Go Deep: Various Ways To Switch Up The Stroke

There is an art to making love, and just like the variety of paint strokes a painter uses to create a beautiful piece of art, a varied stroke technique is needed to truly create a beautiful and satisfying sexual experience when in the bedroom. Any man can pump like a jack rabbit and achieve his orgasm quickly, but to put the pleasure of your partner first and sincerely savor every moment of being inside of her and connecting on an energy level separates the truly skilled from the animalistic.

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Slow short stroke

The slow short stroke is one that can provide great stimulation by massaging the very opening of the vagina that contains hundreds of nerve endings. Go in slowly with short strokes and drive her crazy! Your penis head will thank you later.

Slow long stroke

The slow long stroke is the one that has the most feeling in it.  You get the opportunity to experience every ripple in the vaginal walls and to truly connect with your partner while watching her enjoy you inside of her. Switch to the slow stroke to also reduce an overabundance of sensation that may cause you to ejaculate earlier than you would like.

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Fast short stroke

Similar to the slow short stroke just with more speed, this stroke provides a rapid sensation to the opening of the vagina. Use this stroke before fully penetrating.

Fast Long stroke

This jack rabbit approach is one that is commonly used by younger men during their eager attempts at busting one, but it’s also a great way to take full control during sex and put your partner into total submission. The fast, deep penetration will drive her wild when switching from the short or long slow stroke.

Rhythm Stroke

Based on a rhythm usually deriving from following the rhythm of music playing in the background during sex or from a rhythm created in your mind, the rhythm stroke is one that keeps a woman guessing about how you’re going to make your next move.

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Curved Stroke

The curved stroke is one that has an arch to it instead of being a straight in and out motion. When the pelvis is rotated in a curving motion, the penis hits the vaginal walls at different angles that will make her body shake with pleasure!

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C) 25 READS for MEN
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