Go Deep: Various Ways To Switch Up The Stroke
There is an art to making love, and just like the variety of paint strokes a painter uses to create a beautiful piece of art, a varied stroke technique is needed to truly create a beautiful and satisfying sexual experience when in the bedroom. Any man can pump like a jack rabbit and achieve his orgasm quickly, but to put the pleasure of your partner first and sincerely savor every moment of being inside of her and connecting on an energy level separates the truly skilled from the animalistic. Couples Plus+: Download ALL Reads for COUPLES/MEN/WOMEN in PDF & EPUB Slow short stroke The slow short stroke is one that can provide great stimulation by massaging the very opening of the vagina that contains hundreds of nerve endings. Go in slowly with short strokes and drive her crazy! Your penis head will thank you later. Slow long stroke The slow long stroke is the one that has t...