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1. Foreplay Done Right; Getting Her Horny & Bothered RAW here He read a book on how to improve my foreplay . It wasn't too bad once he skipped past the boring part at the beginning. His girlfriend asked him about his foreplay technique . She asked why He always start with her nipple. He told her he likes to get straight to the point. The similarity between foreshadowing and foreplay is that either way you know something is coming . He knows he is doing something wrong when it comes to foreplay. But he can't quite put his finger on it His girlfriend won't let him spank her butt during foreplay, so he glued her butt cheeks together... Well, if you can't beat them, join them. Fellas, always remember the importance of foreplay...... when done correctly , a boob in hand gets two balls in the bush! School is the foreplay of life. You can't rush it. He always thought the difference between a chestnut and a walnut depends on the amount of foreplay . Why do women fa...