. If you
understand what happens to the female body when she is sexually excited, you may be able to improve
your sexual experiences with her. A woman's sexual responses change throughout
her life cycle. In part, this is due to her changing levels of experience and
self-knowledge, but there are also physical changes as her body matures. A good place to start learning about the
female sexual response and how to have sex focused on pleasing her I recommend
the book: [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building & Delivering
My boyfriends cum is bitter,
I don’t have the heart to tell him.
You don't have to swallow, if u don’t want to.
The major reason why men want girls to swallow their semen because men see
swallowing sperm as an acceptance of their body, taste and smell. When a woman
**swallows sperm** after an ejaculation, men see this as a very intimate act
which makes them feel special.
But you have more options and still make him
happy and satisfied - (1) Take the load in your mouth and spit, but this will
give you more taste of the fluid (in case you don’t like the taste). (2) Close
your mouth when he is about to release and take it over your face, neck or
boobs. (3) Take his p3nis deep inside and make him release his load directly in
your throat, so that you don’t have to taste it.
Meanwhile, make a deal with him. Talk to him.
If you don’t like his taste and still he wants you to swallow ask him to stop
smoking, drinking, tobacco, eating pungent, bitter, spicy or smelly foods, etc.
and he must take more sweet fruits like apples, pineapples, coconuts, mango,
banana, etc. Eating more fruits will make his semen sweet and perhaps you will
then like to swallow.
Meanwhile, if you looking for reasons to
swallow then check out these health benefits:
1. Natural anti-depressant.
2. Natural anxiety reducer.
3. Improves quality of sleep.
4. Increases energy.
5. Improves concentration.
6. Improves memory.
7. Improves mental alertness.
8. Assists with pregnancy maintenance.
9. Increases female-initiated sexual behavior.
10. Reduces pain.
11. Many spas and salons across the world have
integrated semen into their treatments on the basis that it will lead to
healthier hair and more youthful skin.
Although swallowing semen may be a taboo in
some societies, people are now slowly realizing the health benefits of
swallowing fresh male semen. I understand that it may not taste good to some,
but who asks you to chew and taste it like an ice cream, just swallow baby.
Having said so, it may also be a medium of passing infection and STD. So be
careful of your
Remember a healthy semen contains Calcium,
Chloride, Fructose, Glucose, Lactic Acid, Magnesium, Potassium, Protein,
Sodium, Zinc. So, there you see a daily shot fulfills your requirement of
healthy nutrients. Some medical experts also believe that one semen shot taken
is equal to one large glass of milk shake.
Lastly, by the way you would seriously
appreciate this guide into [Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man
So have fun, give your man the fun and
enjoyment he loves and stay healthy with his semen.
Sexy suggestions
I think the best way to spice up and revump
your sex life in an intimate way is massage.
Everyone loves a massage, right? Massages are even better with a partner
and they are a great way to spice up your sex life and do something different.
There is no need to be worried or intimidated about giving your partner an
erotic massage, following this [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated
Guide]( will help bring an
extra level of fun and sensuality to your relationship. If you and your partner
want to spice up your sex life without going to the extreme, why not put erotic
massage in that suggestion box and It can make all the difference.
Can anyone relate to this?
Too ugly for casual sex?
From your descriptions both in earlier life and
now I can see that you are creative. I will take your word for it that indeed
you are ugly (though I have strong reservations for jumping to this conclusion,
but I am agreeing for the sake of making my answer short )
Following what you said, I have both good and
bad news. I will start with bad news.
Yeah since you are college, most college girls
are more or less driven by peer pressure and for that looks matters, that is why you are questioning your
appearances. To some extent I will agree that what you say could be true “if I
were to get into a relationship she may appreciate my personality, but she
won't respect me because I'm ugly and she'd feel like I have no other options
“. In college this may be true where group mentality counts higher than what
the individual may actually deeply craves. So it may be difficult for you to
separate a real lover with a girl simply desperate for a boyfriend whom she
know she can control.
In real life where majority of ladies are,
notice am not saying girls but ladies, the scales shift drastically. Most
ladies are more realistic to themselves and would choose a man not based on
what is bothering you right now. All the reason you see disparities between the
attractiveness of couples involved.
In the ruthless world of the mating game,
plain-looking men instinctively know that being funny, smart or poetic helps to
compensate for an unbeautiful exterior.
That gut feeling gained scientific validation
from an unusual study. Average-looking men become more alluring when women
sense the man has an imaginative spark. The study recruited a batch of
volunteers who looked at pictures of men, rating each on the basis of their physical
looks alone. Armed with this benchmark of beauty, they then submitted the same
pictures to another group of volunteers – but this time provided clues about
the subjects’ creativity.
Attached to each picture were mini exercises in
the imagination. It is perhaps an indicator that looks fade and in the end it
does not matter as you will always be left with the personality of someone. The
results showed that men with less attractive faces get a big boost in the
popularity contest if they show a creative touch. Creative guys with less
attractive faces were almost identical in attractiveness to really good looking
guys who were not as creative.
For women, though, the news is not so good.
Looks remain paramount .In one experiment, creativeness did nothing to boost
the allure of attractive women – and it even reduced the appeal of less
attractive women.
Why would women rate creativity among men so
highly? This is because of evolutionary biology – the hidden criteria that
drive us to seek the best mate for ensuring healthy offspring and their
Women on average are a more selective sex when
it comes to choosing romantic partners. Imagination and inspiration may be “a
proxy for intelligence. Creativity is thought to be a signal that an individual
can invest time and effort into a particular task or can see things in novel
ways that may be useful for survival.
That means nerds and poets are at a big
disadvantage in online dating, where decisions to swipe left or right – to shun
or show interest – are often based on just a glance. Certain platforms that we
have now for dating might not be favorable for assessing people on more complex
attributes. The allure of creativity may not be limited to potential romantic
partners, but extend to potential friends too, the study found.
None of women is beyond flattery and, strangely
enough, a big, fat, ugly man has a much better chance of charming his way under
women’s defences and into their lives because when they meet him they couldn't
possibly imagine going to bed without him
And it's not true to say that women do not care
about looks. Of course they do. But even the most handsome man looks plain
after waking up next to him for a month if he does not have an inner beauty.
Most women would swap a six-pack for a sweet,
fat, furry tummy any day if it had the right man behind it.
Women and men are different. Yes, we're all
attracted to beauty, but for men it can be more sustaining than it is for
Let's face it, the streets are not lined with
handsome men squiring ugly girls. Life just doesn't work like that.
there are plenty of girls who are looking for a guy just like you, but they
wont know him unless you decide to resume your personality traits which I
already admire of: “People seem to naturally listen to me. I regularly get
complimented on my personality and don't have a hard time making female
friends. I'm always getting told how funny and fun to be around I am.”
That is the charm I explained above
The most mistake is that most guys think women
are like them be it in attraction or sex preferances, that is why even with
couples married for 20 years I still recommend men to read [Female Orgasm 101;
Preparation, Building & Delivering it](
Completely counterintuitive for most men
Roleplay gone so right
Role playing can be an excellent indicator of
feeling emotionally and physically safe with a sexual partner. Roleplay can be
a deeply healing experience and can deepen the relationship or strengthen the
It’s a very powerful way to express yourself
and your desires.
Just because you like to be someone else during
sex doesn’t mean you’re damaging your relationship and the life the two of you
have outside of the boudoir.
Roleplaying in the bedroom does not mean it
will bleed into your outside life. Relinquishing or grabbing control by the
horns for one night (or every night) does not mean you and your partner will
become two actors unable to shed off their roles.
The key to successful, healthy roleplay is
trust. Without it, boundaries can be crossed and lines eviscerated.
It’s about mutual respect and an understanding
that this is the exploration of certain, intimate fantasies, and at the end of
the day, the most crucial, fundamental element is consent.
With this self-expression comes the opportunity
for acceptance and validation from your partner, leading to a more emotional,
intimate connection. The sexual confidence and lowered inhibitions needed during
roleplaying is only achieved through a tremendous amount of safety and trust
within a relationship.
If you can engage in roleplay confidently,
you’re not proving yourself to be some sexual pariah; you’re actually proving
you have complete faith in both your partnership and your lover.
If you can feel comfortable opening yourself up
to that kind of vulnerability, you’re reaffirming your connection to each
If you’re in tune with yourself sexually, you’re
on a much more enlightened path.
You should feel relaxed enough in your
relationship to be able to ask your partner for what you want without shame.
Roleplay is also a great way to spice things up
in the bedroom. You are both committed to each other and have grown used to
being with each other.
Shaking things up a little bit can be exciting.
Just be sure you’re presenting this as an invigorating experience, not as a
substitution for something missing.
By the way you will also find more roleplay
ideas here [Sexual Roleplays with Over 100 Demonstrated Sex
How do I help my partner eat
me out better?
Oral sex is the crème de la crème for vulva owners.
It's the top sexual act for successfully reaching orgasm. Having a partner's
full concentration on your clitoris, vulva, and vagina allows you to lie back
and enjoy the pleasure to the fullest.
Even though some people are a little
apprehensive about oral sex, consider being open to exploration. Getting up
close and personal with your partner's taste and smell, and figuring out how
they like to be touched, licked, and rubbed can be sexy.
There are so many ways to receive (and give)
oral sex. It's exciting to figure out which oral sex positions work for you and
your partner.
Be sure to communicate clearly and honestly
about what you like and don't like. Verbal communication means both people get
what they want.
There is nothing like a tried-and-true classic.
Just because something is a go-to doesn't make it any less awesome. This
position allows the giver lots of full-vulva access. With ample access to the
clit and vagina.
The receiver lies on their back with knees bent
on the bed. You can choose to lie your knees in a spread butterfly position or
play with different leg positions for different sensations. The giver kneels or
lies between their legs. If you want a little more lift, put a pillow under the
receiver's hips. This can help take some strain off giver's neck and giving him
better access to the vagina.
This position is an all-access pass to the
vulva. The receiver lies flat on their back with their butt right at the edge
of the bed/counter/couch. The giver kneels (or stands, depending on height) on
the floor facing their vulva.
The giver can stick a cushion under their knees
for extra padding. If you want, the receiver can put their feet on the giver's
shoulders for a little more balance, or they can let their legs dangle. This
position frees up the giver's hands for some penetration, nipple stimulation,
or tongue sex.
Lean your back against the wall or a door. Have
your partner kneel in front of you and go down on you. If it's comfortable,
place a foot or leg on your partner's shoulder to give them more access to your
Whichever position you choose off the oral sex
menu, have fun with it. Sure, not everything will work for you, but exploring
is half the fun. Here you will find : <a href=" "> Oral
Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50 Demonstrated </a>
Paralyze after sex?
If it’s as you say that “her legs are paralyzed
after they tremble”, this does not sound normal. But what I know to be normal
is LEG CRAMPS and I also have a feeling that this is what you meant, thus I
will explain with the LEG CRAMPS scenario in mind. ( Leg cramps usually feel
like a painful knot on the leg muscle and renders it momentarily immobile.
common in the calf muscle, but they can also happen in the thighs or feet.
Normally, leg cramps last just a few moments before the muscle loosens
Feel free to disregard the rest of my answer
below if paralysis scenario is correct.
Leg cramps, their occurrence is telling me that
she holds a lot of tension in her thighs, calves, and feet when she is building
up to or having orgasms. Perhaps if she relaxes those parts of her body during
sex, her orgasms, and her leg cramps will decrease. Her legs seem to be working
hard to help her orgasm, so perhaps they need to stand down or be supported by
Another good way to relieve tension in her
muscles is to do some erotic massage during foreplay, she will appreciate it
and her orgasms will be less exhausting to the muscles. You will also find this
<a href="
"> Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide </a> really helpful.
And though counterintuitive, flexing her foot
(rather than pointing it) should relieve the tension. Otherwise, she should
drink a lot of water and share her secrets to her orgasmic success with all her
The Benefits of Having Sex
More Often?
Feeling unhappy and regret in a marriage is
normal. All relationships have ups and downs, happy seasons and difficult
seasons, agreements and disagreements. For most people, marriage is harder work
than they anticipated, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth the investment.
Personally I am married and in a supportive
relationship with lots of sex…lol.Aas you know there are many benefits to
having more sex. Higher rates of sexual activity are linked to positive
changes, such as lower blood pressure, reduced stress, greater intimacy, and
even a lower divorce rate.
Although frequency often decreases with age,
sexual activity in older adults remains important. In general, older married
couples tend to have sex more often than unmarried peers within the same age
Some of these benefits include:
Sex can boost self-esteem and reduce feelings
of insecurity, leading to more positive perceptions of oneself.
Brain chemicals are released during sex,
including endorphins, which decrease irritability and feelings of depression.
Another hormone, oxytocin (the "hug drug") increases with nipple
stimulation and other sexual activity. Oxytocin helps foster a sense of
calmness and contentment.
Chronic stress may contribute to lower sex
frequency. However, sex can be an effective stress management technique. Sex
reduces stress response hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline (epinephrine),
with effects lasting well into the next day.
release of the hormone, prolactin, which aids in sleep.
Being more sexually active boosts libido and
increases vaginal lubrication. Frequent intercourse is associated with lighter
menstrual periods and less painful period cramps. In addition, an improved
sense of smell, healthier teeth, better digestion, and glowing skin may be
related to the release of DHEA by the body after sex.
Sex in a monogamous relationship increases the
level of commitment and emotional connection with the other person. Expressing
love through sex increases the likelihood of couples staying together. As a
result, sex is positively associated with a lower divorce rate. Thus for married people these <a
"> Affectionate Sex Positions
Over 100 Illustrated </a> may
actually make a bigger difference in their relationship.
Sometimes, maintaining an active sex life is
difficult or impossible due to physical or psychological conditions. Couples
can maintain a strong, healthy relationship despite these barriers by looking
at non-sexual ways to improve intimacy.
Sometimes marriages get to a breaking point
where one or both people in the relationship are fed up, out of steam, and
lacking any energy to extend themselves toward the other.
This is one of the most difficult mental places
to be and requires courage to ask the question:
“How long am I willing to wait?” This line of thinking calls into
question what commitment means to you and what you’re truly responsible for in
your marriage.
Relationships take work. First and foremost,
you need to reflect deeply on how you’re feeling, then develop a game plan on
how to move forward.
Single life may be tempting but for me I do not
think it was any better
How to Manage Your High Sex
Remember, a high sex drive isn’t a problem to
be solved unless it’s causing emotional or mental strife. If you have a partner
with a fairly high libido there’s no reason to worry. Here are some ways you
can utilize your highs ex drive
If you feel like you pursue sex even when it
isn’t fulfilling or nourishing, or if you feel disconnected from your body,
consider different mindfulness techniques. Tantra, sexological bodywork, yoga,
and even meditation can all help you develop a fulfilling relationship between
your mind and body, helping you make better choices regarding your sex life.
Sexual health is an essential component to overall
health. As with all things, balance is key. Sexuality is best when it fits
comfortably into your life, neither suppressed nor overwhelming. By reading
sexual resources ( I have recommended some at the end ), you may be able to
find the perfect balance of sex in your life.
Understanding that sexual urges - much like
cravings for cigarettes or cake - do pass if not fuelled by yearning thoughts
or actions, can be a revelation. If you become aroused and you want to not act
on your urges, you can refer to a list you’ve made about how great your partner
is, or what you will gain from not acting out.
Some people derive great relief, pleasure and
pride from channeling their sexual energy into other things. This could mean
doing something creative, physical, thrilling or spiritual. Popular pursuits
include long distance running, dancing, learning the guitar, abseiling, DIY,
cooking, yoga and Tantra.
Some high sex drive people in monogamous
relationships frequently beg their partner for sex. This is very bad form. It’s
not sexy and, whether or not they give in, can kill off whatever sexual
feelings their partner has for them, as even tender affection is viewed as a
hopeful route to sex.
I’ve heard people with higher libidos argue
that they be allowed to have sex outside the relationship. While open
relationships can work, it’s best when it’s seen as an exciting thing that both
partners can participate in.
Sometimes it’s helpful to SCHEDULE times of the
week to connect and be intimate. During these times they could choose to do
various things like oral sex activities, acting out role-play activities or
downright having PIV sexual activities. Links to the resources of these
activities are below:
ORAL SEX ACTIVITIES: <a href=" "> Oral
Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50 Demonstrated </a>
"> Sexual Roleplays With Over
100 Demonstrated Sex Games</a>
"> Affectionate Sex Positions
Over 100 Illustrated </a>
All of which if your partner is willing, your
sexual life would be quite adventurous.
Men tend to have lower orgasm thresholds, so
most men can ejaculate even if they’re not very sexually excited. But there are
lots of men with high thresholds too. Like their female counterparts, they
can’t get off unless they’re seriously aroused.
Most women and men with high orgasm thresholds
eventually figure out on their own how to get aroused enough to climax. But
they often have trouble doing it in bed when someone else is present.
No matter what gender you are, the fact that
you can achieve sufficient arousal for orgasm by yourself — and for yourself —
is a very positive sign. It means you know how to cultivate your own arousal.
All that’s needed in treatment is to take your knowledge of your own arousal
and adapt it to partner sex.
When I say arousal, I’m not just talking about
hardness or wetness. I’m talking about a state of mind where you get highly
absorbed in the experience, you lose a significant number of IQ points, and you
regress to a more child-like state of wonder. What I call “getting dumb and
Many people think that if he’s hard and she’s
wet that they’re ready to have intercourse. Big mistake. Hardness in a man,
like wetness in a woman, can occur even at fairly low levels of psychological
Let’s imagine arousal — the real, authentic
psychological kind — on a scale from 0 to 100. Most young men only need about a
20 to get hard. But men’s orgasm thresholds vary.
If his innate orgasm threshold happens to be a
30, he’ll probably suffer from premature ejaculation. He’ll most likely expend
lots of effort trying to keep his arousal very low, in order not to ejaculate
immediately once lovemaking gets started.
But let’s say he is a man with innate orgasm
threshold that happens to be an 80. That level of arousal is not always easy to
achieve. A situation your boyfriend seems to be in
So now what’s the best way for a man with a
high orgasm threshold to get satisfaction in bed?
During partnered sex, many men spend so much
time thinking about whether their partner is aroused that they totally neglect
their own arousal.
Such men assume the fact that they’re still
hard means they’re fully aroused. But that’s just wrong. If he is a young,
healthy man, he can be plenty hard during sex and still be focused on lots of
other things and not be that into it.
Sure, if yhis orgasm threshold is a 30, he
could probably still ejaculate under those circumstances. But with the orgasm
threshold of around an 80 (i.e. most
guys who have difficulty ejaculating), then just going through the motions
isn’t going to work.
To get better results, the first thing needed
to do is start paying attention to how genuinely aroused he really is.
Most straight people put a lot of emphasis on
penetrative sex. There are of course lots of other ways to make love besides
penis-in-vagina intercourse. But most heterosexual people don’t feel quite
right unless intercourse is somewhere on the menu.
Accordingly, the most common clinical situation
in sex therapy with men who have difficulty ejaculating is that they can’t
ejaculate during intercourse. One important reason men with high orgasm
thresholds have difficulty ejaculating during intercourse is that they hurry to
penetrate before they’re really ready.
Remember, it only takes an arousal level of 20
or so for most young, healthy men to get hard. But if you start intercourse at
an arousal level of 20, you’ve got a big climb ahead to get to 80. So [invest
in a lot of foreplay and oral sex](
Sure, intercourse can be exciting. But just like most men, the most exciting part is
right at the moment of penetration. Like most things in life, intercourse just
doesn’t deliver the same thrill on the hundredth thrust as it did on the first.
So no penetration the minute he gets hard.
Instead, see if he can get to a 60 or more of arousal before penetration. That
way, it won’t be such a big jump to get to 80 before intercourse gets boring.
Having a high orgasm threshold has certain
advantages. Chances are he can have sex for hours. He can be a perfect
gentleman, and can make sure his partner has
lots of orgasms. Which will mean both of you have literally enough time
to be [truly close and intimate](
But after being a perfect gentlemen, most men
with this condition have difficulty ejaculating.
To reach orgasm himself with a partner, he will
need a different approach — one that maximizes his own arousal.
Let’s say you’ve followed my advice above and
waited for him to get to an arousal level of 60 before penetration. Good. But
now that he is fully hot and bothered,
this is not the time to act like a gentleman. Now is the time to be a bit of a
Assuming you have a good, trusting
relationship, chances are they won’t mind if he focus entirely on his own
arousal for a bit. She will probably be thrilled that he trusted her enough to
“really let go.”
If his orgasm threshold is an 80 and has been
thrusting away for a half hour or more and he is nowhere close to being able to
come, then for God’s sake please do something else!
The truth is, he can’t always reliably reach an
arousal level of 80 with a partner. Some days, for whatever reason, it’s just
not going to happen. A modern man with a high orgasm threshold should expect
the same consideration most modern women get under the same circumstances.
Most modern couples don’t automatically expect
a woman with a high orgasm threshold to climax every time. And if she wants an
orgasm, most modern couples find it perfectly acceptable for a woman to give
herself one in bed with a partner -- typically with a vibrator.
I encourage partners to give a man who has
difficulty ejaculating the same consideration. Don’t assume he has to have an
orgasm every time. And if he wants one after you both feel intercourse has gone
on long enough, for heaven’s sake let him pull out and give himself one with
his own hand.
Sure, it’s nice to ejaculate during intercourse.
But make sure you have a back-up plan, just in case.
As with every pain point that I touch on in my
answers, your unique way through this issue will require a unique combination
of solutions.
Bottom line, question and let go of the
perfectionistic thinking when it comes to your sex life. You are human. You’re
allowed to be complex, and wavering sometimes. Sex is where we get literally
and metaphorically naked, after all.
How to Ride a Guy (Properly)?
Men love to have sex with the woman on top, and
it's one of the best sex positions for a woman to reach orgasm through
penetration, but being on top requires technique and stamina. Here's how to
ride a guy (properly)...
Sure everyone knows that the woman on top sex
position puts the woman in control of her own sexual pleasure, but it also
gives you the responsibility for providing your man underneath with pleasure.
How will you know if you are hitting all the
right spots? How fast should you go? Does he like it at this angle? Will it
hurt him if you bend back a bit? And so the questions begin to flow…
Soon you're not thinking about your own
pleasure anymore at all because the whole thing is stressful and tiring – you
had no idea he had to work so hard!
SIDE NOTE: These <a href="
"> Affectionate Sex Positions
Over 100 Illustrated </a> are
also ideal if you want to be more intimate (emotionally with him), but if it’s
a casual relationship then I do not recommend you try it.
The first thing in learning how to ride a guy
is amending your attitude. If you want to wow him with this position, then you
have to get the mentality right.
Being on top is sexy because it wreaks of power
– even though you will probably feel vulnerable, exposed and be lacking
confidence in your technique.
The whole point though is to be in control and
enjoy yourself. If your guy sees you basking in the glory of riding his Big
Fella all over the bed, then that alone is going to send him over the edge, you
won't even need technique!
1. Do you have the right attire? Remember, the
main attraction of the woman on top sex position is that he gets to see you in
all your glory.
This is definitely the position to satisfy any
man who loves to look at breasts, so make sure your breasts are looking their
best! You can go for sexy lingerie, bras that give you a lot of sumptuous
cleavage, bras that are made of sheer material so that he can see your erect
nipples poking through.
TIP: If you are feeling self-conscious of your
midriff because we don't all have flat tummies, why not wear a sexy corset or a
silky night-slip to cover up any flabby bits that distract you while you are
writhing away on top?
3. Don't be afraid to look him straight in the
eye. Establishing this kind of connection in the woman on top sex position can
be incredibly hot, and it gives you the opportunity to communicate with him
through facial expressions, dirty talk, or even just a simple smile that
reminds you that it's still just you and your man having great sex, with
nothing to feel intimidated about. (note: eye contact is especially important
if you want to connect with him on a deeper emotional level)
So now that you have gathered the confidence,
you are ready to take action!
1. Make sure that you are both turned on. He
should be hard and you should be wet.
2. Roll your guy over so that you can mount
him. Once you're straddling with one leg on either side, you may want to tease
him a bit before lowering yourself entirely onto his penis.
You can hover, brushing against the tip of his
penis with your clit if it feels good for you, you can kiss his chest, stick
your butt up in the air, even go down and give him a bit of a suck if he's not
as hard as you'd like.
3. Then slowly use your hand to guide his hard
penis into your vagina. Savor it. Move up and down until you have teased the
head of his penis through the entrance of your vagina. Enjoy those sensations.
Remember if you feel good, the chances are so does he!
4. Once he's in you might want to move up and
down along the length of his shaft slowly and purposefully, tilting your hips
slightly when you push down so that they rotate and you can feel him rubbing
all the right places inside of you.
5. Don't rush into anything, keep the
penetration steady, vary your movements so that he doesn't get too excited too
TIP: If you do the same thing for too long and
he's really enjoying, he's gonna blow, so tease and make it last. Most
importantly focus on building up your pleasure. It's not that difficult to get
a guy off once you get going, so focus on getting yourself off first.
6. Try rotating your hips in circles to see how
it feels. Try shallow penetration so that the head of his penis slips in and
out and you can feel that wonderful ridge of his on the lips of your vagina.
Try long deep thrusts, using your PC muscles to
grip his penis inside your vagina. Try bouncing up and down – but not too hard
– it might snap!
7. Don't forget to get him involved too. He
doesn't have to just lie there while you do all the work, you're going to start
getting tired pretty quickly if you're not used to being on top, so get him to
help you.
He can lift you up and down with his hands
underneath your butt, or he can pull you down onto his penis with his hands
gripping onto your hips. He can rock you back and forth… You can take the
pressure off your legs too by using his thighs or chest to lean on.
8. Don't be afraid of letting your breasts
bounce either, that's the sort of thing that will turn him right on! Men are
visual, the sight of you bouncing up and down on top of him is going to send
his straight to heaven, trust me!
• Be careful not to get too carried away. If
you stroke him in the opposite direction you could end up fracturing his penis!
Just keep in mind that it's not designed to handle all of your weight by
• Experiment by turning around so that he has a
great view of your back and butt.
• If you need a rest, you can focus on fondling
his balls, kissing his chest, or slipping off his penis and going down on him.
Don't forget not to overthink things. When you
are too self-conscious and nervous during sex, a guy can feel it, you can't
relax and you can't enjoy yourself. The secret about riding him is being
selfish. Basically, this is the time you use him for your own pleasure — and
that's precisely the part he'll enjoy most: seeing how much pleasure you can
get from him being rock hard inside you. What he wants to see is that you are
enjoying yourself, completely.
So smiling and moaning loud with a wide open
mouth are things that will turn him on and make him feel sexy (because he feels
he's the one making you feel this good).
The key is that you seem as if you can't even
control yourself from the ecstatic pleasure you're getting from being on top of
him. And if you want to take it a step further, arch your back, hold onto his
legs while you ride him fast (but do mix up the tempo occasionally
Of course — all of this is impossible to do if he's not
rock-hard. That's a prerequisite to riding a guy correctly: he simply must be
rock hard and turned on completely, if he's just 80% erect, that doesn't cut it
and doesn't make this position (you being on top) enjoyable to him. That's why
you shouldn't just start riding him immediately, instead, ease him into it by
first TALKING TO HIS MIND! (read this <a href=" "> Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man
Crazy </a> .
The more turned on you can get his psyche, the
harder his penis will be and the more pleasurable an experience he'll enjoy
when you are on top of him. Especially if you can seductively whisper some
dirty words into his ear. Then you can ride him into oblivion!
Why Crying During Sex Is So
Good For You?
Sometimes when you're in the middle of doing
the deed, your emotions take over and you suddenly find tears leaking out of your
eyes. You might feel surprised depending on the situation, but being overcome
with feelings during the act is actually pretty normal. If you and your partner
are doing a lot of intense power play and roleplaying, tears may simply be a
sign of getting into character.
Plenty of people cry happy tears during or
after sex. You might feel grateful that you feel safe enough with your partner
to explore power play. You might feel relieved that you’re giving yourself
permission to go to places that you may have not considered going to before. Or
you might simply feel a lot of love for your partner in that moment. If that’s
the case, let yourself cry, and don't be ashamed of it! Explain to your partner
that they’re good tears, and they're nothing to be worried about. If your
partner has a hard time believing you in the moment it might help them to hear
you explain it after the fact.
Sometimes sex can trigger past experiences of
abuse. A person who’s been abused or
survived painful/problematic/non-consensual sexual experiences often holds
trauma and emotion in their body after such an experience. Being naked, being
touched, getting aroused and particular kinds of sexual touch can connect a
person more directly to this; it can be harder to put on the shelf or out of
their mind, and even if they are not having memories of their specific
situation, they may find emotion takes over anyway. This might not include
crying — but it certainly can.
Noticing what the trigger is can be important —
it can help in asking the partner to stop something specific, or ask them to do
something that will change the focus and distract away from the triggering
incident. Even if a person hasn’t told their partner what happened to them and
doesn’t intend to, they can still let them know in advance of sex that
sometimes they get triggered and may need to ask for this change of focus. A
partner’s ability to take this seriously and go with it is important.
And if you don't know what triggered you, at a
later date, think about whether or not these types of sexual activities feel
safe to you.
Feeling overwhelmed during sex can lead to
shedding a tear or two. Sometimes we cry because there’s just so much going on
in one moment. This can be a good or bad thing. You might feel overwhelmed
because you’re pushing yourself to the limits of your boundaries. Or you might
feel overwhelmed by love, pleasure, or joy. You might just need a moment to
sort out what you’re feeling. If this is the case, just let your partner know.
There's nothing wrong with taking a moment to reflect on what you want, and get
back into things when it feels right.
When you’re having sex, your body can release
oxytocin (euphemistically referred to as the “cuddle hormone”), which can make
your emotions feel even more intense. Your tears may simply be the result of
biology — this is one of the reasons you might especially feel an urge to cry
after orgasm. If this is the case, there's nothing to be ashamed of. You're
likely just feeling so good in the moment, you're shedding a tear or two. Since
it seem you were “love making” this
could be the most probable explanation. If so then I know you would also appreciate
these <a href=" "> Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100
Illustrated </a>
First, ask your partner to stop and give you a
minute to sort out your feelings. Take a few slow, deep breaths. Then ask
yourself this series of questions:
“What am I feeling right now?”
“What do these tears mean?”
“What do I need right now?”
If your answers all seem relatively benign,
like, “I’m just feeling so much love for my partner,” or if it’s just a few
tears, then it’s probably fine to continue. If you’re crying hard, if you don’t
know the answers to these questions, or if you feel confused trying to sort it
out, it might be best to call time out or stop completely. You don’t want to
push yourself to keep having sex if you’re having a strong emotional reaction
that you don’t understand. The next day, take some time to review the
experience and see if there’s anything you can learn from it.
Good luck!
If you’ve ever been in a long-term relationship, this might
sound familiar: You and your partner tumble into bed at the end of each day
promising yourselves you’ll have sex tomorrow. Then that tomorrow-sex rarely
comes, pun fully intended.
I often hear about how difficult it is to make time for
intimacy. It’s why I swear by scheduling sex in relationships. This is exactly
what it sounds like: sitting down with your partner and marking sex dates into
your calendar.
Scheduling sex is an amazing way for partners to keep
intimacy and satisfaction alive.
It sounds obvious, but you can’t schedule sex without this
bit. I recommend that couples sit down together and carve out a time that
works, whether it’s a standing sex date or something you need to decide anew
each week. It feels like a more intentional step towards intimacy than
scheduling via text and the like. Technology is great, but there’s really
nothing like IRL face time.
Don’t just think about when it logistically makes sense,
also think about when you might feel most emotionally and mentally engaged or
turned on.
When you write your scheduled sex down, you’re granting it
the same weight you’d give any other important appointment. So be sure it’s on
both of your calendars. Even give it a designated color. I suggest hot pink or
red. (You can guess why.)
Having a sex schedule does not mean you need to have
intercourse every time (or ever). This isn’t really about sex. It’s about
intimacy. Many—but not all—couples often do experience this through sex, while
others don’t.
The point is scheduling time to engage in whatever
activities make you feel more closely connected. Perhaps it’s a make-out
session. Maybe one week it’s oral sex and the next you spend time playing with
your partner’s hair and talking about your fantasies.
Check [Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
This level of flexibility respects the fact that life
happens. For example, I don’t expect you to toss aside a fight simply because
sex is on the schedule. This flexibility also acknowledges that some people
experience a more responsive form of desire and really only become aroused
after seduction and sexual touching have begun. Scheduled sex is not about
mandating a specific command performance, but creating a space where sex can
happen if it’s right for you both at that time.
One of the biggest issues couples have with this process is
not following through. It’s really up to the two of you to decide how committed
you are to this schedule based on everything else going on in your lives.
Often there is a sense of pressure when you first start a
sex schedule, which can scare you away. For some people, that drops off once
they get used to it. But it may also take some playing around to land on a
version of scheduling sex that works for you.
Look, I get that “scheduled” can sound synonymous with “so
dull I want to cry.” It’s not. While this tactic won’t work in every
relationship, scheduled sex creates anticipatory excitement for some people. It
sets the sex date into your routine along with the opportunity to explore new
sexual terrain.
Scheduling sex might seem boring, but scheduling a date,
party, or vacation doesn't make it less fun.
Long-lasting sexual excitement is built on the unknown, the
new, and the exploration of fantasy. Capitalize on that here. You might think
of a different, intriguing sex position. A good place to start is [Plus Size
Considered; Positions for Having Sex a New Way
With all of the above said, if scheduling sex doesn’t work
for you, don’t get down on yourself. It doesn't automatically mean your
relationship is over or in trouble. It might not be your jam. This advice can
still serve as a blueprint for becoming closer: Sit down. Communicate. And draw
up a plan for quality time that might work better for you both.
Video game Loving BF[27] would rather jerk off than have sex with GF
If you’ve ever been in a long-term relationship, this might
sound familiar: You and your partner tumble into bed at the end of each day
promising yourselves you’ll have sex tomorrow. Then that tomorrow-sex rarely
comes, pun fully intended.
I often hear about how difficult it is to make time for
intimacy. It’s why I swear by scheduling sex in relationships. This is exactly
what it sounds like: sitting down with your partner and marking sex dates into
your calendar.
Scheduling sex is an amazing way for partners to keep
intimacy and satisfaction alive.
1. Figure out a day and time that works for both of you.
It sounds obvious, but you can’t schedule sex without this
bit. I recommend that couples sit down together and carve out a time that
works, whether it’s a standing sex date or something you need to decide anew
each week. It feels like a more intentional step towards intimacy than
scheduling via text and the like. Technology is great, but there’s really
nothing like IRL face time.
Don’t just think about when it logistically makes sense,
also think about when you might feel most emotionally and mentally engaged or
turned on.
2. Actually put it in your calendar.
When you write your scheduled sex down, you’re granting it
the same weight you’d give any other important appointment. So be sure it’s on
both of your calendars. Even give it a designated color. I suggest hot pink or
red. (You can guess why.)
Having a sex schedule does not mean you need to have
intercourse every time (or ever). This isn’t really about sex. It’s about
intimacy. Many—but not all—couples often do experience this through sex, while
others don’t.
The point is scheduling time to engage in whatever
activities make you feel more closely connected. Perhaps it’s a make-out
session. Maybe one week it’s oral sex and the next you spend time playing with
your partner’s hair and talking about your fantasies.
This level of flexibility respects the fact that life
happens. For example, I don’t expect you to toss aside a fight simply because
sex is on the schedule. This flexibility also acknowledges that some people
experience a more responsive form of desire and really only become aroused
after seduction and sexual touching have begun. Scheduled sex is not about
mandating a specific command performance, but creating a space where sex can
happen if it’s right for you both at that time.
4. Do your best to stick with the schedule.
One of the biggest issues couples have with this process is
not following through. It’s really up to the two of you to decide how committed
you are to this schedule based on everything else going on in your lives.
often there is a sense of pressure when you first start a
sex schedule, which can scare you away. For some people, that drops off once
they get used to it. But it may also take some playing around to land on a
version of scheduling sex that works for you.
5. Lean into the anticipation.
Look, I get that “scheduled” can sound synonymous with “so
dull I want to cry.” It’s not. While this tactic won’t work in every
relationship, scheduled sex creates anticipatory excitement for some people. It
sets the sex date into your routine along with the opportunity to explore new
sexual terrain.
Scheduling sex might seem boring, but scheduling a date,
party, or vacation doesn't make it less fun.
Long-lasting sexual excitement is built on the unknown, the
new, and the exploration of fantasy. Capitalize on that here. You might think
of a different, intriguing sex position. A good place to start is [Plus Size
Considered; Positions for Having Sex a New Way Everyday](
With all of the above said, if scheduling sex doesn’t work
for you, don’t get down on yourself. It doesn't automatically mean your
relationship is over or in trouble. It might not be your jam. This advice can
still serve as a blueprint for becoming closer: Sit down. Communicate. And draw
up a plan for quality time that might work better for you both.
Slip into bed naked. When he rolls over, he’ll know what you
have in mind.
Tell him you’re available for sex. This sounds blah, but it
can work to simply say, “If you want to make love, I’m totally up for it
Purchase a new marital aid (lube, board game, wedge pillow)
and suggest trying it out.
Make a list of sexual positions and ask which one he wants
to try tonight. See [Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100
for ideas.
Suggest a challenge, like “First one to make the other
climax gets out of doing dishes tonight.” (This only works as a playful idea,
not real bartering.)
Give him a straightforward multiple choice of foreplay
options: So tonight, do you want a hand job, a blow job, or to give me oral
How can I replace shame/embarrassment about sex with confidence?
At a certain point in our upbringings, we start to receive
unhelpful messages about sexuality, and how we should feel about sex.
– Good girls don’t like sex
– Little boys shouldn’t touch their penises
– Men only want one thing
– If you have sex with too many men, you’ll be a slut
– If you masturbate you’ll go to hell and burn for all
– God won’t love you if you (fill in the blank)
– You won’t be sexually attractive if you are the way you
are (too short/tall/fat/skinny/old/wrinkly/oily/whatever)
I could go on, but you get the point.
What these messages do is they start to have us doubt
ourselves, and feel guilty, or ashamed of our sexuality. We hear the messages
of, “Sexuality is wrong”, and we are sexual beings, so we, ourselves, feel
wrong. Unlovable. Disgusting. Evil. Et cetera. This wraps a layer of shame
around our sexuality. At this stage, the dissonance of our sexual shame hurts
us. Maybe we have been told that being
sexually aroused is wrong/evil/bad and yet we still feel sexual urges (because
that’s simply what bodies do), and so we feel wrong/evil/bad.
Ultimately (because the opposite of shame is innocence), the
only way out of this cycle is to overpower our sexual shame with love and
Gift wrap a box, hand it to him and say, “This is what I’m
wearing to bed tonight,” then let him open up the box to find it empty.
Flash him — your breasts and/or your southern region. Give a
subtle peek or display the goodies, but either way could get his motor running.
Cook his favorite dinner and, while you’re eating, tell him
you’re dessert.
Whisper into his ear what you want to do with him sexually.
Bonus points for specificity.
Wear a skirt or a dress without undies and let him know
you’re going commando.
Offer to give him a body massage.
Ask him to give you a body massage.
Schedule sex on the calendar. That may not sound sexy, but
why not put on his and your calendars a date and time for sexual intimacy?
To help you build confidence I know this [Goddess of Sex;
Sexually Driving Your Man Crazy](
will greatly help
Slip into bed naked. When he rolls over, he’ll know what you
have in mind.
Tell him you’re available for sex. This sounds blah, but it
can work to simply say, “If you want to make love, I’m totally up for it
Purchase a new marital aid (lube, board game, wedge pillow)
and suggest trying it out.
Make a list of sexual positions and ask which one he wants
to try tonight. See[Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated](
for ideas.
Suggest a challenge, like “First one to make the other
climax gets out of doing dishes tonight.” (This only works as a playful idea,
not real bartering.)
Give him a straightforward multiple choice of foreplay
options: So tonight, do you want a hand job, a blow job, or to give me oral
Say, “I want to make love with you. Right now.” No mixed
message there.
Take his hands and put them on the intimate places of your
body, inviting him to fondle.
Undress him. Bit by bit or tearing off his clothes —
whatever floats your boat.
Snuggle up to him and slyly begin massaging his testicles.
Gently, teasingly.
Reach over and touch, stroke, or squeeze his penis. Many men
like the direct approach — going right for the good stuff.
Straddle his hips, pressing into him where it counts. It’s a
strong taste of what could be happening if you both got naked.
This one will need both of you putting the effort, if you
can encourage him for both of you to
take the initiative then checkout [Couples Guide To Increasing Quantity &
Quality Of Sex](
You will get there in time. There is no rush. The world
wants you to succeed. You’ve got this.
What are some good games to play in the bedroom?
What You Need: A hat (or small jar or bowl), small pieces of paper, and
a pen. HOW TO PLAY: Each of you will
write down fantasies you have yet to share with your partner, be it having sex
in a certain part of the house or trying out a new position. Put the slips of
paper into the hat, then take turns unfolding them, one by one. (The next step,
obviously, is executing them.). WHY: Sharing fantasies will you bring you
closer together, and you’ll get to try out a whole bunch of new, super-sexy
things. Though not exactly games but some kink ideas can be found on [Sexual
Roleplays with Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games](
The lack of foreplay can actually be the foreplay
Imagine this: You step up to a ridiculously high-quality
buffet where every single piece of food was created by a world-class chef with
three Michelin stars. In scenario one, you have three hours to browse, sample,
and nibble on all of the various tastes available to you. It's incredible. You
feel so fortunate. And at the end, you're completely full and satisfied. In
scenario two, you have access to all of the same high-quality, chef-prepared
foods, but there's a timer going and you have FIVE MINUTES to stuff your face
with all of this deliciousness. You don't even get cutlery or a plate. Just use
your hands and cram it all in there.
The first scenario is what an all-evening, extended sex date
feels like. You and your partner both get to take your time and truly savor the
experience. But while the second scenario is likely going to be a lot less
satiating in terms of total caloric intake, it's also going to feel like one of
the most beastly, ravenous gorge-fests in your recent memory. You'll be left
sweaty and messy, thinking, "That was amazing. I'm so glad I just dove
right in there." That is the nature of the quickie. No planning. No
napkins. Little to no manners. Just a sexual pleasure free for all. (This
actually might be my favorite metaphor I've come up with to date.)
Depending with your needs remember we have got you covered,
please select the sex guide below which speaks to your heart!
1. <a href="">
Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50
Demonstrated </a>
2. <a
href=""> Affectionate
Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated </a>
3. <a
href=""> Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An
Illustrated Guide </a>
4. <a href="
"> Female Ejaculation; Unleash
the Ultimate G-Spot Orgasm </a>
5. <a href="
"> Goddess of Sex; Sexually
Driving Your Man Crazy </a>
With a Quickie It's that much easier to be selfish
I've talked before about the light side and dark side of our
sexual desires (à la yin and yang). Neither side is wrong, right, or better
than the other. They are two halves of the same whole. Most people tend to have
a deeper and easier relationship with their light side. So, what does this mean
and why is it relevant? It means many people tend to have a bit more reluctance
being selfish and taking care of their own sexual needs. That's where quickies
come in.
They're one of the best ways to get real, raw, and honest
about your sexual needs. Again with the gourmet buffet analogy: If you only
have five minutes to grab whatever most appeals to you, you're going to have
that much easier of a time being forthcoming and assertive with your desires.
Grab that body part of theirs that you love so much. Touch yourself
where you need it to climax as quickly as possible. Put your lips all over them
and be greedy about it. Because really, being selfish can be great and healthy
Depending with your needs remember we have got you covered,
please select the sex guide below which speaks to your heart!
1. <a href="">
Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50
Demonstrated </a>
2. <a href=""> Affectionate
Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated </a>
3. <a
Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An
Illustrated Guide </a>
4. <a href="">
Female Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate
G-Spot Orgasm </a>
5. <a href="">
Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your
Man Crazy </a>
Quickies reconnect you with your raw desire for your partner
Whether the majority of your sexual play with your partner
is either of the 10-20 minute formulaic lovemaking set or the two- to four-hour
extended exploratory style, you may have started to take certain parts of their
body for granted just because you're so used to them. In reality, there can be
something extremely sexy about "objectifying" your long-term partner.
The thing is, the word "objectify" tends to have a demeaning hint to
it, which isn't what I'm advocating. This is one thing that I picked up during
my years of being in the BDSM/play party scene. It is absolutely possible (and
easy, and hot, and loving) to perceive each other as physical beings that bring
each other pleasure. Because, let's get real, when you're in the middle of a
quickie, you aren't thinking about how moral and kind your partner is, you're
latching on to whatever parts of them you need to to get yourself off as
quickly as possible. And that's beautiful.
Quickies can be a totally healthy part of any sexual
relationship, and even easier to fit into your schedule than longer sessions.
Not to mention the bevy of health benefits from having regular sex (healthier
skin, better sleep, increased creativity, and overall heart health, just to
name a few). On the relationship front, increased sexual frequency also
correlates with better communication, and more highly ranked overall
relationship satisfaction for both men and women.
So give quickies a shot, especially if it's been a while
since your last one. Try it in the morning upon waking, when they've just
gotten out of the shower (or while they're still in it), or when one of you is
about to go off to work for the day. I would say to put it in your calendar and
'make time' for it, but that's barely even necessary.
Depending with your needs remember we have got you covered,
please select the sex guide below which speaks to your heart!
1. <a href="">
Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50
2. <a href=""> Affectionate
Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated</a>
3. <a
href=""> Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An
Illustrated Guide</a>
4. <a href="">
Female Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate
G-Spot Orgasm </a>
5. <a href="">
Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your
Man Crazy </a>
Healing The Root Of Sexual Shame
Remember, the opposite of shame is innocence.
Your sexual desires are entirely natural.
Feeling sexual desire is as natural as breathing… or feeling
hungry. And so is not feeling sexual desire (in the same way that your body
isn’t always hungry).
Whatever messages you received about sex (from society, your
past lovers, your church, your family, etc.), it isn’t your fault that you
received those messages. But it is your responsibility to step up to the plate
and do your own individual healing work. As it is for all of us.
I wish you the absolute best of luck, courage, and tenacity
in your healing journey. Others have been where you are, and they have made
You will get there in time. There is no rush. The world
wants you to succeed. You’ve got this.
Dedicated to your success,
Depending with your needs remember we have got you covered,
please select the sex guide below which speaks to your heart!
1. <a href="">
Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50
Demonstrated </a>
2. <a href=""> Affectionate
Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated </a>
3. <a
Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An
Illustrated Guide </a>
4. <a
Female Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate
G-Spot Orgasm </a>
5. <a href="">
Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your
Man Crazy </a>
My husband has been irritable lately. Do you think it’s because of the lack
of sex
Not necessarily sex but more to do with intimacy, you really
need to create some time to touch, kiss, oral, sex etc. But remember when it
comes to sex just like shoe sizes, there is only one exact fit and everything
else is either too big or too small. I advice you use these intimacy ideas
which are on FIRST result on Google, just copy & paste search the phrase:
My wife believes our love life revolves around her.
If you’ve ever been in a long-term relationship, this might
sound familiar: You and your partner tumble into bed at the end of each day
completely exhausted, promising yourselves you’ll have sex tomorrow. Then that
tomorrow-sex rarely comes, pun fully intended.
I often hear about how difficult it is to make time for
intimacy while leading hectic lives. It’s why I swear by scheduling sex in
relationships. This is exactly what it sounds like: sitting down with your
partner and marking sex dates into your calendar.
Scheduling sex is an amazing way for partners to keep
intimacy and satisfaction alive.
1. Figure out a day and time that works for both of you.
2. Actually put it in your calendar.
3. Be flexible about what kinds of intimacy are involved.
4. Do your best to stick with the schedule.
5. Lean into the anticipation.
Look, I get that “scheduled” can sound synonymous with “so
dull I want to cry.” It’s not. While this tactic won’t work in every
relationship, scheduled sex creates anticipatory excitement for some people. It
sets the sex date into your routine along with the opportunity to explore new
sexual terrain.
Scheduling sex might seem boring, but scheduling a date,
party, or vacation doesn't make it less fun.
Long-lasting sexual excitement is built on the unknown, the
new, and the exploration of fantasy. Capitalize on that here. You might think
of a different, intriguing sex position.
Also get these tickling sex moves FIRST result on Google,
just copy & paste search the phrase: 365 SEX MOVES COUPLESEXGUIDE
A partner who doesn’t care
what You want
A shared understanding of what constitutes
fairness is vital to any happy, healthy relationship. However, reciprocity is
usually an unspoken contract. When two people are equally invested in a
relationship, it shouldn’t be necessary to tot up who did what for whom. In any
single sex session one partner often benefits more, or contributes less, but
that inequity doesn’t matter if things balance out in the long run. Most things
can be easily overcome with good communication but not being willing to return
a massage sounds more like indolence, and that is more complicated I’m afraid.
You need “sexual communal strength” which is the motivation that couples have
to meet each other’s sexual needs in a relationship. “Perceived” partner
responsiveness (ie, feeling confident that your partner wants to be generous in
the bedroom) is an essential component of satisfaction.
It makes sense that couples who know that their
needs will be met generously, rather than reluctantly, exhibit higher levels of
satisfaction. And it works both ways. Individuals who are motivated to meet
their partner’s needs experience sexual benefits for themselves too. When one
person gives their all, and the other continually refuses to balance the books,
resentment is probably inevitable. Your wife is guilty of taking and failing to
give back, but you are guilty of giving and failing to demand anything in
return. That needs to change.
You don’t need to throw down the gauntlet.
Keeping score with an “I’ll only do this if you do that” ultimatum won’t help.
Instead, you need to frame the conversation in terms of how the inequity is
making you feel. Use “I” rather than “you” to avoid being accusatory, which
never goes well. Here are some examples: instead of saying, “You are lazy,”
say, “I feel my needs are ignored”; or instead of saying, “You are selfish,”
say, “I feel I give too much.”
Even if
you believe the first statement, by using the second one you will hopefully
avoid turning the conversation into a fight. Give her an opportunity to justify
her reluctance, and if there is a valid explanation, take it on board. If there
isn’t, don’t play the blame game. Simply tell her how much it would mean to you
to know that she cares about your pleasure, as much as you do about hers.
Discuss specific steps you both can take to
improve the situation. Try to agree on one small step you can both take right
away to signal your intention to work on this issue. A good place to start
could be scheduling intimate times like for massages, This guide would do a
great job since it guides both partners to do their part [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
Good relationships stand on four feet
So I have a high libido
I totally understand your frustration, but
maybe the fact that you are aware of his limitations it could be your turn to
direct your sex lives into the right direction. But to get started, these
guidelines may help you:
1. Tell your partner you need to talk and
decide on a time you can have an uninterrupted conversation (not while you’re
getting ready for work in the morning).
2. Once you have their full attention, present
the facts as clearly and non-judgmentally as you can (“We haven’t had sex when
I am horny, despite the few times I’ve tried to initiate it,”. Some people
might be very aware of their behavior, but others might not. Give your spouse
the benefit of the doubt and see how they respond before assuming they’ve been
aware of their behavior and indifferent to the damage it has caused.
3. State the emotional impact their rejections
have on you using "I statements" (“It makes me feel extremely
unattractive and undesirable,” “I feel hurt and my self-esteem has taken a real
hit,” or, “It makes me feel insecure, angry, and resentful.”). Here again, it
is important to give your partner space to respond; while some may be aware of
the impact of their behavior, others might not be.
4. State a clear request for change (“It isn’t
fair to me and I don’t want to keep feeling like this,” “We’ve spoken about
this before, you make some efforts but they don’t last. I need you to take this
very seriously,” or, “I want us to discuss this honestly and find solutions
5. If your partner gets defensive or is
reluctant to change, ask them to explain how they see things, what suggestions
they have for making things better, or whether there are things they are upset
about that are motivating their behavior.
6. Discuss specific steps you both can take to
improve the situation. Do not assume all the changes have to come from your partner;
they might have feelings of their own that are underlying their avoidance of
sex and intimacy. Try to agree on one small step you can both take right away
to signal your intention to work on this issue. A good place to start could be
scheduling intimate times like for massages, not necessary detailed but some
form of fulfilling touch. This guide would do a great job [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
7. Request a periodic check-in to make sure any
efforts or changes are maintained (“I want us to check in on this every few
weeks to make sure things have improved,” or, “I would like you to take the initiative
to check in with me so I know you care about whether I’m feeling better about
I love my wife so much and
can't stand that she doesn't
Oooohhhhh you lucky bustard!!!
USE SOME TOUCH- Every day, in every way (not
just sexually!) Hugs, kisses, brushing her hair, sitting with your arm around
her when you come back from work, holding hands, massages. AAAAH especially
I encourage couples to learn erotic massage
techniques to create a new avenue of sexual fun together. The benefits of
massage are many! The oxytocin released during these sessions will make her
feel good about you and the relationship you created together.
Scientifically, these hormones are responsible
for building trust and emotional connections. They're brought on by sexual and
non-sexual touching. This building of trust is what you want her to feel.
My recommendation for just that kind of
activity, and both of you will love it is: [Couples Erotic Sensual
Massage An Illustrated Guide](
If you commit to do this, then do not forget
during these sessions to take part of that intimate time WITH YOUR WORDS- Tell
her everything (your opinions, ideas, hates, loves, how your day is going, even
mundane information, basically whatever’s going through your head, the less
filter the better), how you’re feeling, how you feel about her, always being
honest with her, telling her you love her, asking her questions, listening
intently, internalizing feedback and thereafter communicating in a way that
shows you understood exactly what she means to you…
The secret to a happy
Yes, it’d be great if your partner was so
attracted to you that they simply had a never ending supply of sexual desire
that was focused on you and only you for all eternity. In reality? Sexual
desire ebbs and flows, and there will be occasions where your partner’s sexual
desire has a dry spell and you will feel it.
But one of the fastest ways that you can turn
your partner off is to expect them to have sex with you just because they’re
your partner. This is the definition of taking your partner for granted.
Expectation is the ultimate anti-aphrodisiac.
Just because you are in a relationship with
your partner doesn’t mean that you get to stop proactively loving them, wooing
them, courting them… whatever you want to call it… the same way that they don’t
have to automatically be turned on by you at the drop of a hat.
Relationships take work.
If you stopped creating value at your job, you
would stop getting money.
If you stop investing effort in to your
relationship, sometimes, you stop receiving sexual pleasure via your partner.
I am not sure some of the things you often r
suggest which she may only do for the sack of you, but if you want to sexually
reconnect with her in a way that she
desires and she would agree to do
for the pleasure of it why not try [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
Good luck...Enjoy!!!
How to feel close during or
because of sex
You said “There's so much pressure and my body
fails me so often.”
The pressure is the problem, you can not bond
when you are underpressure. Instead find what you enjoy most, that which will
take away the pressure. You may want to reveal one new thing you want to try in
bed. It’s a no-brainer that fulfilling your sexual fantasies is a bond-booster.
If having the talk up-front feels too stilted or broad, you can take a look at
[Sexual Roleplays with Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games](
and share only the things you both are open to trying) and take it from there
... directly to the bedroom.
Do more eye-gazing in bed. Eye contact during
sex may not feel the most natural, but it is a crucial part of bonding in bed.
Uninterrupted eye contact can be freaky, but if you’re in a position like
missionary or cowgirl where you’re positioned to look directly at each other,
try to fix your gaze on their eyes, even if it feels a little awkward at first!
It’ll help build a stronger feeling of trust in a moment when you are
potentially the most vulnerable.
Yes, it’d be great if your partner was so
attracted to you that they simply had a never ending supply of sexual desire
that was focused on you and only you for all eternity. In reality? Sexual
desire ebbs and flows, and there will be occasions where your partner’s sexual
desire has a dry spell and you will feel it.
I would advise that you increase the frequency
of sex BUT SCHEDULE it to have various activities, by that I mean let him learn
some of ideas, he doesn’t have to be an oral sex enthusiast but knowing some of
these will improve his performance like quick ejaculation. You are lacking sex
because he has performance anxiety which with knowledge the gap would shorten.
The only problem is how to get him to read, any here is the link; [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building
& Delivering
I wish she thought about sex
the way she thinks about food.
I totally understand your frustration, but
maybe the fact that you are aware of her limitations it could be your turn to
direct your sex lives into the right direction. This way she may realize
another source of the joys of life which she maybe overlooking right now. For
that I think Erotic Massage can turn around the most tired and boring sex
lives! Many couples have been together for a long time and have full-time jobs,
kids, long commutes and modern-day stressors (Covid -19). They are too tired to
have anything but boring sex. When I say tired I mean not inspired, not
passionate, not hot, not sexy. I refer to the “squeeze one out” kind of sex
that happens in bed at the end of the day when everyone is tired. When I say
boring I mean the “one trick pony” kind of sex that is routine, gets you where
you want to go, is the tried and true formula and that may have remained the
same for years.
I encourage couples to learn erotic massage
techniques to create a new avenue of sexual fun together. The benefits of
massage are many! Being sexually intimate with one another creates an
incomparable. The oxytocin released during sex makes you feel good about your partner
and the relationship you created together.
Scientifically, these hormones are responsible
for building trust and emotional connections. They're brought on by sexual and
non-sexual touching. This building of trust between partners is what you will
need to restore your connection.
Now if your marriage has taken a turn for the
worse what kind of touching is still viable and easy to start on? Massage would
be my go to answer and my recommendation for the book you need for just that
kind of activity, and both of you will love the activity: [Couples Erotic
Sensual Massage An Illustrated
If you commit to do this, then do not forget
after these sessions to take part of that intimate time discussing how best you
can fix the thorny issue in your relationship. Trust me commitment makes all
the difference.
Good luck...Enjoy!!!
Best fingering techniques?
major thing that I think a lot of people get wrong is getting too complicated
with fingering. So many people try to do all of these complex, creative
techniques. This can feel overwhelming to so many women, and can even be
painful if your clitoris is sensitive. If there’s one tip I give more often
than any other, it’s to keep it simple. You don’t need to do finger gymnastics!
When your partner is starting to move their
hand down between your legs, tell them, “I want you to tease me. Go nice and
slow.” If they start getting too enthusiastic in the moment, take hold of their
hand and say, “a little softer” or, “I like it when you go slower.” If they
don’t seem to be getting the point in the moment itself, talk to them outside
of the bedroom. Say something like, “I love how excited you get about touching
me, but I really need a much softer, slower, gentler touch. If it’s not slow
and delicate, it just doesn’t feel good to me.” Otherwise the best option was
if he was to educate himself like most guys with this guide [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building &
Delivering it](
How to talk to a HL husband
who gets angry?
Because you have said “Despite the frequency of
sex, I feel I'm being denied the things that make it pleasant. It's even
affecting me physically, as my sex organs have simply become a masturbatory
instrument, they have lost the ability to give me any pleasure of my own.” I am
going to repeat what was already said above in one comment
1st: your bedroom isn’t dead.
2nd: your husband is a dick.
3rd: he needs to grow the fuck up.
I would advice that if you keep the frequency
of sex as you already do THEN SCHEDULE it to have various activities, by that I
mean let him man up and master these truths to truly free up your organs [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building &
Delivering it](
It is a Pity that I cannot have word to word
with him!
How to rev Husband's engine
Yes, it’d be great if your partner was so
attracted to you that they simply had a never ending supply of sexual desire
that was focused on you and only you for all eternity. In reality? Sexual
desire ebbs and flows, and there will be occasions where your partner’s sexual
desire has a dry spell and you will feel it.
But one of the fastest ways that you can turn
your partner off is to expect them to have sex with you just because they’re
your partner. This is the definition of taking your partner for granted.
Expectation is the ultimate anti-aphrodisiac.
Just because you are in a relationship with
your partner doesn’t mean that you get to stop proactively loving them, wooing
them, courting them… whatever you want to call it… the same way that they don’t
have to automatically be turned on by you at the drop of a hat. Ahhh but here
you will appreciate this guide [Goddess of Sex; Sexually Driving Your Man
Relationships take work.
If you stopped creating value at your job, you
would stop getting money.
If you stop investing effort in to your
relationship, sometimes, you stop receiving sexual pleasure via your partner.
Good luck...Enjoy!!!
Need help figuring out her
sexual response
A discrepancy in sexual desire among couples in
long-term relationships is always something to be anticipated. At one time or
another, you will find that want more sex than your partner.
Some high sex drive people in monogamous
relationships frequently beg their partner for sex. This is very bad form. It’s
not sexy and, whether or not they give in, can kill off whatever sexual
feelings their partner has for them, as even tender affection is viewed as a
hopeful route to sex.
I’ve heard people with higher libidos argue
that they be allowed to have sex outside the relationship. While open
relationships can work, it’s best when it’s seen as an exciting thing that both
partners can participate in.
Sometimes it’s helpful to SCHEDULE times of the
week to connect and be intimate. During these times couples could choose to do
various things like massage, playing with your partner’s hair, or as you said figuring out how to please her,
see [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building &
Delivering it](,
acting out role-play activities or downright having PIV sexual activities.
A twist on the classic missionary position. The
Coital Alignment Technique (CAT) is a sex position that focuses on clitoral
stimulation. To get in position, one partner should lie on their back and
extend their legs straight out, slightly parted.The other partner should then
slide on top, between their partner’s legs.
For perfect alignment, the top partner should “ride high,” or lift their
body higher than in the usual missionary position. To do this, the top partner’s chest should
align with the bottom partner’s shoulders. Once you’re in alignment, the top
partner can carefully rest their weight onto the bottom partner. This will
reduce the amount of space between your genitals and create more friction.
From here, the top can slowly enter the bottom
partner — but just the tip! The shaft of your penis will rest against the vulva. Then, begin an
up-and-down rocking motion. This will allow for slight vaginal penetration while
the shaft rubs against the clitoris.
Keep it slow and steady to see where it takes
By the way for resources, there is an ideal
guide which approach sex positions from the perspective focusing on how to
please her check it out here [Couples Sex Guide with OVER 100 Demonstrated Sex Positions](
Good luck...Enjoy!!!
Telling your guy that you want more oral is a
catch-22: Make too big of a deal out of it and he may conclude he comes up
short in the sack. But if you beat around the, ahem, bush, he may not get the
message at all. So when he presses his body against yours to signal he's ready
for the main event, whisper "I'd be really heated up if you'd kiss me down
below first." This assures him that his current moves satisfy you but
shows you have one other need you'd like him to address. But since you said you
already give him head why don't you invest in oral sex positions which allows
you to alternate simply by following the guide without you coming out like you
are demanding it. A good place to start is: [Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her
Over 50 Demonstrated](
Good luck...Enjoy!!!
If it is oral only on you then it would
definitely shorten it, so try to invest in activities that builds her pressure
too so that by the time you are into sex both of you are way above there, plus
remember focusing on her should cool you down making it all the way more fun
see [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building & Delivering
Good luck...Enjoy!!!
First Time Poster - Long Time
You really need some intimacy and please find a
way to discuss it with her. Even if its not sex I always find that massage
works wonders and she won’t simply refuse it like sex. A massage between
couples can be as tame as a clothed shoulder rub, or something much more
involved and sensual. Whatever option you choose, treating each other to a
massage is likely to increase trust, induce relaxation, and create feelings of
deep enjoyment. See [Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated Guide](
One of the most important conditions for
fostering this intimate connection is to spend time alone, focusing on each
other. In the case of a massage you are most decidedly focusing your complete
attention – even your hands! – on the person you love, and giving them space to
be themselves.
Low libido descrepancies
A discrepancy in sexual desire among couples in
long-term relationships is always something to be anticipated. At one time or
another, you will find that your man wants more sex than you.
At other times it may be that you want more.
Research has shown that in 75 percent of discrepancies in desire, it is the man
who wants more. This has made it appear like the normal thing; that when the
man wants more sex than the woman then it is normal so that in the few cases
where the equation is reversed, it is more difficult for the couple to cope and
the psychological consequences make the man slide into erectile dysfunction.
Having drunken sex
Increases women’s sexual desire and arousal—up
to a point. Alcohol affects women’s libido and arousal in much the same way it
impacts men’s. One drink usually increases desire and the likelihood of sexual
activity. Some studies show that as women become intoxicated, they report
increasing sexual arousal. But high doses—stumbling drunkenness—suppress
Like men, women also experience the
self-fulfilling prophecy of alcohol-expectancy. They anticipate feeling aroused
by situations that include alcohol, and tend to become aroused around
alcohol—whether or not they drink. So go for it plus also use this
[Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated](
Wanting to be with her 1 last
time - yay or nay?
For breakups that end in a completely mutual
understanding, having sex can be a “beautiful, connected ending. In cases where
both partners are truly resolved (I know, it sounds too good to be true, but it
really does happen!), breakup sex can be a good idea. If you are serious you want this kind if sex
I advise on doing some role-play in the mix to avoid it from being intimate and
passionate, feelings you would regret. Here you will find [Sexual Roleplays
with Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games](
The “I want to get you back” kind of sex,
however, is not a good idea. Accepting a breakup takes time, and trying to ease
the pain with sex will only prolong the process. Breakup sex unfortunately
isn’t going to give you the closure you’re craving. Closure comes from putting
the relationship behind you and prioritizing yourself. Don’t get me wrong, it’s
not easy, but holding onto something that isn’t there will only hold you back.
How do i get my bf to finger
What worries me is that he get his sexual
skills from porn an act with disastrous consequences. It was going to be better
if he was to try reading [Female Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building &
Delivering it](
Otherwise; When you’re making out slowly put his hand in your underwear. If he
focuses mostly on the clit you can push his hand down gently. Hopefully that
will clue him in. If that doesn’t work out so well, you can finger yourself a
little. He’ll see or recognize what you’re doing and when you stop (you should
stop to give him an opportunity to help lol) he may pick up where you left
off. You could even find a seductive way
to whisper, “finger me”, or “I want you to finger me”, or will you etc.
BUT As your boyfriend he is presumably a
man, and men aren’t particularly good at picking up female hints. They simply
don’t get them. Instead you should simply explain to him what you’d like him to
do. He will sigh with relief, whisper: “So that’s what you meant”, and finger
away happily until you beg him to stop.
GF cried during sex with her
ex, never with me.
Do not emotionally beat yourself. She felt so
close to you that she had to confide in your something deeply personal to you.
So see it as a sign of how she loves and feels safe with you. Though she might
not have counted on how men feel really bad to be compared to another thus
unleashing all masculine insecurities. She didn’t have to talk about her ex,
that’s why you found it odd and it was.
I suspect the reason she told you is that she
was confiding in you. She might have been indirectly asking you why she could
have cried with her former boyfriend a thing she might have found odd too.
Saying the reasons for her crying were of “feeling good “ was also an indirect
way of making you NOT jump to the wrong conclusion. RAPE. Why would she cry
when there was consent? And yet that does not seem to happen with you? This is
a mystery she has wrestled with for years now. And it is the same question
which will free her and also you from those insecurities.
Now all this have nothing to do with you but
the actual reasons she is looking for are:
Sometimes when you're in the middle of doing
the deed, your emotions take over and you suddenly find tears leaking out of
your eyes. You might feel surprised depending on the situation, but being
overcome with feelings during the act is actually pretty normal.
Sometimes sex can trigger past experiences of
abuse. A person who’s been abused or
survived painful/problematic/non-consensual sexual experiences often holds
trauma and emotion in their body after such an experience. Being naked, being
touched, getting aroused and particular kinds of sexual touch can connect a
person more directly to this; it can be harder to put on the shelf or out of their
mind, and even if they are not having memories of their specific situation,
they may find emotion takes over anyway. This might not include crying — but it
certainly can.
Noticing what the trigger is can be important —
it can help in asking the partner to stop something specific, or ask them to do
something that will change the focus and distract away from the triggering
incident. Even if a person hasn’t told their partner what happened to them and
doesn’t intend to, they can still let them know in advance of sex that
sometimes they get triggered and may need to ask for this change of focus. A
partner’s ability to take this seriously and go with it is important.
And if you don't know what triggered you, at a
later date, think about whether or not these types of sexual activities feel
safe to you.
Feeling overwhelmed during sex can lead to
shedding a tear or two. Sometimes we cry because there’s just so much going on
in one moment. This can be a good or bad thing. You might feel overwhelmed
because you’re pushing yourself to the limits of your boundaries- In this case
her first boyfriend could have done that since she really did not have … well,
deeper boundaries. She might have needed
a moment to sort out what she was feeling.
Either way crying might not be in the works for
both of you but pushing her pleasure boundaries will make her also appreciate
you, for that you will need [Female Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate G-Spot
My husband rejected me.
Should I be hurt?
While the bathroom and kitchen may be the most
"dangerous" rooms in the house in terms of physical injury, most of
our emotional injuries happen in the bedroom. When your partner rebuffs your
advances; avoids your attempts at intimacy—you are going to feel rejected and
it's going to hurt.
Over time, of course, such rejections are
extremely damaging to the relationship as a whole. In order to protect
themselves from further hurt, a rejected partner is likely to become
emotionally withdrawn, distant, and disengaged. They are also likely to develop
feelings of anger and resentment toward the partner, and in some cases, become
SIDE NOTE: Start investing in sexual activities
that are not male focused such as erotic massages, for that get this guide into an intimate massage for
couples, FIRST result on Google, just copy & paste search the phrase:
However, staying silent and tolerating or
accommodating the situation will not make you feel better; instead, the
rejections will only continue to wear away at your self-esteem and happiness.
1. Tell your partner you need to talk and
decide on a time you can have an uninterrupted conversation (not while you’re
getting ready for work in the morning).
2. Once you have their full attention, present
the facts as clearly and non-judgmentally as you can (“We haven’t had sex when
I am horny, despite the few times I’ve tried to initiate it,”. Some people
might be very aware of their behavior, but others might not. Give your spouse
the benefit of the doubt and see how they respond before assuming they’ve been
aware of their behavior and indifferent to the damage it has caused.
3. State the emotional impact their rejections
have on you using "I statements" (“It makes me feel extremely
unattractive and undesirable,” “I feel hurt and my self-esteem has taken a real
hit,” or, “It makes me feel insecure, angry, and resentful.”). Here again, it
is important to give your partner space to respond; while some may be aware of
the impact of their behavior, others might not be.
4. State a clear request for change (“It isn’t
fair to me and I don’t want to keep feeling like this,” “We’ve spoken about
this before, you make some efforts but they don’t last. I need you to take this
very seriously,” or, “I want us to discuss this honestly and find solutions
5. If your partner gets defensive or is
reluctant to change, ask them to explain how they see things, what suggestions
they have for making things better, or whether there are things they are upset
about that are motivating their behavior.
6. Discuss specific steps you both can take to
improve the situation. Do not assume all the changes have to come from your
partner; they might have feelings of their own that are underlying their
avoidance of sex and intimacy. Try to agree on one small step you can both take
right away to signal your intention to work on this issue.
7. Request a periodic check-in to make sure any
efforts or changes are maintained (“I want us to check in on this every few
weeks to make sure things have improved,” or, “I would like you to take the
initiative to check in with me so I know you care about whether I’m feeling
better about this.”).
Can not orgasm with husband
Orgasm is a mental experience as much as a
physical one. Sometimes it can feel like there’s an incredibly narrow window of
acceptable mental actions. If you think about it too much — “am I close yet? Is
it going to happen this time? Is my partner getting bored?” — you may have a difficult
time reaching a climax or enjoying yourself. If you don’t think about it enough
— “are those clothes dirty or clean? Did I forget to water the plants?” — you
won’t come. So what are you supposed to do in a situation where you can't seem
to relax?
He will appreciate this, if he can time to read and try out some of
the moves there [Oral Techniques to Make Her Orgasm Quicker | Free
The trick is to find better ways to occupy your
brain during sex.
Fantasizing when with a partner can help you
get over mental blockages and achieve orgasm. Active fantasizing is one of the
most effective techniques for improving your orgasmic odds. Fantasizing is a
great way to keep your mind engaged during sex. It also creates another layer
of stimulation. There are even some people who are able to reach orgasm simply
by fantasizing!
Often women need more than vaginal stimulation
to have an orgasm and there's nothing wrong with that.Fantasizing can be good,
whether you imagine in your head, role play, or talk dirty to your partner,
these can all be ways to spice up and include some fun sexy fun times."
Right now, think of your favorite fantasies,
and decide on one that you can utilize the next time you’re being intimate with
your partner. It can be helpful to pick something beforehand, that way you
don’t have to waste mental energy going over your options in the moment. Try to
flesh out as many details of the fantasy as you can, and immerse yourself in
the experience.
Keep in mind that fantasizing doesn’t have to
mean cutting your partner out of the picture altogether. You can have your
partner play the leading role in your fantasy, whatever that role is!
Are intelligent people better
in bed?
Yes, but not always. Remember I have issues
with the term intelligent, so I will use educated. Intelligent sounds clinical
with tests, measurement, results and scores, but educated sounds inclusive
(formal or informal). Anyone can archive it. Even here on Reddit, most of us
are educating ourselves. If you're more educated you're more in touch with your
emotions and that's important to sex. It applies to both women and men. The
more enlightened you are, the better you
understand your partner's needs.
people might not realize that sex is not just about ticking the box.
There are things involved that one needs to put an effort into and be creative.
A good example is MASSAGE:
If you go to the massage parlor – more like
ticking boxes
If you follow this [Couples Erotic Sensual
Massage An Illustrated
Guide]( – you will
realize effort and creativity are
curved penises stimulate the
g-spot more than straight ones
Some people
have a penis that curves to the side, upward or downward when
erect. Most people who have sex with
people with penises don’t care about the curve of the penis, but some prefer a
curved penis, saying it offers better G-spot stimulation. There’s definitely a
market for curved dildos, after all. A curved penis is like any other penis,
and it might even hit a better spot. Don’t worry, no penis is alike. What
matter is if you really know to use what you’ve got.
Remember the G Spot is located about an inch or
so inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall — closest to the
bellybutton. The G-spot is sexually sensitive and swells slightly during
arousal and feels raised or bumpy. Anyway, long story short here is [Female
Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate G-Spot Orgasm](
Good luck and enjy!!!
How do I help my partner eat
me out better
Oral sex is the crème de la crème for vulva
owners. It's the top sexual act for successfully reaching orgasm. Having a
partner's full concentration on your clitoris, vulva, and vagina allows you to
lie back and enjoy the pleasure to the fullest.
Even though some people are a little apprehensive
about oral sex, consider being open to exploration. Getting up close and
personal with your partner's taste and smell, and figuring out how they like to
be touched, licked, and rubbed can be sexy.
There are so many ways to receive (and give) oral
sex. It's exciting to figure out which oral sex positions work for you and your
Be sure to communicate clearly and honestly
about what you like and don't like. Verbal communication means both people get
what they want.
There is nothing like a tried-and-true classic.
Just because something is a go-to doesn't make it any less awesome. This
position allows the giver lots of full-vulva access. With ample access to the
clit and vagina.
The receiver lies on their back with knees bent
on the bed. You can choose to lie your knees in a spread butterfly position or
play with different leg positions for different sensations. The giver kneels or
lies between their legs. If you want a little more lift, put a pillow under the
receiver's hips. This can help take some strain off giver's neck and giving him
better access to the vagina.
This position is an all-access pass to the
vulva. The receiver lies flat on their back with their butt right at the edge
of the bed/counter/couch. The giver kneels (or stands, depending on height) on
the floor facing their vulva.
The giver can stick a cushion under their knees
for extra padding. If you want, the receiver can put their feet on the giver's
shoulders for a little more balance, or they can let their legs dangle. This
position frees up the giver's hands for some penetration, nipple stimulation,
or tongue sex.
Lean your back against the wall or a door. Have
your partner kneel in front of you and go down on you. If it's comfortable,
place a foot or leg on your partner's shoulder to give them more access to your
Whichever position you choose off the oral sex
menu, have fun with it. Sure, not everything will work for you, but exploring
is half the fun. Here you will find : [Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over 50
Paralyze after sex
If it’s as you say that “her legs are paralyzed
after they tremble”, this does not sound normal. But what I know to be normal
is LEG CRAMPS and I also have a feeling that this is what you meant, thus I
will explain with the LEG CRAMPS scenario in mind. ( Leg cramps usually feel
like a painful knot on the leg muscle and renders it momentarily immobile.
common in the calf muscle, but they can also happen in the thighs or feet.
Normally, leg cramps last just a few moments before the muscle loosens
Feel free to disregard the rest of my answer
below if paralysis scenario is correct.
Leg cramps, their occurrence is telling me that
she holds a lot of tension in her thighs, calves, and feet when she is building
up to or having orgasms. Perhaps if she relaxes those parts of her body during
sex, her orgasms, and her leg cramps will decrease. Her legs seem to be working
hard to help her orgasm, so perhaps they need to stand down or be supported by
Another good way to relieve tension in her
muscles is to do some erotic massage during foreplay, she will appreciate it
and her orgasms will be less exhausting to the muscles. You will also find this
[Couples Erotic Sensual Massage An Illustrated
Guide]( really
And though counterintuitive, flexing her foot
(rather than pointing it) should relieve the tension. Otherwise, she should
drink a lot of water and share her secrets to her orgasmic success with all her
The Benefits of Having Sex
More Often
Feeling unhappy and regret in a marriage is
normal. All relationships have ups and downs, happy seasons and difficult
seasons, agreements and disagreements. For most people, marriage is harder work
than they anticipated, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth the investment.
Personally I am married and in a supportive
relationship with lots of sex…lol.Aas you know there are many benefits to
having more sex. Higher rates of sexual activity are linked to positive
changes, such as lower blood pressure, reduced stress, greater intimacy, and
even a lower divorce rate.
Although frequency often decreases with age,
sexual activity in older adults remains important. In general, older married
couples tend to have sex more often than unmarried peers within the same age
Some of these benefits include:
Sex can boost self-esteem and reduce feelings
of insecurity, leading to more positive perceptions of oneself.
Brain chemicals are released during sex,
including endorphins, which decrease irritability and feelings of depression.
Another hormone, oxytocin (the "hug drug") increases with nipple
stimulation and other sexual activity. Oxytocin helps foster a sense of
calmness and contentment.
Chronic stress may contribute to lower sex
frequency. However, sex can be an effective stress management technique. Sex
reduces stress response hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline (epinephrine),
with effects lasting well into the next day.
release of the hormone, prolactin, which aids in sleep.
Being more sexually active boosts libido and
increases vaginal lubrication. Frequent intercourse is associated with lighter
menstrual periods and less painful period cramps. In addition, an improved
sense of smell, healthier teeth, better digestion, and glowing skin may be
related to the release of DHEA by the body after sex.
Sex in a monogamous relationship increases the
level of commitment and emotional connection with the other person. Expressing
love through sex increases the likelihood of couples staying together. As a
result, sex is positively associated with a lower divorce rate. Thus for married people these [Affectionate
Sex Positions Over 100 Illustrated](
may actually make a bigger difference in their relationship.
Sometimes, maintaining an active sex life is
difficult or impossible due to physical or psychological conditions. Couples
can maintain a strong, healthy relationship despite these barriers by looking
at non-sexual ways to improve intimacy.
Sometimes marriages get to a breaking point
where one or both people in the relationship are fed up, out of steam, and
lacking any energy to extend themselves toward the other.
This is one of the most difficult mental places
to be and requires courage to ask the question:
“How long am I willing to wait?” This line of thinking calls into
question what commitment means to you and what you’re truly responsible for in
your marriage.
Relationships take work. First and foremost,
you need to reflect deeply on how you’re feeling, then develop a game plan on
how to move forward.
Single life may be tempting but for me I do not
think it was any better
How to Manage Your High Sex
Remember, a high sex drive isn’t a problem to
be solved unless it’s causing emotional or mental strife. If you have a partner
with a fairly high libido there’s no reason to worry. Here are some ways you
can utilize your highs ex drive
If you feel like you pursue sex even when it
isn’t fulfilling or nourishing, or if you feel disconnected from your body,
consider different mindfulness techniques. Tantra, sexological bodywork, yoga,
and even meditation can all help you develop a fulfilling relationship between
your mind and body, helping you make better choices regarding your sex life.
Sexual health is an essential component to
overall health. As with all things, balance is key. Sexuality is best when it
fits comfortably into your life, neither suppressed nor overwhelming. By
reading sexual resources ( I have recommended some at the end ), you may be
able to find the perfect balance of sex in your life.
Understanding that sexual urges - much like
cravings for cigarettes or cake - do pass if not fuelled by yearning thoughts
or actions, can be a revelation. If you become aroused and you want to not act
on your urges, you can refer to a list you’ve made about how great your partner
is, or what you will gain from not acting out.
Some people derive great relief, pleasure and
pride from channeling their sexual energy into other things. This could mean
doing something creative, physical, thrilling or spiritual. Popular pursuits
include long distance running, dancing, learning the guitar, abseiling, DIY,
cooking, yoga and Tantra.
Some high sex drive people in monogamous
relationships frequently beg their partner for sex. This is very bad form. It’s
not sexy and, whether or not they give in, can kill off whatever sexual
feelings their partner has for them, as even tender affection is viewed as a
hopeful route to sex.
I’ve heard people with higher libidos argue
that they be allowed to have sex outside the relationship. While open
relationships can work, it’s best when it’s seen as an exciting thing that both
partners can participate in.
Sometimes it’s helpful to SCHEDULE times of the
week to connect and be intimate. During these times they could choose to do
various things like oral sex activities, acting out role-play activities or
downright having PIV sexual activities. Links to the resources of these
activities are below:
ORAL SEX ACTIVITIES: [Oral Sex Moves for Him
& Her Over 50 Demonstrated](
Roleplays With Over 100 Demonstrated Sex
[Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100
All of which if your partner is willing, your
sexual life would be quite adventurous.
Men Who Have Difficulty
Men tend to have lower orgasm thresholds, so
most men can ejaculate even if they’re not very sexually excited. But there are
lots of men with high thresholds too. Like their female counterparts, they
can’t get off unless they’re seriously aroused.
Most women and men with high orgasm thresholds
eventually figure out on their own how to get aroused enough to climax. But
they often have trouble doing it in bed when someone else is present.
No matter what gender you are, the fact that
you can achieve sufficient arousal for orgasm by yourself — and for yourself —
is a very positive sign. It means you know how to cultivate your own arousal.
All that’s needed in treatment is to take your knowledge of your own arousal
and adapt it to partner sex.
When I say arousal, I’m not just talking about
hardness or wetness. I’m talking about a state of mind where you get highly
absorbed in the experience, you lose a significant number of IQ points, and you
regress to a more child-like state of wonder. What I call “getting dumb and
Many people think that if he’s hard and she’s
wet that they’re ready to have intercourse. Big mistake. Hardness in a man,
like wetness in a woman, can occur even at fairly low levels of psychological
Let’s imagine arousal — the real, authentic
psychological kind — on a scale from 0 to 100. Most young men only need about a
20 to get hard. But men’s orgasm thresholds vary.
If his innate orgasm threshold happens to be a
30, he’ll probably suffer from premature ejaculation. He’ll most likely expend
lots of effort trying to keep his arousal very low, in order not to ejaculate
immediately once lovemaking gets started.
But let’s say he is a man with innate orgasm
threshold that happens to be an 80. That level of arousal is not always easy to
achieve. A situation your boyfriend seems to be in
So now what’s the best way for a man with a
high orgasm threshold to get satisfaction in bed?
During partnered sex, many men spend so much
time thinking about whether their partner is aroused that they totally neglect
their own arousal.
Such men assume the fact that they’re still
hard means they’re fully aroused. But that’s just wrong. If he is a young,
healthy man, he can be plenty hard during sex and still be focused on lots of
other things and not be that into it.
Sure, if yhis orgasm threshold is a 30, he
could probably still ejaculate under those circumstances. But with the orgasm
threshold of around an 80 (i.e. most
guys who have difficulty ejaculating), then just going through the motions
isn’t going to work.
To get better results, the first thing needed
to do is start paying attention to how genuinely aroused he really is.
Most straight people put a lot of emphasis on
penetrative sex. There are of course lots of other ways to make love besides
penis-in-vagina intercourse. But most heterosexual people don’t feel quite
right unless intercourse is somewhere on the menu.
Accordingly, the most common clinical situation
in sex therapy with men who have difficulty ejaculating is that they can’t
ejaculate during intercourse. One important reason men with high orgasm
thresholds have difficulty ejaculating during intercourse is that they hurry to
penetrate before they’re really ready.
Remember, it only takes an arousal level of 20
or so for most young, healthy men to get hard. But if you start intercourse at
an arousal level of 20, you’ve got a big climb ahead to get to 80. So invest in
a lot of foreplay and oral sex and these [Oral Sex Moves for Him & Her Over
50 Demonstrated]( is
a good place to start
Sure, intercourse can be exciting. But just like most men, the most exciting part is
right at the moment of penetration. Like most things in life, intercourse just
doesn’t deliver the same thrill on the hundredth thrust as it did on the first.
So no penetration the minute he gets hard.
Instead, see if he can get to a 60 or more of arousal before penetration. That
way, it won’t be such a big jump to get to 80 before intercourse gets boring.
Having a high orgasm threshold has certain
advantages. Chances are he can have sex for hours. He can be a perfect
gentleman, and can make sure his partner has
lots of orgasms. Which will mean both of you have literally enough time
to be truly close and intimate, in which case these [Affectionate Sex Positions
Over 100 Illustrated](
will also come in handy
But after being a perfect gentlemen, most men
with this condition have difficulty ejaculating.
To reach orgasm himself with a partner, he will
need a different approach — one that maximizes his own arousal.
Let’s say you’ve followed my advice above and
waited for him to get to an arousal level of 60 before penetration. Good. But
now that he is fully hot and bothered,
this is not the time to act like a gentleman. Now is the time to be a bit of a
Assuming you have a good, trusting
relationship, chances are they won’t mind if he focus entirely on his own
arousal for a bit. She will probably be thrilled that he trusted her enough to
“really let go.”
If his orgasm threshold is an 80 and has been
thrusting away for a half hour or more and he is nowhere close to being able to
come, then for God’s sake please do something else!
The truth is, he can’t always reliably reach an
arousal level of 80 with a partner. Some days, for whatever reason, it’s just
not going to happen. A modern man with a high orgasm threshold should expect
the same consideration most modern women get under the same circumstances.
Most modern couples don’t automatically expect
a woman with a high orgasm threshold to climax every time. And if she wants an
orgasm, most modern couples find it perfectly acceptable for a woman to give
herself one in bed with a partner -- typically with a vibrator.
I encourage partners to give a man who has
difficulty ejaculating the same consideration. Don’t assume he has to have an
orgasm every time. And if he wants one after you both feel intercourse has gone
on long enough, for heaven’s sake let him pull out and give himself one with
his own hand.
Sure, it’s nice to ejaculate during
intercourse. But make sure you have a back-up plan, just in case.
As with every pain point that I touch on in my
answers, your unique way through this issue will require a unique combination
of solutions.
Bottom line, question and let go of the
perfectionistic thinking when it comes to your sex life. You are human. You’re
allowed to be complex, and wavering sometimes. Sex is where we get literally
and metaphorically naked, after all.
How to Ride a Guy (Properly)
Men love to have sex with the woman on top, and
it's one of the best sex positions for a woman to reach orgasm through
penetration, but being on top requires technique and stamina. Here's how to
ride a guy (properly)...
Sure everyone knows that the woman on top sex
position puts the woman in control of her own sexual pleasure, but it also
gives you the responsibility for providing your man underneath with pleasure.
How will you know if you are hitting all the
right spots? How fast should you go? Does he like it at this angle? Will it
hurt him if you bend back a bit? And so the questions begin to flow…
Soon you're not thinking about your own
pleasure anymore at all because the whole thing is stressful and tiring – you
had no idea he had to work so hard!
SIDE NOTE: These [Affectionate Sex Positions
Over 100
Illustrated]( are
also ideal if you want to be more intimate (emotionally with him), but if it’s
a casual relationship then I do not recommend you try it.
The first thing in learning how to ride a guy
is amending your attitude. If you want to wow him with this position, then you
have to get the mentality right.
Being on top is sexy because it wreaks of power
– even though you will probably feel vulnerable, exposed and be lacking
confidence in your technique.
The whole point though is to be in control and
enjoy yourself. If your guy sees you basking in the glory of riding his Big
Fella all over the bed, then that alone is going to send him over the edge, you
won't even need technique!
1. Do you have the right attire? Remember, the
main attraction of the woman on top sex position is that he gets to see you in
all your glory.
This is definitely the position to satisfy any
man who loves to look at breasts, so make sure your breasts are looking their
best! You can go for sexy lingerie, bras that give you a lot of sumptuous
cleavage, bras that are made of sheer material so that he can see your erect
nipples poking through.
TIP: If you are feeling self-conscious of your
midriff because we don't all have flat tummies, why not wear a sexy corset or a
silky night-slip to cover up any flabby bits that distract you while you are
writhing away on top?
3. Don't be afraid to look him straight in the
eye. Establishing this kind of connection in the woman on top sex position can
be incredibly hot, and it gives you the opportunity to communicate with him
through facial expressions, dirty talk, or even just a simple smile that
reminds you that it's still just you and your man having great sex, with
nothing to feel intimidated about. (note: eye contact is especially important
if you want to connect with him on a deeper emotional level)
So now that you have gathered the confidence,
you are ready to take action!
1. Make sure that you are both turned on. He
should be hard and you should be wet.
2. Roll your guy over so that you can mount him.
Once you're straddling with one leg on either side, you may want to tease him a
bit before lowering yourself entirely onto his penis.
You can hover, brushing against the tip of his
penis with your clit if it feels good for you, you can kiss his chest, stick
your butt up in the air, even go down and give him a bit of a suck if he's not
as hard as you'd like.
3. Then slowly use your hand to guide his hard
penis into your vagina. Savor it. Move up and down until you have teased the
head of his penis through the entrance of your vagina. Enjoy those sensations.
Remember if you feel good, the chances are so does he!
4. Once he's in you might want to move up and
down along the length of his shaft slowly and purposefully, tilting your hips
slightly when you push down so that they rotate and you can feel him rubbing
all the right places inside of you.
5. Don't rush into anything, keep the
penetration steady, vary your movements so that he doesn't get too excited too
TIP: If you do the same thing for too long and
he's really enjoying, he's gonna blow, so tease and make it last. Most
importantly focus on building up your pleasure. It's not that difficult to get
a guy off once you get going, so focus on getting yourself off first.
6. Try rotating your hips in circles to see how
it feels. Try shallow penetration so that the head of his penis slips in and
out and you can feel that wonderful ridge of his on the lips of your vagina.
Try long deep thrusts, using your PC muscles to
grip his penis inside your vagina. Try bouncing up and down – but not too hard
– it might snap!
7. Don't forget to get him involved too. He
doesn't have to just lie there while you do all the work, you're going to start
getting tired pretty quickly if you're not used to being on top, so get him to
help you.
He can lift you up and down with his hands
underneath your butt, or he can pull you down onto his penis with his hands
gripping onto your hips. He can rock you back and forth… You can take the pressure
off your legs too by using his thighs or chest to lean on.
8. Don't be afraid of letting your breasts
bounce either, that's the sort of thing that will turn him right on! Men are
visual, the sight of you bouncing up and down on top of him is going to send
his straight to heaven, trust me!
• Be careful not to get too carried away. If
you stroke him in the opposite direction you could end up fracturing his penis!
Just keep in mind that it's not designed to handle all of your weight by
• Experiment by turning around so that he has a
great view of your back and butt.
• If you need a rest, you can focus on fondling
his balls, kissing his chest, or slipping off his penis and going down on him.
Don't forget not to overthink things. When you
are too self-conscious and nervous during sex, a guy can feel it, you can't
relax and you can't enjoy yourself. The secret about riding him is being
selfish. Basically, this is the time you use him for your own pleasure — and
that's precisely the part he'll enjoy most: seeing how much pleasure you can
get from him being rock hard inside you. What he wants to see is that you are
enjoying yourself, completely.
So smiling and moaning loud with a wide open
mouth are things that will turn him on and make him feel sexy (because he feels
he's the one making you feel this good).
The key is that you seem as if you can't even
control yourself from the ecstatic pleasure you're getting from being on top of
him. And if you want to take it a step further, arch your back, hold onto his
legs while you ride him fast (but do mix up the tempo occasionally
Of course — all of this is impossible to do if
he's not rock-hard. That's a prerequisite to riding a guy correctly: he simply
must be rock hard and turned on completely, if he's just 80% erect, that
doesn't cut it and doesn't make this position (you being on top) enjoyable to
him. That's why you shouldn't just start riding him immediately, instead, ease
him into it by first TALKING TO HIS MIND! (read this [Goddess of Sex; Sexually
Driving Your Man Crazy](
The more turned on you can get his psyche, the
harder his penis will be and the more pleasurable an experience he'll enjoy
when you are on top of him. Especially if you can seductively whisper some
dirty words into his ear. Then you can ride him into oblivion!
Why Crying During Sex Is So
Good For You
Sometimes when you're in the middle of doing
the deed, your emotions take over and you suddenly find tears leaking out of
your eyes. You might feel surprised depending on the situation, but being overcome
with feelings during the act is actually pretty normal. If you and your partner
are doing a lot of intense power play and roleplaying, tears may simply be a
sign of getting into character.
Plenty of people cry happy tears during or after
sex. You might feel grateful that you feel safe enough with your partner to
explore power play. You might feel relieved that you’re giving yourself
permission to go to places that you may have not considered going to before. Or
you might simply feel a lot of love for your partner in that moment. If that’s
the case, let yourself cry, and don't be ashamed of it! Explain to your partner
that they’re good tears, and they're nothing to be worried about. If your
partner has a hard time believing you in the moment it might help them to hear
you explain it after the fact.
Sometimes sex can trigger past experiences of
abuse. A person who’s been abused or
survived painful/problematic/non-consensual sexual experiences often holds
trauma and emotion in their body after such an experience. Being naked, being
touched, getting aroused and particular kinds of sexual touch can connect a
person more directly to this; it can be harder to put on the shelf or out of
their mind, and even if they are not having memories of their specific
situation, they may find emotion takes over anyway. This might not include
crying — but it certainly can.
Noticing what the trigger is can be important —
it can help in asking the partner to stop something specific, or ask them to do
something that will change the focus and distract away from the triggering
incident. Even if a person hasn’t told their partner what happened to them and
doesn’t intend to, they can still let them know in advance of sex that
sometimes they get triggered and may need to ask for this change of focus. A
partner’s ability to take this seriously and go with it is important.
And if you don't know what triggered you, at a
later date, think about whether or not these types of sexual activities feel safe
to you.
Feeling overwhelmed during sex can lead to
shedding a tear or two. Sometimes we cry because there’s just so much going on
in one moment. This can be a good or bad thing. You might feel overwhelmed
because you’re pushing yourself to the limits of your boundaries. Or you might
feel overwhelmed by love, pleasure, or joy. You might just need a moment to
sort out what you’re feeling. If this is the case, just let your partner know.
There's nothing wrong with taking a moment to reflect on what you want, and get
back into things when it feels right.
When you’re having sex, your body can release
oxytocin (euphemistically referred to as the “cuddle hormone”), which can make
your emotions feel even more intense. Your tears may simply be the result of
biology — this is one of the reasons you might especially feel an urge to cry
after orgasm. If this is the case, there's nothing to be ashamed of. You're
likely just feeling so good in the moment, you're shedding a tear or two. Since
it seem you were “love making” this
could be the most probable explanation. If so then I know you would also
appreciate these [Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100
First, ask your partner to stop and give you a
minute to sort out your feelings. Take a few slow, deep breaths. Then ask
yourself this series of questions:
“What am I feeling right now?”
“What do these tears mean?”
“What do I need right now?”
If your answers all seem relatively benign,
like, “I’m just feeling so much love for my partner,” or if it’s just a few
tears, then it’s probably fine to continue. If you’re crying hard, if you don’t
know the answers to these questions, or if you feel confused trying to sort it
out, it might be best to call time out or stop completely. You don’t want to
push yourself to keep having sex if you’re having a strong emotional reaction
that you don’t understand. The next day, take some time to review the
experience and see if there’s anything you can learn from it.
Take it slow and a good place to start is doing
these less intense scenarios here[Sexual Roleplays with Over 100 Demonstrated
Sex Games](
Good luck!
Fun ways to spice up intimacy
He is entitled to have boundaries, and this is
one of them. You may have to leave this fantasy in your head, or be satisfied
with watching it acted out in a movie or a book. There's nothing wrong
with you having the fantasy, but most
fantasies are just as powerful, if not more, if they remain just that -
fantasy. So you are in the position of leaving it in the realm of fantasy,
since it is clearly unpleasant for him. Remember they are also so many things
you can do to spice it up, for that you may want to get these tickling sex
games FIRST result on Google, just copy & paste search the phrase: SEXUAL
Why do man really love
morning blowjobs?
Mostly because of morning hood, those extra
hard erections they get. But generally anyway most men love blowjobs. And some
women DON’T enjoy giving oral.
But let’s break down WHY men love oral sex so
much and how it can contribute to:
a happier relationship
a healthier relationship
less stress and less fights
deeper trust between you and your partner
Men and women don’t always understand each
other. Because guess what? We are different!!
Men don’t understand these emotional creatures
that they also love so dearly.
And women, well, let’s be real. Men aren’t
really that hard to figure out. BUT you have to make the effort to actually
learn about what makes them tick. And then put those things to practice!
Ladies, read on and learn why giving your man a
BJ is actually one of the Best things you can do for your relationship.
In fact, if you want a man to totally and
completely commit to you, then this type of sexual intimacy is going to
increase the likelihood of that happening to you
Sound good?
And men….would I ever love to hear what you
have to say on the subject down below…. lol (in the reply box, silly!)
And as a side note, I don’t think most men
would be able to tell you exactly WHY they love oral sex. They’d probably just
say ‘because it feels good.’ Um, yeah. We know that.
The very act of getting down on your knees is
one of submission. It’s one of service. You are giving to your man. You have to
be vulnerable to him. You have to submit to him. And for a strong masculine
man, it shows that you trust him. It helps him feel more like a masculine man.
If you’re actually down on your knees, you are
literally making yourself submissive to him. You’re giving him the power to
Let’s be real here. I wouldn’t give a blow job
to anyone other than my significant other.
Back in the day when I was dating… I remember
having conversations with girlfriends about intimacy and sex. And one girl in
particular said that she wouldn’t go ‘all the way’ with a man but that they’d
fool around and have oral. I remember being flabbergasted! There is NO WAY IN
HELL I would put just ANY random-ass penis in my mouth. Sorry to be vulgar but
oral sex is all about vulnerability and trust.
You have to be open to your man. You have to
trust him. You have to feel comfortable enough to communicate and ask certain
questions like ‘Does this feel good?’ or ‘like this?’ or ‘Faster or slower?’
Most men love their penises. In fact, I haven’t
yet met one who doesn’t!
When you take in your mouth what most men are
‘in love’ with, the root of their manhood, you are showing your man that you
admire him.
You love the part of him that ultimately makes
him a man.
And on the flip side, if you’re rejecting your
man’s penis via oral sex, you are essentially saying that you ‘reject him’ or
that you don’t love him.
Amazing how much connection happens from just
one little act.
There are plenty of ways we give and receive
love: hugging, kissing, buying presents, going out to dinner at a nice
restaurant, touching, saying “I love you” and more.
And while there are many ways to express love,
men have a certain association with sex and love that is different from women.
Have you ever thought to yourself: “Why is it
all always about sex?”
Or at least heard a girlfriend ask it?
Did you hear that?
They LOVE it. It’s part of how they perceive
You’ve got to simply understand that sentence
above and trust that it’s true.
To a man, if a woman wants to have sex with him
regularly, it means she loves him and is attracted to him. The masculine energy
perceives importance and significance in a woman being sexually attracted to
him. So when this beautiful creature that he’s super sexually attracted to is
also super sexually attracted to him…. he gets it. It’s his language.
Men love to feast with their eyes. And it looks
sexy when you have his member in your mouth. Men love to watch when you’re
going down on them (have you noticed?). So make a show out of it. Wear sexy
underwear. Position yourself in front of a mirror. Look up at him occasionally.
He’ll eat that shit up! I promise.
SIDE NOTE: here are [Oral Sex Moves
for Him & Her Over 50
So am I saying that you have to give your man a
blow-job every single day in order to experience long-lasting happiness in your
Well, maybe I am saying exactly that.
But if not, at least once a week!
Dumb question, but how do i
actually finger a girl?
Remember, it's what's on the outside that
counts. Specifically, we're talking about the clit. The kind of
"fingering" that actually brings women to orgasm is rubbing of the
outside area around the clit. In fact, that's how most women masturbate because
it's what actually feels the best. For the vast majority of women, penetration
is nice, but it's kind of like rubbing your balls - pleasant, but not going to
make you come.
The women who participated in this study went
as far as to say that the guys who think they have "the move" are
usually worst at giving pleasure. The mentality of "one move to finish
them all" makes sense to men, since moves like stroking and sucking work for
almost all guys, and if there’s lube, just about any rubbing is going to feel
good to some degree. But for women, it's truly different strokes for different
The clit is so sensitive that touch can
sometimes feel really uncomfortable or even hurt certain women. So if some move
felt really good for your ex-girlfriend, that doesn't mean it'll do the trick
for your next girlfriend. A prime example is that some women orgasm almost
exclusively through their clitoris, while others prefer a G-spot orgasm. In
bed, try experimenting with using different fingers, since some girls might
prefer you use a smaller, shorter finger, while others might prefer the middle
finger for maximal G-spot stimulation.
Porn that shows women getting rubbed out
typically portrays a hard and fast back and forth motion, commonly known as the
"DJ" because of how it mimics the spinning of a track. That kind of
superfast cadence and pressure directly on the clit only feels good for 1 in 48
women. For the rest, it either doesn't feel great or actually hurts. To put it
into perspective, imagine someone taking your dick and rubbing the tip really
hard with their palm as fast as they can. It's a sharp painful tickle, and
naturally, you want it to stop. For the vast majority of women, it's not a good
move, even if women in porn are pretending to like it.
For most women, the more anticipation that's
built up before touching the vagina, the more aroused they become, providing
more pleasure once you do start to touch her down there. Kisses on the lips,
neck, shoulders, and arms usually do the trick, as well as gently, slowly
stroking their stomach, legs, and thighs. You can’t go wrong with slow
Approach the crotch area, but keep passing by
it as if it’s invisible. This is likened
to playing with a cat. If you reach right for it, it runs away. If you tease
and don't stroke it, it comes to you.
To do it, you move your fingertip down your
partner's body from her neck to her breasts to her stomach, but instead of
landing at her crotch, veer down her leg. Then, on the way back up, move your
fingertip in another path that misses her crotch, too. These moves build
anticipation and help awaken arousal. Many women love this kind of withholding
and will eventually move their crotch toward your finger or tongue as it passes
by — a good sign that the clit is ready to be touched. The more awake her body
is, the more pleasurable it will be when you finally touch her clitoris.
Before touching the clit directly, most women
say they prefer you to spread the wetness from the inside of their vagina. Get
it on your finger, and "paint it" onto the rest of the lips and clit.
Using this natural lube makes touching feel
smoother, and allows your fingertips to glide and caress instead of pulling or
catching on the sensitive skin. Keep in mind, you'll likely have to go back for
seconds and thirds of wetness in order to get it well coated.
The guys who are best at fingering are the ones
who start off gently and then try different moves, while watching and asking
for feedback. They also ask questions that don't put their partner in a tough
spot. For example, questions like "Is that good?" or "Are you
close?" are not the direction you want to go. Instead, ask questions like
"Faster or slower?" or "Higher or lower?" The answers to
these questions will actually give you useful information to make the pleasure
better, and keep your ego intact.
One big factor that prevents women from
reaching orgasm is that they have too many concerns running through their head.
They're worried that they're taking too long, or that they'll offend their
partner if they ask them to change their moves.
The quickest, easiest thing you can do to up
your chances of getting your partner off is assure her that there's no rush.
Say how much you're into it, and that it can take as long as it needs to. Also,
let her know that there’s no pressure if nothing happens. Many women can't
orgasm because they feel like they're going to let their partner down if they
don't. If you take that end goal off the table, she's actually more likely to
get there.
You will also find this guide greatly useful
[Female Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate G-Spot
please check it out!
How do I ask my dom I want to
explore my dominant side?
It's just that we're not talking about it. No
matter how open our communication, a lot of us have fantasies we haven't shared
with our spouses ... yet. But maybe it's time we did?
The main thing is for you and your partner to
agree upon a scene that you find arousing. If you can’t agree, then take turns.
You don't have to start with a full-blown
fantasy sequence with costumes and everything. Start with a few simple things.
Here are just a few examples : Speak
with a sexy accent or voice, try on a headband with ears or a tiara or a wig,
give yourself a new name, try a bold red lipstick or dramatic cat eye makeup,
try new lingerie and long gloves (men can get try costumes too, like a vest
without shirt, or a hat). Read aloud a passage from a book or poem, get into
dirty talk, and use a vocabulary you don't usually use.
SIDE NOTE: A good place to start is here where you will find [Sexual Roleplays with
Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games]( .
If you want to go with a whole scenario, choose
one that is familiar so that you will both feel comfortable. Suggestion: one can pretend to be a naughty student
caught cheating. Punishment can be a spanking over the knee and having to write
out an apology in a composition notebook while “servicing” the teacher.
In true role play, the person in the submissive
role has the real power. Before undertaking a power exchange role-play, decide
who is going to be what role, and what activities are allowed, and which are
Something important to remember? Change details
in your role-play scenarios to ensure that you do not incite your lover’s
Whatever parts you decide to play, discuss them
with your sweetheart ahead of time to negotiate boundaries and offer
reassurance as needed. If there are words, scenarios, or phrases with which he
is uncomfortable, steer clear of them.
If he is feeling a little self-conscious, turning the lights down low and waiting until
he is highly aroused before slipping
into character can help to temper inhibitions. Dressing the part and assuming a
fake name may also help ease you into it. As you engage more intensely with your
roles, it will start to feel more natural and you can stay focused on your
pleasures as opposed to remaining in character.
Be as creative and prop-driven as you like.
Elaborate role plays can last weeks in different locations with all kinds of
moving parts, and simple ones can be as easy as a few lines shared between you
to set the tone.
Roleplay gone so right
Role playing can be an excellent indicator of
feeling emotionally and physically safe with a sexual partner. Roleplay can be
a deeply healing experience and can deepen the relationship or strengthen the
It’s a very powerful way to express yourself
and your desires.
Just because you like to be someone else during
sex doesn’t mean you’re damaging your relationship and the life the two of you
have outside of the boudoir.
Roleplaying in the bedroom does not mean it
will bleed into your outside life. Relinquishing or grabbing control by the
horns for one night (or every night) does not mean you and your partner will
become two actors unable to shed off their roles.
The key to successful, healthy roleplay is
trust. Without it, boundaries can be crossed and lines eviscerated.
It’s about mutual respect and an understanding
that this is the exploration of certain, intimate fantasies, and at the end of
the day, the most crucial, fundamental element is consent.
With this self-expression comes the opportunity
for acceptance and validation from your partner, leading to a more emotional,
intimate connection. The sexual confidence and lowered inhibitions needed
during roleplaying is only achieved through a tremendous amount of safety and
trust within a relationship.
If you can engage in roleplay confidently,
you’re not proving yourself to be some sexual pariah; you’re actually proving
you have complete faith in both your partnership and your lover.
If you can feel comfortable opening yourself up
to that kind of vulnerability, you’re reaffirming your connection to each
If you’re in tune with yourself sexually,
you’re on a much more enlightened path.
You should feel relaxed enough in your
relationship to be able to ask your partner for what you want without shame.
Roleplay is also a great way to spice things up
in the bedroom. You are both committed to each other and have grown used to being
with each other.
Shaking things up a little bit can be exciting.
Just be sure you’re presenting this as an invigorating experience, not as a
substitution for something missing.
By the way you will also find more roleplay
ideas here [Sexual Roleplays with Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games](
How was the first time you
swapped positions having sex?
It was waaaay difficult than I had anticipated
Like having sex on the beach (hello, sand in
your honeypot), switching positions is one of those ideas that often sounds way
better in theory.
Finagling your bodies can totally interrupt
your jam and make you feel self-conscious. Approach position transitions with
an attitude of exploration—and then try, try again. With practice, you’ll
eventually be able to flow from one move to the next.
To make that process a little easier, better
have the position in mind than simply trying to invent the wheel, that way you
can easily mesh together perfectly strategically adjusting your bodies from one
move to the next. You will then spend more time getting down and less time
figuring out what to do with your hands.
Here are <a href=" "> Affectionate Sex Positions Over 100
Illustrated </a>
Good luck!!!
Boyfriend deny me sex often
A crucial component of a relationship is
working together towards a common goal. What better common goal than sex? If
your boyfriend doesn’t want to work things though, your entire relationship
will likely suffer.
For whatever reason, your boyfriend doesn’t
feel sexy around you. Perhaps your sex-positivity makes him feel insecure.
Perhaps he worries you must have a high sex drive, and that he doesn’t measure
up. This is silly because presumably you chose to be his girlfriend of your own
free will, but sadly regardless, some version of this is going through his
There are a bunch of things you can try.
Ironically, one is to the first is to get him to just do stuff for you. Believe
me, he wants to make you happy. And if his penis isn’t involved, he’ll feel way
less pressure. Hands and tongues neither go limp nor explode when you’re
nervous you see. So as for oral sex and
a good way to get started is to take a look at this guide <a href=" "> Female Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate
G-Spot Orgasm </a>
This leads onto the second thing. Learn to have
genuine love and affection for his flaccid penis. If you do, he will sense it,
and he will be less nervous about getting and maintaining wood.
Finally, if you are both pretty open-minded,
you could look into the book <a href="
"> Affectionate Sex Positions
Over 100 Illustrated </a>
together. I know a lot of couples who intimacy has been massively
improved by it. And it’ll make him feel like a more unique lover, because he’ll
know that none have taken the kind of time and care
Being sexually frustrated because you have a
non-responsive partner when you’re in a monogamous relationship feels
devastating. Get emotional support for yourself as you either transition to a
better relationship with him, or you get out.
Does a vagina feel different
after a vaginal birth?
Though an obstetrician or midwife will be able
to tell that you’ve had a vaginal delivery by doing a physical exam, you may
not feel or see any difference. Depending on how much it was stretched, the
vaginal opening may return to a point very close to its original structure
given enough time and pelvic floor exercises.
Will your partner notice? Unless you experience
a major birth trauma (such as a third- or fourth-degree tear to the outer
vagina), your partner shouldn't notice much of a difference if any at all. In
fact, some couples find that having a baby makes them feel closer and they
enjoy sex even more.
You may want to take a look at <a
"> Goddess of Sex; Sexually
Driving Your Man Crazy </a>
Once you give birth, start doing your Kegels
again as soon as you’re comfortably able: It’s the best way to get your vagina
back as close to its pre-birth shape and size as possible. Kegels strengthen
the muscles of the pelvic floor, help resolve postpartum urinary incontinence
(an issue some women experience after delivery) and make sex more pleasurable
once your practitioner gives you the all-clear and you're ready. If they seem
like a hassle, try to do them when you're sitting still and have the chance —
while sitting and breastfeeding, checking email, at your desk. The effort will
be worth your while.
No matter what measures you take, rest assured
that your vagina was built to handle childbirth, and it will be back to its old
self in time.
What do you think bonds you
and your spouse the most
I think it’s everything combined. This is
because couples’ actual experiences show what partners do when they are
successful at sustaining positive connection, emotionally and sexually. In
essence, they build and live an integrated relationship, one that combines
transparency in communication, conscious mutuality in decision-making, and a
commitment to create conditions for maintaining erotic energy in their
physical/sexual life.
A sustaining, energized sexual relationship is
a product of an integration of multiple facets. It grows over time from being
in sync with each other’s values and outlook; your desires and fears about your
journey together; your life goals, both individually and as a couple.
Essentially, it’s a spiritual connection, a sense of being on the same
wavelength. If that core grows, it will fuel a sustainable romantic connection
— which most couples desire.
By the way another great way to physically
connect with your lover is engage in more touch through massage in which case
get this guide into an intimate massage for couples, FIRST result on Google,
just copy & paste search the phrase: COUPLES EROTIC MASSAGE COUPLESEXGUIDE
What are all the health
benefits of giving blowjobs for women?
Oral sex. BJs. Fellatio. Call it what you will,
the big news is giving head is good for your health. Girls have long been aware
that sperm works as a face cream that draws out impurities when it dries and
tastes delicious. What we now know – thanks to research– is that that male semen
contains a variety of chemicals that make you feel contented, younger and more
Forget exercise, fad diets and How To Be Happy
books. If you’re depressed, listless, can’t sleep, bored, fat or feeling
suicidal, just go for your boyfriend’s zipper and give him a blowjob.
Alchemists spent the Middle Ages trying to discover the elixir of life. They
clearly never thought to open their britches and call for a serving wench to
take part in an oral experiment. Then again, perhaps they did, but just
couldn’t be bothered to examine the results.
Now, the results are in and what the
researchers with 300 female students at the university’s Albany campus have
confirmed after a study lasting several months is that girls who swallow
adequate amounts of seminal fluid are less likely to suffer depression or
mental health problems, and those who have regular sex, particularly
unprotected sex, are happier, healthier, thinner and perform better on
cognitive tests.
Giving Head Aids Sleep
The sticky stuff is as good as any sleeping
pill and, when you open your eyes on a new day, there’s nothing better for body
and soul than to nudge the one beside you awake and pump out another warm milky
draught with its zingy flavour of lemon and pistachio. If you don’t have a
boyfriend, or swing the other way, suggest it to the next guy who looks up for
it (they usually are) and, while he thinks head is GOOD for him, in fact it is
even BETTER for you.
For all those scientists, chemists and doubters
out there, seminal fluid contains: ESTRONE and OXYTOCIN, which give you a mild
high (like one puff on something illegal); THYROTROPIN, a hormone stimulant
that acts as an anti-depressant; SEROTONIN, an antidepressant neurotransmitter;
MELATONIN, a sleep aid; and CORTISOL, which combats stress by releasing
adrenaline and, according to the research team, helps increase affection.
Bottom line: sex every day is good for you,
male jism is a health drink and, as it comes in relatively small quantities,
the more head you give the better you feel.
There you have it. Giving head is good for your
health and will help you
to learn how to do it better and remember just how amazing it was.
Why men love fat women
This is because there is more cushion for the
pushing. Certain sex positions are less abrasive on the male pelvis with a fat
woman. The impact of thrust is absorbed, which allows a man to stroke intensely
with minimal risk of injury for either partner. Sex positions that bring the
pelvis of both partners close together (doggie style, woman on top, bridging)
feel better when used with women with more developed bodies. In short, fat
women are able to handle deeper, longer, more intense strokes, ie. “she can take
it”. [Plus Size Considered; Positions for Having Sex a New Way
Now one may argue with the way I look at it,
but their way of thinking is neither constructive to either you or them. Right now
with COVI-19 everyone needs support of all different kinds so try to surround
yourself with people who are supportive (even here on Reddit )
When you are finally through nursing yourself (
mentality ) and you feel you have the strength to take it, you can get back to
people who challenge you to push yourself further
What is more pleasurable for a girl during sex, being on top or bottom
The ever-elusive orgasm. Some report that they have it with
ease and high frequency. Some have to endeavor to pull it off. And some have
never had one at all. But a new poll finds that there is one position with
which women most often wind up having an orgasm. Though the study found that
the majority of women usually have "on bottom" (aka missionary and
the like) sex, the best position for the female orgasm happens when they are on
But then I thought about it, and realized that "on
bottom" sex is high on the list for its feeling of intimacy, warmth and
human connection. There's something lovely about the weight of another human
being on top of oneself. So perhaps all is not lost for feminism, and a little
over half of women (54 percent) routinely have missionary, etc. sex because
they prefer it. And then maybe they hop on top and get off, who knows. This
poll only allowed women to pick one position in which they usually have sex,
but most people usually change it up, so there's some wiggle room / a margin of
error involved. Remember to also read
When 2,400 women were asked “Do any of these positions [woman on top, missionary and doggy style]
get you to orgasm better than others?” here's what they said.
1. Women On Top:
1,035 ladies reported that they have the best shot at an
orgasm if they are atop their partner.
2. Missionary: 18.8%
451 women said they most regularly experience orgasms when
they are under their partner.
3. Doggy Style: 28.6%
686 gals picked this all-fours position as the one most
likely to trigger an orgasm.
4. Other: 9.5%
228 women said that they most often have orgasms in
positions not including the other options.
The vagina is a mucous membrane, which means that the skin
and tissue of a healthy vagina are always moist. Many factors can affect how much
fluid the vagina produces.
Typically, the inside of the vagina feels slightly wet.
Hormonal swings, fertility status, and arousal can change the amount,
consistency, and color of a person’s vaginal fluids. The vagina may feel very
wet during arousal, while menopause can cause vaginal dryness.
Vaginal fluids are essential for keeping the vagina healthy
and for making sexual activity comfortable. However some people feel anxiety
about their vaginal fluids. Knowing what the fluids are, their function, and what
is normal can help ease a person’s worries. You would also love to read
Most forms of vaginal wetness come from one of two places:
Bartholin glands or the cervix. Bartholin glands are two small, pea-sized
glands located just inside the vagina. They help lubricate the vagina to
prevent excessive dryness. They also produce moisture when a female feels
aroused, and during sexual activity.
The cervix produces mucus throughout a person’s menstrual
cycle. As ovulation approaches, the cervix produces more fluid. This fertile
cervical mucus can help sperm travel to the egg, increasing the odds of
pregnancy. Another must read article is
When a female feels sexually aroused, the Bartholin glands
produce more fluid. This fluid helps lubricate the vagina during sexual
activity, decreasing the risk of painful friction and injuries. Some people
notice that their vagina becomes lubricated during sex even if they do not feel
The lubrication typically lingers even after a person
finishes having sex or no longer feels aroused. It is normal for the vagina to
feel wet for an hour or two after sex or arousal.
As females age, they may notice an increase in vaginal
dryness. After menopause, the body produces less estrogen, making it more
difficult to keep the vagina lubricated. The walls of the vagina also become
thinner, which can make vaginal dryness painful. Remember to take a look on
Higher estrogen levels can increase vaginal wetness by
causing the Bartholin glands to produce more fluid. People on hormone
treatments, such as those taking hormone replacement therapy, may notice an
increase in vaginal wetness. Some people use vaginal estrogen to increase
vaginal wetness.
When vaginal fluid changes or a person produces
significantly more vaginal fluid than normal, it may be a sign of an infection.
A yeast infection causes thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge. The
vagina may itch, burn, or feel very sore and dry, and sex can be very painful.
A yeast infection is a fungal infection. In most cases, over-the-counter (OTC)
antifungal yeast infection medicine can treat it.
Vaginal fluid can appear a range of colors, including
creamy, pink, yellowish, and gray. These colors have different meanings. Read
Medical News Today’s color coded guide to vaginal discharge to find out more.
Lastly also take a look on
Sex is a very vital part of many modern relationships – and
there’s a good reason for it. It’s the ultimate expression of physical
intimacy. It’s the ultimate show of mutual vulnerability. There is nothing more
vulnerable than being able to bare your whole self to your partner in such a
manner that you would doing sex. You would never feel more connected – whether
physically or emotionally – as you do when you’re having sex. And that’s why a
lot of the strongest and happiest couples are the ones who have very healthy
and active sex lives.
So, it’s always a good thing if you and your partner are
sexually active in your relationship. However, if the both of you consider sex
to be a very big deal in your romantic lives, then that means that you both
have responsibilities to meet each other’s needs. Of course, on a biological
level, men are always put at a disadvantage when it comes to having to pleasure
their sexual counterparts. It’s so easy for men to get into the mood because of
how they are wired physiologically.
And it’s even easier to get men to climax than it is for
women. However, that doesn’t mean that you have an excuse for not doing
everything in your power to sexually satisfy your girl. That is still your
responsibility as her partner. But what do you do if you notice that she’s just
not in the mood a lot? What if it’s so hard for you to just get her to actually
be sexually intimate with you without forcing her into it? Well, there are a
few things that you can be doing to improve your chances of getting laid in
your relationship.
Sometimes, a girl just wants to feel wanted. And there’s
nothing that makes her feel more wanted than by giving her most of your time.
Let her know that you prioritize her and that you’re always going to make time
for her.
This should be natural to you already – regardless if you
want her to have sex with you or not. However, it always pays to practice good
hygiene. She isn’t going to want to get down and dirty with a man who is
already dirty to begin with.
Let her know that you’re close enough as a couple to always
withstand whatever trials you might face together. She is going to be able to
confide with you both in a physical and emotional manner.
Sometimes, emotional intimacy can lead to physical intimacy.
In fact, that’s often the case with women. Just open yourself up and bare your
soul to her. And she’s going to do the same for you.
Sometimes, it’s all a matter of going back to the basics. Go
back to old-fashioned flirting. Let her know that you still want her. Flatter
her with your desire and affection. Make her feel special by letting you know
that you’re still attracted to her and that you’re willing to work for her
Getting your woman in the right frame of mind is one of the
most crucial aspects of being able to give her an orgasm. Women are emotional
creatures, and its literally impossible to give her an orgasm while she remains
in a logical frame of mind (like when she’s just finished work or is stressed
out.) This is why scientists always find it hard to study the female orgasm.
It is your duty and responsibility to get her relaxed, and
turn her on so that she forgets about the stresses and worries of life – this is
what foreplay is all about.
And unlike men, women take much longer to get in the mood.
Maybe you can get an erection and get ready for sex within 10 seconds, for
women it could take half an hour or more.
Women want to feel comfortable, secure and wanted. When you
can make her feel those things in your presence, she’ll be able to cum a lot
quicker. The environment you’re in has a huge impact on whether she will be
able to fully relax and let go. Music is
POWERFUL also, so use it to your advantage. Find some chill out music on
Spotify or YouTube and let it run in the background to give a relaxed vibe in
the room.
I’ve said this time and time again. Women are like dials,
not switches. You need to turn them on and gradually let the tension build
until she’s super horny. So before you can even go down on her, turn her on.
Foreplay might seem like a chore, but I can assure you, the
better you get at foreplay, the easier it will be to get her to cum from oral.
Teasing and foreplay is where the power of the orgasm comes
from. Imagine you have a huge bucket at the top of a ladder. The bucket holds
water, but first you need to fill up the bucket with water. Your aim with the
bucket is to make the biggest and most dramatic explosion possible when you
finally decide to push the bucket of water off the ladder. You could just put a
little bit of water in the bucket and then push it off. But the explosion of
water wouldn’t be very big. You could spend more time filling up the bucket and
when you finally pushed the bucket off the ladder the explosion was huge.
The water is like female sexual energy. It needs time and
foreplay to build up, but the longer you take to build up her energy, the
bigger the orgasm explosion will be at the end.
One of the best ways to increase anticipation and
excitiement is to use props. Because women can also be very self-conscious
about sex, and especially about when they get their vagina licked out, a
blindfold can be a great way to make her feel less self conscious, and instead
just enjoy the sensations.
Using a blindfold on her also has the extra effect of
reducing one of her senses. When her sight is switched off her perception of
touch will massively increase. (So she will feel MOORREEE)
It’s also slightly scary wearing a blindfold. You will have
complete control over her (which women love) and her sense of excitement and
anticipation will increase.
The magical formula for getting her to orgasm. Never start
with the clit. This is a mistake a lot of guys make. You need to build up to
the clit and then stay there until she orgasms, but don’t jump straight to it.
Think of it as the final piece of the puzzle.
Kiss around her vagina first, inner thighs are a great
erogenous zone. Stop over her vagina and breathe slowly, so she can feel your
warm breath. This will increase her anticipation.
Begin slowly licking the labia minora (lips) for a minute or
so. She should be groaning, wriggling and grabbing your hair. Listen to her
body if she’s not telling you what she wants verbally (which most women won’t).
After a few minutes, then start working on the clit. Softly
kiss her clitoris, lick it and suck it. You need to lubricate that little
wondrous marble.
Now things are in full swing and she should be on her way to
orgasming. Don’t stop there though, move back down to her lips, let your saliva
and her pussy juice make a slippery lube for her pussy.
There will be two types of communication from your girl
during your oral session. Verbal and nonverbal. However non-verbal will be the
most prominent.
When she squirms, bites her lip, moans, groans, grabs your
head, moves her hips, grabs the bed sheets, says things like “fuuuuuck”, that
means you keep doing what you’re doing and DO NOT STOP.
Also, stay at the same speed/rhythm. You don’t need to go
super fast or slow, just keep the same pace until she cums. If you change
things up, she’ll find it harder to climax.
Whether you like it or not, eating pussy will be something
that you’ll just have to learn to love, if you want a great sex life. If you
find the idea of licking her out completely disgusting, then you need to find a
girl that doesn’t mind not receiving oral.
Not impossible, but very hard.
Get her comfortable and happy
Turn her on slowly and build up the sexual tension
Kiss her body from head to toe slowly
Lick her pussy lips (outside first, then inside)
Cup her clit with your mouth and suck consistently
Keep up the same rhythm and momentum
Insert a finger or two to emulate penetration
Rub her g-spot and/or a-spot
Clean the bedsheets… they’re probably messy
Quick note: If you’re struggling to get your girl to orgasm
and you’re in need of desperate help, then you need
Sex isn't everything in a marriage, but it's not nothing,
either. Of course, you may not be having sex multiple times a day like you did
when you got together. But if you're both physically and mentally healthy
enough for sex but go months or even years without it, that's a surefire sign
your relationship is seriously off-kilter.
If you have noticed that your sexual attraction to your
partner has significantly diminished, this is a red flag that something serious
is going on in your marriage. Intimacy is a strong part of a healthy marriage.
Without intimacy, marriages end in divorce or are filled with anger, resentment
or two couples living together as if they were roommates.
Fixing a marriage is hard work. However, if you're opposed
to the idea entirely, and would rather just stay miserable, your marriage may
already be done for.
Every marriage has its ups and downs. Sometimes there are
periods of highs that last for years and other times where the lows last just
as long. But during the low times, healthy couples communicate and find ways to
quickly strengthen their marriage. If you find yourself highlighting the bad
aspects to your marriage and dismissing all the solutions to fix those things,
you may be checking out of your marriage.
What transitions couples from desperation about their
difficulties to delight in sharing their lives together?
Smile more. Touch more. Hug more. More “eye kisses.” More
sex. More shared time and shared projects. More appreciation. More dwelling on
what you like about your partner.
Respond more often with agreement in response to things your
partner says that in the past you might have answered with, “But...” Listening
is loving—especially when you are listening to take in information, not to show
what's wrong with what your partner says or to show that you know more.
Help out more. Give more praise and more gratitude. Do more
fun activities together. Laugh and joke more, do new things, and go new places
The best things in life really are free. And the more
positives you give, the more you’ll get. Increasing the positives is every bit
as important as decreasing negatives to hit a 100,000,000:1 ratio.
Would you expect to drive a car without first taking
drivers’ ed? Search out books and marriage courses to learn the communication
and conflict resolution skills for marriage partnership. Then in addition to
ending your marriage problems, you’ll make your partnership a loving success.
In men, the head of the penis (glans) contains the largest
concentration of orgasm-triggering nerves. Intercourse stimulates these nerves
a great deal, which is why, among men whose sex involved only intercourse, they
have orgasms.
But in women, orgasm-inducing nerves are located not in the
vagina, but in the clitoris, the little nub of tissue that sits a few inches
north of the vaginal opening nestled under the upper junction of the vaginal
lips. Intercourse provides some women with enough clitoral stimulation to
elicit orgasm, but intercourse—even extended, vigorous intercourse—provides
only a little direct clitoral stimulation, which is why most women do not have
orgasms from normal intercourse.
Unfortunately, many men believe that women “should” have
orgasms during intercourse. This belief often comes from the sexual
mis-education men receive from pornography. In porn, the women look like they
have orgasms during intercourse. Actually, they don't. None of them ever have
orgasms on camera no matter how long the intercourse last. However, they have
orgasms at home during lovemaking in their private lives—thanks to receiving
direct caresses by their lover's hand or mouth or a vibrator.
Compared with intercourse, hand massage of the vulva and
cunnilingus are considerably more likely to stimulate the clitoris, which is
why lovemaking that includes them makes such substantial difference in women’s
rates of orgasm.
Most women’s need for direct clitoral stimulation also
explains some of the demographics of women’s orgasms:
As age and education increase, so do women’s rates of
orgasm—because older and better-educated women are more likely to speak up and
ask for direct clitoral touch.
And as women move from traditional roles into the labor
force and from fundamentalism toward religious liberalism, their rates of
orgasm also increase—again because they are less likely to feel cowed by
convention and more likely to assert their needs.
I’m not dismissing the pleasure of intercourse. Many women
insist they love it. They say they enjoy the special closeness it provides and
the marvelous sensations involved in holding their lover during intercourse.
But when it comes to women’s orgasms, intercourse often
falls short. So, guys, if you want to give her the gift or orgasm, listen to
how women prefer to make love:
- More kissing, cuddling, and sensual whole-body massage.
- Slower pace. Don’t rush into intercourse.
- And when she feels ready for genital play, direct, gentle,
loving caressing of her clitoris.
“Did you come?” This question looms over a good deal of
lovemaking among lovers. Fortunately, gentlemen, it’s usually not difficult to
recognize women’s orgasms. And it’s fairly easy to help most women get there.
All men need to do is let go of the idea that intercourse is all it takes.
Women Fake Orgasm for several reasons:
- To boost partners’ egos and avoid hurting their feelings.
- To avoid shaming and accusations of inadequacy.
- To end the sex.
- And for nonsexual gains—recognition as the man’s official
girlfriend, to cement the relationship, or to elicit marriage proposals
Faking is age-related. As age increases, more women become
better able to ask for the clitoral caresses that trigger an orgasm, and most
men gain insights into the sexual moves that help women climax.
Gentlemen, given the frequency of faking, if you feel the
need to ask, chances are she didn’t come. Especially if you make love drunk,
rush into intercourse, or don’t provide gentle, extended hand massage of her
clitoris and cunnilingus every time.
Most orgasms are actually pretty hard to miss. Women’s
resemble men’s. Think about your own and you’ll be better able to identify
women’s. The vast majority begin with the quickening of breathing often
accompanied by gasps or moans followed by several seconds of rapid, involuntary
contractions of the muscles around the vulva and anus, usually with a jerky
movement of the hips and often the whole body. Orgasms conclude with release
into relaxation and dreamy contentment. If you help her to orgasm orally, your
lips and tongue are likely to feel her vaginal muscle contractions.
Only 25 percent of women are consistently orgasmic during
intercourse. The old in-out doesn’t provide much stimulation for women’s orgasm
trigger, the clitoris, which sits an inch or two above the vaginal opening
under the top junction of the vaginal lips.
But many couples would like women to come during
intercourse. There is a position that allow men to provide direct clitoral
massage quite easily. I
man-on-top intercourse, erections move almost horizontally. A Man should shift
forward and to one side so his chest covers one of her shoulders. With this
change, erections move more up and down, and the pubic bone at the base of the
penis makes more direct contact with the clitoris. The CAT doesn’t guarantee
women orgasms during man-on-top intercourse, and it’s no substitute for gentle,
extended clitoral caresses by hand, mouth, or vibrator. But the CAT
significantly improves most women’s ability to have orgasms during man-on-top
Instead of inserting, he positions his erection to press against the
sensitive groove between her inner vaginal lips. Assuming good lubrication, his
shaft presses against her urethral sponge, while his glans caresses her
When women do climax,
there are changes throughout the whole body, a head-to-toe kind of
experience. One of the ways women can experience orgasm is through a
goal-oriented four-step process first described by the sex researchers decades
In this state of desire or arousal, the woman initiates or
agrees to sex, and as it commences she finds herself focusing mainly on sexual
stimuli. Blood begins to engorge the clitoris, vagina, and nipples, and creates
a full-body sexual blush. Heart rate and blood pressure increases. Testosterone
and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin are involved in these
Sexual tension builds as a precursor to orgasm. The outer
one-third of the vagina becomes particularly engorged with blood, creating what
researchers refer to as the "orgasmic platform." Focus on sexual
stimuli drowns out all other sensations. Heart rate, blood pressure, and
respiration continue to increase.
A series of rhythmic contractions occur in the uterus,
vagina, and pelvic floor muscles. The sexual tension caused by lovemaking or
self-stimulation releases, and muscles throughout the body may contract. A
feeling of warmth usually emanates from the pelvis and spreads throughout the
entire body.
The body relaxes, with blood flowing away from the engorged
sexual organs. Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration return to normal.
Women are blessed with bodies that are capable of
experiencing orgasm in more ways than one. Some researchers believe that there
are as many as 12 types of female orgasms. The most common type is a
"clitoral" orgasm.
Clitoral stimulation has been proved the surest route to
orgasm. I think that clitoral stimulation produces probably the closest
analogue to male orgasm, where you get erectile tissue, there is release, and
after release it is uncomfortable to continue.
The G-spot is an area felt through the wall of the vagina,
an inch or two behind the back of the pubic bone near the junction of the
bladder and the urethra and made up of tissues of the clitoris, urethra, and
the female prostate gland. When stimulated, the G-spot causes intense sexual
pleasure in some women.
Women also have been able to have orgasms through
stimulation of the breasts or other parts of the body, or through the use of
sexual imagery without any touch at all. Researchers have even found a nerve
pathway outside the spinal cord, through the sensory vagus nerve, that will
lead a woman to experience orgasm through sensations transmitted directly to
the brain. There are many nerve pathways that are responsible for the
experience of orgasm in women.
Many readers have been emailing me with their questions, so
everyday I would be answering their questions so I decided to email you too
Today’s question and my answer to it.
Today's Question:
I asked this question on my blog and here are the best responses
I got from several men:
“Like the best hug
ever…. like her vagina wants to say “thank you for being here.”
“Her pussy gets
wetter and clenches my cock more so. My ex used to clench me with everything.
Pussy, arms, legs wrapped around my back and locked, and she’d hold her breath.
It was like “you’re not going anywhere!” If I was on top. Doggy style, I would
hit that deep g spot and she’d have rolling orgasms and I would have to hold
her upright by her little buns, because her thighs would go weak, she’d be face
down, limp and speechless as she would start to tip over. It was so beautiful
and cute. Ugh. I miss her. Her pussy would convulse for minutes on end and she
couldn’t talk. Coming in her was heaven. I’ve put myself in a coma from
OD’ing…I have been as high as consciously possible…nothing compared to her and
I coming together. I have to say, we had an unbelievable sex life.”
“Amazing. No really. To be honest, it’s like velvet waves
flowing down and around while gripping the penis while trying to push it out.
At least, that’s my experience.”
“As others said, it is strongly dependent on the girl – If
she has well developed pelvic floor muscles, it can be a pretty amazing
sensation. It is kind of hard to describe though: it’s almost like getting a
very good blowjob, except that the active gripping and milking makes it really
unique. What makes it even more of a turn on is when I feel that, and know that
it happened due to her own orgasm.”
“The emotional/spiritual sensation is amazing. Sometimes I
smile and admire my work. Women cum so many different ways, sometimes quiet and
divine, or loud and roaring… I try to appreciate their individual, expressive
orgasms for what they are. Physically, much depends on the PC muscle. The
really strong orgasms cause such intense physical sensations that I almost
always lose control and if I climax then, it’s a hard and heart stopping
orgasm. This is especially so without a condom, but even still I can feel the
vaginal wall strengthening its grip on my penis and drawing more blood to the
glans for maximum sensation. I just have to admire how biologically designed we
are for this stuff.”
“If my penis is in her when she cums I feel her vagina
pulsing and tightening around my penis. I love that feeling.”
Oral Techniques to
Make Her Orgasm Quicker | Free eBook
Today's Question: How
can I make my girl cum by fingering her pussy
Many readers have been emailing me with their questions, so
everyday I would be answering their questions so I decided to email you too
Today’s question and my answer to it.
Stimulate Her G-Spot
At first you may want to use just one finger slowly inserted
inside her with your palm facing the roof. Make sure the finger is well lubed
and the lube is body temperature. A cold hand will sharply reduce her arousal,
and you will have to build her arousal back up again.
There are 3 basic motions that can be used to stimulate her
g-spot with your finger(s).
The 1st motion (and most important one) is the come hither
motion. The fingers are curled upwards and moved in and out towards your palm.
This is what can quite often make her have a squirting orgasm.
The 2nd motion is the windscreen wiper motion.The curled
fingers are moved from side to side across the g-spot, essentially wiping her
g-spot. The tips of your fingers will be pointing towards her left hip then her
right hip.
The 3rd motion the barrel roll inside her. Use the tips of
your fingers to make a circular motion inside the vagina. Use the 3 motions
with either one or two fingers to stimulate her g-spot. Remember I have got the
whole guide into understanding and pleasing your girl here: Female
Orgasm 101; Preparation, Building & Delivering it
The Ultimate Double Stimulation
Double stimulation means stimulating the clitoris with one
hand and the g-spot with the other hand. This can bring about more powerful and
pleasurable orgasms, and help her reach orgasm more quickly.
When you have a rhythm that she enjoys, keep with that
rhythm. Speed-up as she gets more turned on, when you feel her g spot start
swelling up it will put more pressure on your fingers, this is the sign she is
really turned on and almost ready to start ejaculating, maintain the rhythm or
increase the speed and pressure slightly, with the come hither motion hooking
round the g-spot.
Advanced Fingering Techniques
Here’s an advanced fingering technique you can use tonight.
With her lying on her back, slide your hand under her bum, just far enough so
that your thumb can reach into her pussy. Gently insert your thumb into her
pussy, whilst at the same time erotically massaging her clit with your tongue.
The thumb is slightly thicker and stronger than a finger,
and the downward pressure can be a new sensation for her. When combined with
the tongue, this is something she’ll really enjoy and keep asking you to do to
her again.
Fingering Her While You Eat Her Pussy
So, you’re starting to understand a few of the simple ways
you can use your fingers to give her the ultimate sexual pleasure… But she’d be
missing out if you only used your hands. Because your mouth, and specifically
your tongue can be an incredibly effective ‘instrument of female orgasms.’ To
take your fingering game to the next level you’ll need to learn how to
stimulate her clit with your mouth whilst using your fingers.
Before I cover the last point let me let you know that if
you want your woman to go beyond ordinary orgasms then this guide is for you; Female
Ejaculation; Unleash the Ultimate G-Spot Orgasm
Enter The Butterfly…
The Butterfly
The butterfly is an advanced fingering technique, and one of
my personal favorites because most women have never had this type of
stimulation before. With the woman lying on her back slowly start massaging her
clit with your tongue until she’s dripping wet and begging for a finger. Lift
one hand up to her pussy and slowly insert your index finger. As your first
finger goes in, slowly take your other hand and use your index finger to circle
round her butt hole.
With your two fingers and tongue this is essentially a form
of triple stimulation and sometimes the pleasure can be overwhelming for women…
Remember I still got plenty of sexual advice on my blog here
Good luck and enjoy!
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